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How do I stop thinking about him?

SLJ February 12th, 2015

about three or four months ago I met a guy I really connected with instantly and we went on a few dates together. he lives in the same town as me but he travels a lot for his job,

and everytime he would leave after we hung out he would tell me: I'm going to be here still for a few days but after that I'm gone for a couple of weeks. I never asked him for anything so I don't know why he kept stressing on that.

He had never given me his phone number but we just communicated through facebook, I didn't ask for his number because I thought he would give it to me eventually.

The last time we hung out, he spent the night at my house and the next morning I asked him: The reason you're here, is that because of me or because you just like having someone?

he started laughing a little bit and then he said: Both kind of, but also just to get to know you.
and then I told him: we'll the reason you're here to me, Is because of you, because I usually kick most people out, after...

pretty soon after that he left, and I kind of assumed that is was over, which really hurt but I expected that to happen, I could tell from hisbehaviourthat hewasn't taking it that seriously, and at the time I didn't want to either, but I liked him to much to not let him get to me.

I just needed to know how he felt about me because I knew that I would have to wait for him a lot since he's always traveling. and I wanted to know if he was worth waiting for.

After a week he contacted me again and asked me to have drinks.

this really confused me because I was convinced that he didn't like me that much, so I ignored him.
I couldn't get him off my mind so some days later I told him yes, that I would like to have drinks with him soon.

He never responded,
I have dated someone else after him, but that's over now and I just can't stop thinking about him,
I don't really want to ask him about it, because if he really cared I would probably still be talking to him, but I keep hoping I run into him somewhere.

I don't want to waste my thoughts on someone that doesn't care about me, especially someone who I only went out with a few times, but the thoughts keep coming.

exuberantPapaya6853 February 12th, 2015

Be brave and take a leap of faith. You never know, maybe he truly cares he just doesnt know how to let you know he does.

TransAm85 February 13th, 2015

Depending on your age and if you had sex w/him .. it was just a coincidance. Friend with benefits type thing. Some girls just don't seem to get that though. I wouldn't take it so severe unless he calls you. If you act desperate, he definitely won't call you.

Smerle February 13th, 2015

You probably need some sort of affirmation or closure if you want to pursue this man or forget about him. Simply talk to him in a neutral place and ask him to make his intentions clear so you know how to respond. It sounds like you really like him but if he continues to dance around your questions then he isn't worth the time because in the long run if he's just trying to get favors you'll get hurt when someone else enters his life. The most direct way can usually solve alot of problems. I hope this helps and good luck with whatever you decide!