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TW Starclan's Duty

EchoTheDragon October 18th, 2023

TW: Implied death and the afterlife for the whole story will add more tws as the story progresses

@AvyIsKing, @Rui00, @ilariaxc, 

Mapletail lay in her den as she had not received any reports of kits she needed to accompany to Starclan. She sighed. It was the saddest job in Starclan. So many kits die in leaf-bare and during birth. She cursed at herself. She loved the energy of the bouncing kits but hated telling them their fate, "Mapletail!" yowled a Starclan cat, "There's a kit in Sunclan that needs to be escorted." he said solemnly. Mapletail dipped her head, "I'll return with them shortly Applewhisker." She lay down in her nest and drifted to sleep. She woke up shortly in the waking world in Sunclan's territory, only showing herself as a slight glow. She trotted through the forest, smiling that she could see her clan again.

She walked in through the camp entrance and heard the sobs of a cat. She looked at them and saw the body of a kit on the cat's paws. She saw the spirit\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ jumping and climbing on her mother's back. She kept jumping, "Mama, I'm right here!" the kit wailed, "She can't see you I'm afraid." The kit looked back at Mapletail, "What do you mean I'm right here!" she said, confused and scared. Mapletail looked down at the kit, "Look down at your paws, little one." The kit looked down at her now stary paws and gasped. Mapletail smiled and placed her tail tip on the kit's shoulder, "It will be alright young one, this's what's meant to happen." she purred, "Do you have a name?" she asked with a slight head tilt. The kit nodded, "It's Starkit." she mumbled. 

Mapletail nodded, "A lovely name, young warrior." She smiled and dipped her head to Starkit, "Allow me to accompany the great Starkit to her grand new clan." She said. Exaggerating herself, making the kit giggle, "Can I say goodbye?" Mapletail nodded as the young kit ran to her mother. She laid her head on her mother's paws, "Mama I have tp go now but I know we can be together again sometime!" she purred. She gave her mother a little lick, "I hope Troutkit can make you feel better and I hope he doesn't get sick like I did." she smiled sadly before turning to face Mapletail. She shuffled her paws and looked down, "Can I bring Mama a flower?" she asked nervously. Mapletail chuckled and nodded. She motioned with her tail for the kit to follow her.

She led the young kit through the forest, leaving Starkit in awe. She opened her jaws and breathed in the scents of the forest she once called home as she tried to find a beautiful flower for her mother. Mapletail chuckled at the sight of the kit, "Anything particular that you are looking for?" she asked, amused. Starkit nodded, "A yellow flower in the shape of a star." she said as she kept looking. Mapletail nodded and began searching for it. Starkit gasped, "Over here I found it!" she yelled as she bit the stem off and ran back to Mapletail. She yowled as she attempted to skid to a halt, seeing a fallen tree, but couldn't. She gasped as she looked down and was phasing through the tree, "What?" she asked. Mapletail chuckled again, "You're a Starclan cat now you can not be injured by things such as trees anymore."

Starkit gasped, "Wow that's so cool!" she exclaimed. Mapletail smiled, "Well are you ready to go back?" she asked. Starkit nodded and began to follow Mapletail back to Sunclan. Starkit looked around at the trees one last time, knowing she would never see it again. Mapletail led the kit into the Sunclan camp, where Starkit's body was lying gently in the clearing. Starkit looked to Mapletail, confused, who padded to Starkit's body and sat next to it, motioning with her tail for Starkit to join her. Starkit nodded and sat near her body, "What's going on?" she asked, confused. Mapletail looked to Starkit sadly, "It's your vigil your clanmates are sending you to Starclan." she explained. Starkit looked nervous about Mapletail being upset, "Is that bad?" she asked, uneasy. Mapletail shook her head, "No it's something that happens dear." She explained and pointed at Starkit's mother with her tail, "Now run along and give your mother the flower before we depart."

