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I still have hope..?

Wealllearn March 9th, 2016

So my girlfriend and I were together for 3 years in November. Recently we split and it's been the hardest time of my life we didn't have the best relationship and broke up previously I had no contact for a month and she came back we got back together. We are now turning 21 this year and since high school we have been together (2012 high school sweethearts). My question is why do I still have hope she will change her mind like last time? I'm on day 6 of no contact and I feel better. But I still find myself hoping she comes back before I turn 21 in late April. I keep praying and sending positive vibes for it. Is this wrong or what do I do? She eventually wants to be friends I think but I don't think I'll ever just be able to be friends and by the way the last text we had I replied and she didn't and that's when no contact initiated.. Any input is welcome thanks.

ambitiousShip409 March 9th, 2016


I say if you are with her that is great but do not just stand there all the time and wait for her to come to you. I say go to her of let her go

Wealllearn OP March 9th, 2016

@ambitiousShip409 thank you for your input. I don't want to wait around but I find myself with hope.

ambitiousShip409 March 9th, 2016

If you have gotten to this website or app you made the right distion to come here and get help

WeWalkThePlank March 22nd, 2016

@Wealllearn, I'm going through something similar. I find myself hoping to get back together too. I think it's normal to want a relationship again and to hope for them to come back. I've had a really hard time dealing with my breakup and I have a really hard time opening up to people, so I've never really connected with anyone other than my ex boyfriend, so when I was dumped I immediately felt alone and wanted nothing more than for him to love me again. I felt alone. I still do. Its been about three weeks and I haven't really told anyone yet. Sometimes it's just too much to handle and sometimes I have moments of clarity where I realize that I can't go back to him. There are still gonna be the same issues in the relationship and I'd always be worried about losing him again. Most of the time, people don't change. And it's heartbreaking for me to admit to myself that I can't go back to him, but I can't go through this again. I'm not saying this is how your situation is, and maybe you guys can work it out. But if you're trying to move on, make a list of all the things you didn't like about your relationship, all the problems, why you didn't work as a couple, etc. I think that part of you wants/needs to move on and part of you doesn't want to. I think in the end you need to choose to move on and choose to be happy. I found this quote that really struck me. It said "be happy for no reason. If you're happy for a reason, you're in trouble because that reason can be taken from you" and that really applies to my situation. I was always mildly unhappy and then I met my ex and I was happy for two years and now I'm worse off than I was before. Anyway, sorry for rambling. My point is, you need to make a choice to take care of yourself. Hope I helped..

happinessguy March 22nd, 2016


I know how you feel. I know a few people that will really help you out properly. I`ve been helped many times, and once you use their service a few times, you get to know them quite well. I`ll leave the link below. Excellent to talk to, for anything that is troubling you. Maybe you would like to check it out.

Hope I have helped you!