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Facts about Relationships

windflowers September 3rd, 2018

Hello! This is part of the Snakes & Ladders event, but everyone is welcome to participate. Essentially, here you will find a collection of facts to do with relationships!

To everyone participating, best of luck!

PhoenixAsh September 3rd, 2018

Relationships require a lot of work and communication, whether its friendships or romantic relationships! Its worth the effort for the people you care about :o

@windflowers Im apping and cant get my colour can you edit this xD (and edit this bit out shhh)

NeonBlueButterfly September 3rd, 2018


I've got you, teammate! I'll just copy your post with the color added. That way, we can make sure we get credit for the post. cheeky

Relationships require a lot of work and communication, whether its friendships or romantic relationships! Its worth the effort for the people you care about :o

Tagging @windflowers

NeonBlueButterfly September 3rd, 2018

It is important to make time for the important people in your life. Scheduling time together doesn't sound all that romantic and spontaneous, but it can be one of the most useful ways to make sure you stay connected with someone.

My girlfriend and I came to this conclusion early in our relationship, and we made sure to schedule time for each other during the semester. We agreed that we would meet for lunch on Mondays, get together with our group of friends on Wednesdays for movie night, and save Friday nights for date night. Yes, I do have those little fantasies about my girlfriend surprising me with flowers and chocolates sometime when I'm getting out of class or something, but relying on that sort of thing to maintain a relationship is unrealistic. We know that we'll have time to see each other three times a week, because we make it a point to do so.

It can also be important to remember to spend time working on yourself. I can certainly understand the feeling when you've found someone special and you want to be together with them all the time, but you still have to take care of you. The person that's right for you won't want you to give up your favorite hobbies to stay with you. The right person will actively support your hobbies, and that also means giving you time to pursue them. You should be willing to return this favor for the right person. This lets you both have time to enjoy your favorite activities and it can help provide stories to discuss when you get together again by catching up on what you've been doing with your free time.

As I mentioned before, my girlfriend and I scheduled time to be together during the week. We also scheduled time to be apart so that we can pursue our own interests. For her, that means hanging out with her family, some of her friends from high school, playing video games, or painting. For me, that means jumping on a bus, riding it to wherever, and exploring a new part of the city. When we get together again, we talk about the things we did. She enjoys my stories of exploring the city, and enjoys laughing at how clueless I am when it comes to painting. I enjoy hearing her stories about hanging out with her friends, or hearing about what her big, cute, happy, and not too bright dog did when she came to visit her parents.

Time apart doesn't always mean a total separation. We still occasionally text each other when we have something to say, but we both understand that the other may be busy, so it's usually quick check ins to let her know that I'm not lost somewhere in a bad part of the city, or to see how she's doing. The time for us to work on ourselves is just as important as the time for us to work on us.

Tagging @windflowers as requested.

Wonderfloofie September 4th, 2018

Girls and young women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rate of intimate partner violence — almost triple the national average. Among female victims of intimate partner violence, 94% of those age 16-19 and 70% of those age 20-24 were victimized by a current or former boyfriend or girlfriend.



Wonderfloofie September 4th, 2018

Half of youth who have been victims of both dating violence and rape attempt suicide, compared to 12.5% of non-abused girls and 5.4% of non-abused boys.

Source (x)


Wonderfloofie September 4th, 2018

Trust is one of the most important base in a relationship. Trusting someone means that you think they are reliable, you have confidence in them and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally. Trust is something that two people in a relationship can build together when they decide to trust each other. You cant demand or prove trust; trusting someone is a choice that you make.


Wonderfloofie September 4th, 2018

Being able to forgive and to let go of past hurts is a critical tool for a relationship. Additionally, being able to forgive is a way to keep yourself healthy both emotionally and physically. In fact, forgiving and letting go may be one of the most important ways to keep your relationship going strong.


September 4th, 2018

Relationships have their high and low points.To make them work well, good communication and mutual respect is a must.Also, you must want to make your relationship work, for it to work.This would mean not giving up on those you love, and working out problems rather than directly concluding that a break up is the only way out. @windflowers

September 4th, 2018

Often, in relationships, people tend to get carried away and soon they forget about others close to them D: Their world seems to revolve around only one person and this sometimes leads to over dependence. In such cases, feelings of utter loneliness are common. Since they don't have anyone left to turn to, other than that one person, because unintentionally they have pushed away everyene else :3 @windflowers

September 4th, 2018

​​​​A sort of continuation to what I mentioned above ^

The above situation is exactly why, people need their own space and time in relationships as well. This could be in the form of going out to the movies with friends, family time, or indulging in one of your favourite past times.It could be called as some much needed "me time" :p

September 4th, 2018

Falling in love triggers ​​​​​​feelings of euphoria, sleeplessness and obsession which is similar to cocaine high. @windflowers

September 4th, 2018

Between one in three and one in five college-aged women will experience some form of relationship or sexual violence while in college. @windflowers