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How do I stop being mad?

SailorSeahorse May 8th, 2021

I recently broke up with my boyfriend after he bailed on picking me up after I have surgery. I haven't had the surgery yet, the problem is I'm new in his state and don't know anyone else to ask for a ride. It's been on the calendar for months and it's all arranged with my job to have the time off and my ex decided to start a new job the day of my surgery. Instead of asking to change the day, or asking me if I could change the date of my surgery he just said he can't do it, period. I was shocked. This is on top of finding out he is taking another female on a vacation to Puerto Rico, but he can't even afford to have lunch with me. So I know I did the right thing, even if he is not cheating he still disappointed me on a regular basis. Broken promises, lies, bailing out on me all the time, not respecting my boundaries, all kinds of problems. But how do I stop being so angry? I'm mad at him, I'm mad at myself... I'm just enraged all the time about this.

Cactusgal1059 May 8th, 2021

I’m mad for you but I’m so proud of you for reclaiming your strength you were in a place where you could’ve lost yourself but you didn’t. it’s perfectly fine to be mad ending a relationship is a loss you’ll go through all the 7 stages before you’re ready to let go of that pain and anger in your heart. As for the ride situation do you live in a rural place? Cabs or ubers/lift should be able to pick you up and check with the hospital if they have transportation options .Sorry you have to go through this event alone sending prayers and a speedy recovery your way

pinkMap4438 May 9th, 2021

Hello, I love that you recognize when it’s time to move on. Being angry will pass. Trust … I been there.