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2 months past, but still not over it

User Profile: djhmbtr
djhmbtr February 10th, 2022

I’m still hurting so bad over my recent breakup. He broke up with me because he felt I was taking my emotions out on him too much when I thought I was just expressing how I felt. He did things that would upset me, and I expressed that to him and maybe I didn’t do it the best way but I was upset in the moment. He said he felt like he couldn’t make his own decisions because he always got anxious and had to think whether it would upset me or not. That’s when he told me we shouldn’t see each other anymore. He posts songs on his social media now that have lyrics I keep reading over and over because it feels like he’s referring to our relationship and it hurts. I feel like it’s all my fault. I miss my best friend.

User Profile: LetTheSunShine22
LetTheSunShine22 February 11th, 2022


Hello dearest,

Loss of a loved one is a very real feeling - it affects us mentally and physically. I can relate to you too - but you know what dearest, every ending is a new beginning, every death is a new life and sometimes we have to let things go for better things to fall into place - no matter how much it hurts. Sometimes we have to let go of what is not ours, no matter how much we think it IS ours - only time will teach us what truly is ours.

When we fail in life - whether that is a broken relationship, not getting the job we wanted or even a broken dream - it is as though a power bigger than us is trying to tell us that there is a better path for you - what we should do is always learn from failures for it changes us into a whole new 'self' and this is your journey right now. I do not want you to beat yourself about this because as I always say: you deserve someone who chooses you - every single time:

I need you to know that if someone doesn’t “choose you” then they aren’t for you - no matter how much you love them or you think you can’t live without them - if they do not choose you for every second of the day for the rest of their lives - that is not love. Love is true, love does not end and love should not be painful. Respect is everything. You deserve it. This is the time you layout your standards and at any cost do not lower them for anyone. It’s your life and you have EVERY RIGHT TO LIVE IT BY YOUR STANDARDS.

Sending love ❤️