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Single Stress

drew101 November 28th, 2016

I haven't been in a relationship in over a year, not since my ex dumped me for no reason In particular. The breakup left me heartbroken, but as time passed, I have gotten better, thankfully. But I still wish I could be in a relationship. I miss the things you do in a relationship. Dates, Dinners, that sort of thing nothing more than that. And when I see everyone around me all happy in relationships it kind of gets me. Yeah I go to college and I have a job, so most of the time I can keep my mind distracted with more important things. But when im not busy that's when I get down about being single. And its not for a lack of trying. I ether get rejected, find someone who lives to far away, or someone likes me but I don't like them back. I still haven't found that right one. And i know im still young (20 years old) and I have my whole life ahead of me, but after a while it just gets to me and the thoughts of "you're never going to find the right person" creep into my head. Does anyone have any advice they can give me, so I can stop stressing out about this. It would be appreciated.

AdVictoriam November 28th, 2016


Would hanging out with friends more often help by chance? Or perhaps going out and meeting new people (not necessarily dating, but more just chatting over lunch or coffee, with either gender) new people?

If the problem is specifically relationship related, what are some of the things on which you fixate when you start feeling envious? Knowing more can allow us to better help you!

All the best <3 and sending lots of support your way!

SympatheticPrune2001 November 28th, 2016

@drew101 hello!

I am really sorry for what you are going through.

as listeners, we cannot give advice. But we are here to support you through this difficult time.

you can always PM me or another listener!

have a nice day!

Prune :)

CompassionateGirl90 December 2nd, 2016

@drew101 I can relate. I'm 26 and lately it seems like every week, I see one of my friends (or a friend of a friend) who's gotten engaged. I've been single for over a year as well and sometimes miss having that intimate connection with someone. I agree with the previous poster that you can get a lot of the special connection, minus the sexual intimacy, from friendships. But think of all the things you can still chat about and do with people even when you're not in a relationship. You can develop your relationship with yourself more too - get to know you, your likes/dislikes, pick up a new hobby, explore new places... there is a lot to do and a lot of joy to be found outside romance. Here's guessing these are things you've heard many times. But if nothing else brings you comfort, please do know there are many just like you, even older. I feel like I have zero interest in being in a r/l or getting married (for the most part). Sometimes it's when you aren't looking for it that true love comes. Life unfolds differently for everyone. I personally think it's best to wait 'til late 20s or even 30s to choose a life partner because everyone changes so much from year to year, especially earlier in life. I want a partner who will grow with me, that I won't grow out of.

Helping2findaway December 2nd, 2016

@drew101@drew101.. Hey there. I have been single for about 6 months, and i too miss the feelings of being in a relationship. I can not advice what maybe help you to be less stressed. However when im stressed about those issues i try spending time with friends/family, doing crafts, talk to someone very close to me or sometimes talk to a listener.

Hope this was helpful to you. :)

usefulJewel19 December 3rd, 2016

@drew101 first make sure if you are searching for the right one or looking for a girlfriend. because those two have two different meanings..

Also try to enjoy life. even when you are alone. because sometimes people tend to get in to relationship out of loneliness.

Being single for a long time could make you wonder if there is anyone out there for you. honestly I had the same thoughts before. But once you start to enjoy being yourself and spend your alone time happily you will see how it changes your perspectives

Ladybug11 December 21st, 2016

@drew101 Hanging out with friends and getting out for social purposes can help a lot :) besides, "finding the one" wont really happen unless you give people a chance. Maybe go ahead and try to meet new people :) get to know them, give them a shot, if it doesnt work out then arlight but at least you are trying and are getting out there :) Best of luck <3