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What is one thing you love about your parents?

affableApple63 March 3rd, 2015

What is one thing you love about your parents? We want to know!



imontheoutside January 23rd, 2017

@affableApple63 Their humility and humour. (That's two, haha!)

Helping2findaway November 22nd, 2016

@affableApple63, i love that their marriage is still going strong after about 27yrs :D

Emily619 January 23rd, 2017

One thing that I love about my parents is (despite the times they could not like me so much) in the long run, everything ends up alright and they still love me! smiley

amicableBlackberry1517 January 25th, 2017

I love how my dad works so hard for my family! But my mom does nothing, and it really bothers me

imontheoutside January 28th, 2017

One more thing I love about my parents is their commitment to one another as well as to their children. Never have I ever felt unloved by them.

Prosperkitty February 1st, 2017

My mom always makes me laugh :)

simmikj April 16th, 2018


Yeah same here... Moms are the best

Laura February 1st, 2017

I love how kind my parents are!

Mellietronx February 2nd, 2017

@affableApple63 There are so many things! I love how giving and supportive my mom is :)

Prosperkitty February 2nd, 2017


Me too!

afriendindeed8 February 2nd, 2017


How beautifully they've pulled off their 23 year old relationship. :')

Also, their selfless nature when it comes to me. <3 I want to grow up to be half as good as they're at relationships and parenting! :) <3

Funfloor February 2nd, 2017

@affableApple63 I think mine is a bit weired answer.

I love that mine Parents are still alive. This is their gratest achievement so far as I could remember. And I am just 21 Years old.

imontheoutside February 7th, 2017

@Funfloor That's not weird at all! I love your gratitude for their presence! πŸ’–

Navylady February 3rd, 2017


I don't have just one thing. So here are a few. My parents are still married after 5 kids and 40 years. Not only are they still married but they still love each other. In fact they still manage to embarass me in public with their affections. Another thing I love about my folks is the love they have not just for each other but for each of us kids. We 5 are all so very different, and live all accross the US. They do what they can do see us all at least once a year. They would be willing to do anything they could to see us or their grandkids and to help us.

JustLolli February 7th, 2017

Although my siblings and I haven't reached my parents level of success at our age now , they still try to motivate us to do better, support us in every step and circumstances especially financial aspects, patiently advices us on what to do and the importance of attaining the necessary goals we set for ourselves. Which often times gets me wonder how blessed I specifically am and if I am ever worthy of such since I'm not really a sunshine and rainbow type of human πŸ˜‚ ☺

In conclusion. I love my parents because they show me that love can exist in different types of circumstances. ❀
Prosperkitty February 8th, 2017


I love this!!!

JustLolli February 9th, 2017


Thank you, hopefully my parents know that I loved them dearly because I rarely show it πŸ˜‚

simmikj April 16th, 2018



simmikj April 16th, 2018


Their Supportive nature ..