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Missing him so much (it’s been a month)

friendlyKite2529 September 27th, 2021

He’s trying to be friends, I’m ignoring his messages. I see him on social media having fun with friends and I feel so lost without him. He’s always watching my social media stories but idk if that means anything. He means everything to me but I’m also mad at him. It’s a lot but I miss him so much. I wish I never met him. I want things to be okay. He told me he lied for a year about loving me. I feel so sick. Sometimes I’m okay like when I’m with friends. Other times like now I feel like I can’t go on. I miss every little thing. This is my first real breakup. Do I reach out? Should I ignore him? I don’t know what I want.

Simplybreathing24 September 27th, 2021

Hey there! You loved someone and he broke your heart and now you are hurting. Breakups can be hard i know! I remember my first real breakup. I was crying for days. One thing i want to let you know is that its okay. All the emotions that you are feeing. Your feelings are totally valid. Everyone has a different way of dealing with loss. You do you! Cry till its okay, sleep till you feel better. Whatever it is, prioritize yourself first!

Moving on is a difficult process and it takes time so take your time. You can maybe do things which you enjoy doing. Start loving yourself and trust me it will get better.

eaglebike96 September 27th, 2021

Girl!!! I can't relate more ...first breakup it's really hard but I guess u don't have to go back's just a lesson for u ..fate preparing you for the actual person ....just let him see your story better and focus on yourself ... And be that woman where you don't have to please a guy... And let him see you succeed and regret for letting u down ... Don't be an easy person..... Expensive is rare and only the deserved one gets it be an expensive person ..don't let these guys get you easily ...even I feel the exact feeling u have...i can still go back to my old rlshp but I know he is not the one cause love isn't the only's the respect appreciation understanding mindset communication n inclusiveness that matters... People can love you and still say they don't love you and vice versa. Many at tyms love is just being a mere word's always about how u feel about each other when together or not. In my case really can't get over him cause I don't fall easily in love but somehow he got into my head and now I can't get him outta my head ... I really wanted to know him ...his people ..his mindset I can't even listen to my fav songs cause we used to listen to it together and it just remind sme of him always ...he still says he would come back. Well what he did was wrong n it's unacceptable But I forgive him ...but I won't ever forget anything. I know my worth and I'm not a girl who need to please a guy or get chosen by him. I thought I wouldn't be in a rlshp and here I'm after a brkup! Fate leads u to unexpected things ...this tym it changed me to a new person. We got a lottt yet to come mate ! These hard tym prepares us to celebrate the gud times yet to come ...face it !!..go through the pain and comeout like a queen 👑 you r not alone