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A really good book on surviving breakups/divorces!

PandaK October 3rd, 2016

Hello, All broken hearts!

Not that 7 cups isn't a great place to heal and cope through our breakup or divorce journey, but while swimming through 7 cups, I've been going through this book called The Breakup Bible by Rachel Sussman. It's sort of (but not exactly) a general step-by-step process of dealing with your breakup or divorce with other women's (sorry, guys, but it might work for you too) breakups/divorces. The first 4-5 chapters are good to get started with, which has actually taken me about 2 months because I took a timeout from the usual 8-5 working life and I don't have any serious commitments or responsibilities, like kids, but that doesn't mean it can't be useful for mothers.

Anyway, I'm not trying to promote the book for any profit, but it's just something for all who are having a hard time dealing with breakups/divorces. It's a very easy read and not too thick. Just read a chapter and try out the advice in it before going on the next. Or go through a few at a time, whatever feels comfortable. See if your library has it to borrow out or buy it on amazon. For a snippet, check out a sample of it on Google Books ( Although I'm still slowly healing, going by this book and being here on 7 cups is working for me. Best wishes from a fellow broken heart!

PandaK OP October 3rd, 2016

This link should go to the first page of the Google Books sample: