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i don't usually hate people but... (vent, vent, vent)

sofiagrace September 2nd, 2015

My ex moved in with me three months into our relationship because he was about to be evicted from his apartment. Why? Because he didn't know anyone else here, I'm a nice person, and he would have been homeless otherwise. It took him three months to find a part time job. During that time I found out that he had lied to me repeatedly about all kinds of things including his past relationships with other women, all of whom he was still flirting with on Facebook. He was also trying to solicit sex on Craigslist through personal ads. After a number of explosive fights where I wanted to kick him out and he threatened to commit suicide, I let him stay because he vowed it would never happen again and because depressions lies to you and sometimes makes you kind of stupid. I was pretty depressed, but trying very hard to get help for it.

I fell I love with this person and he said he loved me. We planned a future together. We bought each other promise rings- claddagh rings that symbolize love, friendship, and loyalty. We planned to get married. I'm not saying our relationship was perfect, we fought as much as we laughed, but I believed, and he led me to believe, that we could work through anything together. I spent most of the next year and a half financially supporting him until he finished school and got a really great job. I believed I was investing in our future together. Three weeks after he got the job he packed up and moved out. His reason, which he wouldn't give me until a week after he moved out, was that my depression was making him feel bad about himself. He told me he needed space to figure things out, but he wanted to work things out between us. He also told me he wasn't interested in dating anyone else. A week later I found out that he was bad mouthing me to all of his friends. He also set up a Tinder profile and was talking to at least a dozen different girls. If that wasn't bad enough, he left a huge mess for me to clean up in our apartment. He wouldn't give notice to our rental company that he had moved out until I drove to his office and refused to leave until he wrote one and gave me his keys. I decided to move myself because I couldn't stand the emptiness of our apartment and had to ask my father for money because I'd spent all of my savings paying our rent and buying us groceries while the ex looked for a job.

I'm moving now and not once has he offered to help me clean the apartment we lived in. I had to call and text him repeatedly to get him to come pick up the rest of his stuff. And when he finally did I noticed that he's still, STILL, wearing the f-ing promise ring I gave him. I asked for it back since it doesn't mean anything to him and he said he wanted to keep it. I'm not a violent person, but I wish I had punched him in the face. He deserves so much more than that.

AdVictoriam September 2nd, 2015


*hugs* Betrayal and being made to feel like you don't matter is a really crummy feeling. I'm really sorry that your ex did all of that :(

yellowrosie September 3rd, 2015

I'm really sorry too. Obviously, your ex is a worthless, good for nothing SOB who only took advantage of you. You should feel proud you are nothing like him. Go completely No Contact on him and next time don't ignore the red flags. Listen to your gut the next time it tells you there is something not quite right with the person you like. I made the same mistake with my last boyfriend, and I still feel like s*** for not leaving him as soon as I felt he was not the right person for me.

sofiagrace OP September 3rd, 2015

Thanks for the support. I've had to talk to him for the last few weeks to deal with the apartment stuff, but it's done with, thankfully. I have no desire to ever see or hear from him again. My only regret is not having the confidence to get out of the relationship when I knew I should have. I'm never going to let that happen again.