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Mom treated fiancee horribly. I don't blame him and I get angry too but still have love for mom and don't know how to process.

Barenziah432 July 29th, 2019

To make a long story short, a few years ago my now fiancee was homeless due to getting kicked out by his abusive stepfather. Fiancee did try reaching out to his family, but they either "didn't want to get involved" or "didn't have room". My parents decided to take him in, even though we just requested a few hours to think about next steps. Shortly after, my mom started treating him horribly as she suddenly felt it wasn't "morally right" for him to be there. She is a strict practicing Christian. Thing is, it was my parent's idea that he stay, not me or my fiancee's. The worst was when she kicked him out to a homeless shelter while he had a 103 degree fever. She is a nurse. I told her to check on him as he told me he felt like he was breathing glass. She didn't and just claimed he was lying. All this based on her feeling his presence there wasn't "morally right". There was a lot more that happened but that's the gist of it.

A few weeks ago she came into town. We have since moved out of state. I called her and told her exactly what she did and how horribly she treated us both, but especially fiancee. She responds with "I honestly don't remember" and "That's not me." Then she calls later sobbing and saying that she thought she was protecting me and that she thought my fiancee was causing all my anxiety. To be honest, he never did and I told her that, even when we were both living with her and my dad. For the longest time, I was the wall between fiancee and mom. I no longer feel that way since I am now out of the situation. When she came in, she apologized to my finacee. Only, the apology was something like "I'm sorry. I was just trying to protect my daughter. This was an unfamiliar situation and I wasn't sure how to handle it. There is no parenting book for raising kids and she is my first kid so I made these mistakes. I'd like for you to forgive me. " Then proceeds to treat us really nicely for the remainder of the trip.

My fiancee does not forgive her and is very angry as he sees the apology as insincere. To be honest, I agree with him. This is where I need help. I am angry at my mom for how she treated us both, but especially how she treated him. Its been about 5 years since that horrible situation. However, she is still my mom and I do have love for her even though I don't trust her and still get angry. I don't know how to process my mom and its caused arguments between me and my fiancee. Like I said, I don't blame him for how he feels. We both want to move forward, but are unsure how.

ASilentObserver August 26th, 2019


Hello Ziah <3, Welcome to Relationship Support Space. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your thoughts with us. But, we apologize for the delay in responding to you.

As I see we are late in supporting you, can you please help us with the current status of the concerns you have and if you still would like to discuss and figure things out together with us?

We would be glad to listen and support you, if we could be of some help. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sending virtual hugs!