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Sick of being single

bluesaphire August 6th, 2015

It makes me sad to not being married at my almost 40 yrs old, I have a bf now and this year, holidays are being fun and nice with him, but still always the chance as long we don't get marry that we break up and again alone for holidays, birthday or any special day.

I hate parties when everybody goes with their partners.

They at least has someone to support them or listen when they have any tiny little problem.

I am just tired of the pressure of society or family puts on me to get married, I wish that too but it is not that, take to for a tango, right?

friendlyGrace98 August 31st, 2016

@bluesaphire I can understand how it can be overwhelming when society is putting all kinds of pressure on you. But don't give up hope. One day marriage will happen but until than, try to enjoy life and try not to let other's viewpoints get you down. I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything works out for you <3

compassionateMoment29 August 31st, 2016


I really, really have faith in you. I seem to be someone who, when single, feels so off kilter. All I can think about is having someone to be with. Have you tried dating sites? I've gone on about ten or so dates from them, and that's how I found my girlfriend of almost 2 years. It's not easy out there, but if you keep trying I know you'll find someone who loves you. It seems like it takes forever and so much effort. I believe in you.

NoleBasc August 6th, 2015

You have somebody now and they would not be with you unless they thought you were special. Nowadays, weddings dont guarantee that it will last forever but I do understand that its more reliable than just being boyfriend/girlfriend. Remember that uve got my support! If ever u have a tiny problem or a big problem or no problem or anything, u can come to this web site and seek me out. I would love to be there n show u my support! I love u! Dont worry abt anything! Everythings going great in ur life right now, enjoy it. If things dont work out, u have 7cups of tea to fall back on! Take care, love!

bluesaphire OP August 20th, 2015

He finally told me he doesn't want to get married. So I told him I respect that and appreciate his honesty, but I can't not be with him any longer because since the beginner of the relationship he knew I wanted and he kept only leading me on until now he opened up and told me he doesn't feel the same way for marriage. He loves me but not seeing himself getting married birthday is coming soon. Again a lonely one.

Anomalia August 22nd, 2015

@bluesaphire - I'm sorry you're feeling isolated and alone without a partner, especially with your birthday coming up. Are there things you can do to feel surrounded by loved one even without a husband so that your birthday doesn't feel so lonely?

Akshayshr23 March 7th, 2016


Hey there, there is absoulely no problem in being single. In india, almost every other guy is single and every girl is taken. (Hope you understand, what it means)

It is much better to be single and happy then to be in a relationship that doesn't makes you happy, You will ultimately get the girl that was made for you. For now, just think how happy and free you are?

You are free with your choices.

You Are Not Answerable to Anyone.

You Are Free to Go Anywhere.

Youve the whole Bed. laugh

Your Failures are — ONLY YOURs.

You can Focus on Your Career.

All these simply means that you are good to be single for now. Once you get the girl you like, you can simply jump into relationships. Don't give a shit about society, they aren't going to help you in anyway.

Here is a very good article that might throw some light on you, why it is better to be single now -

Akshayshr23 March 7th, 2016

@Akshayshr23 You will get the right guy soon, don't worry!