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AkshayaAchu February 15th, 2021

If you could have any super power what would it be, and why?

mytwistedsoul February 15th, 2021

@AkshayaAchu Fire - I would like to control and create fire. X-men lol. There's beauty and cleansing with fire. In some places forest fires need to happen to make some seeds begin to sprout and it brings all sorts of new growth

pinkBlueberry9925 February 15th, 2021

Mind reading so i could always say the right thing because i would be able to know what the person is thinking and what they want to hear also id be able to know what everyone thought about me and others it would be amazing

AkshayaAchu OP February 16th, 2021


Hope2Try February 17th, 2021

I would choose teleportation. So that I may immediately travel wherever my mind wanders.