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Anything other than time to help?

User Profile: kappa170
kappa170 March 26th, 2016

Hi everyone,

I'm currently going through a really awful breakup, and it's more painful than I could have imagined, especially since I still have to work with him :(

At this point all non-necessary contact has been stopped, I've cleaned out my apartment of all his belongings and even gifts he had given me, and am basically trying to get rid of any reminders of him.

It's been a few months now, but I still find myself in awful pain and daily crying sessions. I still love him so much, and we can't see each other due to external factors, not because he doesn't love me, which makes it so hard :( I've never felt anything for anyone even close to what I still feel for him. And the fact that I don't have any good friends in my current city has made it really hard to cope.

I know everyone says only time fixes these things, but is there anything else I can do at this point? I'm so depressed and getting professional help and everything, but I just don't know how to get through my every day life :( Does anyone have any advice?

User Profile: alonesomeryder
alonesomeryder March 27th, 2016


There is a meditation on here (I don't remember what it is called) that was helpful to me in getting rid of old memories that would come up into my mind. I was told to visualize these as balloons and as I was thinking about them, they would float off and disintegrate. You might find it helpful. Distraction has also helped me. I try to read a book quite often, and I have a goal of riding my bike 1000 miles this year. Yes, time does help heal wounds, but there is nothing wrong with a bandage and antibacterial cream and even a dose of physical therapy to help the healing along.


User Profile: Heartbroken1962
Heartbroken1962 April 3rd, 2016

Actually I do have a great tip: tapping. Mercola.come. you can do it anywhere and it helps. I bought a course from Breakup Doctor and a video in it showed how to tap. But I think video was from Mercola. For the first time in a very long time, I'm in less pain. Last week was the worst. Tapping isnt the reason, but it helps.