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Please Help!

Queencake2144 December 30th, 2019

I went through a breakup a while ago, and my ex did some dumb things that made me super mad at him, long story short I wasn't talking to him and I was super angry but I moved on from our relationship.

Now, however, I feel bad for being mad and salty for this long. He was just trying to be happy. I want to not have to be mad but I am scared that if I let it go I'll miss him again. I allready miss him sometimes. I mean, he's in my nightmares and I think about us and i miss what we had but at the same time I'm kinda glad it's over. I don't really know what I would do if he said he wanted me back.

How do I let go and move on?

CrowSpectre June 10th, 2020


A seed, it only grows when it gets buried under the ground. It is a fairly common anecdote that people give for support and courage. But do you know about plants, miss. There are plants that give fruit or vegetable under the ground and there are plants that give the same, above the ground. The plants that are grown for their roots, meaning for their produce below ground, have bitter shoots which is the part that is above ground. And the plant that has bitter roots, has sweet shoots. Roots apply for past, or the inside, that is hidden and below ground. And shoots refer to the present or the outside, that the eye can see. During harvest, a plant that is grown for roots, is uprooted and taken out from the ground while the roots are cut away and the produce is gathered. While a plant that is grown for shoot, is sometimes picked or sometimes cut down, but it is never uprooted and it stays there, always. It grows again and gives its fruit for another season, while root plant is replanted from new roots again and then uprooted next season again and again. You are a shoot plant, miss. You have bitter past and inside but you are sweet and God has gifted you with many generous gifts to help others and give, that is the reason for your sacrifices. You have had bitter experiences but you selected to learn from them.

Do you know that when plants and forests stand in peacefulness then sometimes a storm comes and destroys the forests or fields. Sometimes predator insects attack fields and everything is destroyed and there is no hoppe left. But look closely, miss, there is so much life out of this improper destruction. The insects carry the pollen with them, even the predators, and then cause the plants to grow in other places as well, where there were no such plants. Exotic plants are sometimes carried by storms over oceans, their pollen is carried by the strong wind currents and they land in distant continents and are directly responsible for exotic vegetation there. There is even life in this chaos, miss, and if God can carry these miniscule pollens over oceans safely and land them in new places and help them grow a new heaven there, then have faith that God will not leave you alone. We humans, with all our talks and ego and pride, are still nothing. We talk and work so much to do this and that, to earn food, clothes and a shelter. We always worry so much about these things and think that it is our duty and responsibility to do that. But it really is not in our hands, miss, it is God