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She comes back in my dreams.

Courage1337 March 7th, 2022

I just had a dream that made me really believe in the love I had for someone I haven't even seen in 6 years. I've kept the piece of paper that they gave me their number on after all this time. I put it by my bed and its probably been sitting there for almost a year now. Just sitting there, too scared to call. These dreams about her keep coming back every couple of months or so. She's probably not even the same person anymore. Do I call it or do I keep avoiding it?

Lifeonmars787 March 7th, 2022

Hello! Hard to say. It's been a long time, and as you said too, she's probably not even the same person you used to know anymore. I don't know the reasons why you have taken different paths, but usually a separation happens for a good reason. You could also try to call, but if I were you I would ask myself what makes you want to reconnect with a person who is part of your past, to come to understand if it can be a good choice. It is certainly risky.

pandabo March 7th, 2022

Hi I'm going through a similar pass 8 years so. I know how your feeling, and no she's not the same person but are you the same man that you was,? Maybe that a good thing tho what ever happened between you is gone now. But call her, maybe y'all can start over start something new something better, I wish my husband would call me but he hasn't

dukeofdearham March 8th, 2022


I've experienced the same for years. Sometimes no dreams at all, and multiple times a week for like two weeks out of the blue. Felt like she was supporting me, consoling me, and telling me she held no grudges. Sometimes I would meet her while she was on a job, or volunteering. We would always talk and there was a deep understanding and a quiet warmth.

Maybe that is why she appears in your dreams. She might appear for the rest of your life.

To me it means you guys had an unique rare bond. Most people never experience such a bond.

I would cherish it and consider yourself privileged. Throw the phone number away. Do not call. It is good as it is.

Warmth and love to you

pandabo March 10th, 2022

Thay should call cus the grill might be needing a friend of someone to help her,like with me after the break up I whint off the deep end started using ended up in a abusive relationship paying everyday for my x 2 call