Moving back home after a breakup
I was independently living in nyc before him but then we moved in together to a new city and everything changed 3 years later. I don’t have the financial means to get an apartment on my own and I can’t go back to roommates again while feeling like I just want to bawl my eyes out in my room and not knowing where to even go since my job is remote and I don’t have a lot of friends in this new city anyways. I’m thinking moving back home is the best answer for now. Any advice on living with your parents again after a breakup? especially when it seems like my mom isn’t supportive of the breakup. I’ve stayed with him for this long by a lot of influence from my mom… both her advice and the relationship I’ve witnessed her having with my dad my whole life.. aka not one I want for myself.. aka why I’m making the tough choice to end this relationship even though I care so much about him
Hi Pineapple, so sorry about the breakup, and yes it is hard to decide what to do when you are new to a place and your money is limited. I am sorry that your mom is not supportive of how you feel in the relationship. Nevertheless, this is your life and mom should not tell you how to. You get to decide what you will or won't deal with.
Going back home is a safe thing to do but be ready for the lack of support and don't let it get next to you. Maybe you won't have to be home long before you can get back on your feet.
I wish you much success on your journey💙