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Breakup update

drew101 January 23rd, 2016

A few months ago my ex brokeup with me after 7 months of being together. The whole thing came as a shocker to me and i was devasted. My previous post was back in november of 2015. At the time of the breakup i didnt think i was ever going to get over her. We made many great memories together and when she brokeup with me i was shocked and heartbroken. To this day i dont know the exact reason why she dumped me and i still miss some of the memories we made, but life goes on. In time i have gotten better, and if your going through a breakup dont lose hope, things will slowly get better, as i myself have seen. Im hoping that a new girl will eventually walk into my life and ill be able to put the whole ex thing to rest for good Im hoping that whoever that new girl is will be 100 times better then my ex. My tips for getting better, surround yourself with family and good friends, listen to breakup music (i suggest Over you by daughty), and most importantly NEVER GIVE UP!!!

rozie January 23rd, 2016

Thanks for sharing your experience with us @drew. Its encouraging for others to hear how you came through this break up. And most of all so glad you made it through and best wishes for the future.

Helena January 26th, 2016

Thank you for sharing your story with us. Rejection is a part of life, just because we're rejected by one person, doesn't mean it makes you unworthy of love and affection from other people. Keep your head up, best of luck heart