Starkit nodded and scrambled to her mother, leaving the flower by her tail. Her mother flinched and turned to face the flower, gasping slightly, "Thank you my kit." she muttered, taking the flower. Starkit smiled widely, "She saw me see!" Mapletail shook her head, "The flower appeared at her tail I think any cat would know it was from their kit." Mapletail said as she had an idea. She would have to talk to Rosestar about this. She glanced down at Starkit, who had tears in her eyes but kept a smile on. She looked down at Starkit, "You don't have to keep smiling Starkit it's alright to cry." she reminded her. Starkit's smile faded as she jumped onto her mother's back, "Mama I don't wanna go I wanna stay with you!" she cried, hoping her mother would hear her cries. Mapletail gave Starkit a few licks on the head to soothe her as she cried. Starkit kept sobbing but eventually calmed down, "Will I ever see her again?" she asked. Mapletail nodded, "You can visit her in her dreams if allowed." she explained.

Mapletail stood up, "Well shall we go?" she asked the kit, holding her paw out. Starkit nodded, "Yeah I think so." she said, looking back at her mom and tearing up again. She wasn't afraid to now.

AvyIsKing October 18th, 2023


i love ur writing you stinky sock, you are a genius 

just amazing 

EchoTheDragon OP October 18th, 2023
@Avyisking, @AnAtomParticle, @ScorpainsCollective, 

Mapletail woke up in her den, her jaws stretching wide from yawning. She stood up and shook the starry moss off her pelt. Jaywing was at the entrance, having a light blue blush on her face. Mapletail smiled, seeing her mate, "Good morning Jaywing how's my favorite she-cat?" she purred. Jaywing blushed harder, "I-I'm alright." she stuttered, "Starkit is settling in nicely." She said, sitting next to Mapletail. When they were both alive, Jaywing had a crush on the former medicine cat, Mapletail, and finally confessed to Starclan so they could be together. Mapletail chuckled, "That's good she has a good heart too bad she had to join Starclan so early." she meowed, keeping her eyes locked with her mate lovingly.
Jaywing leaned on Mapletail as she licked her head, "It's out of our paws. You guide them, and I care for them until they can venture Starclan's hunting grounds." she reminded her. Mapletail placed her chin on Jaywing's head. Mapletail was much taller than Jaywing, which always made her nervous. Mapletail looked down at Jaywing a7nd intertwined her tail with Jaywings. Jaywing purred slightly, feeling Mapletail's touch. She sat there for a while, listening to the starry humming of their pelts, enjoying each other's company. Applewhisker peaked inside, seeing the two cats cuddling, and smiled. He padded off, "I'll ask someone else." he chuckled. Jaywing closed her eyes, feeling secure near Mapletail even if there was no possible danger. Mapletail glanced at Jaywing, "What other kits have come into your care?" she asked. Jaywing smiled and looked up to her mate with a warm and gentle look. She always seemed to look nervous in Mapletail's starry eyes. Jaywing smiled, "Well two more kits are in my care currently Mousekit and Cloverkit."
Mapletail nodded, "You take such lovely care of the kits." she purred. Jaywing blushed harder and looked away, "I've always wanted kits yet I never liked tom cats." she began explaining. Mapletail listened to her mate carefully, "But then when I saw you I instantly fell in love even though you were a medicine cat." Mapletail chuckled. She pressed her nose against Jaywing's, "I knew the whole time bee-brain." she teased. Jaywing gasped a bit, "You did?" she asked, surprised. Mapletail nodded. She chuckled slightly, "You made it so obvious." she purred, "You 'helped' gather herbs almost every sunrise." she reminded Jaywing.
Jaywing grumbled, "It wasn't that obvious." she defended herself as Mapletail laughed. Jaywing rolled her eyes, "You'll always be my little mouse-brain." she teased again. Jaywing huffed, "At least I asked you." she said, lying on her paws. Mapletail did the same thing, shuffling closer to her mate till their pulsating pelts touched their thin, liquid-like fur rubbing together. Mapletail leaned close to Jaywing and whispered, "I love you bee-brain." she purred, "I love you too mouse-brain." Jaywing purred in response as they snuggled together.
AnAtomParticle October 18th, 2023

@EchoTheDragon Love it, really descriptive writing. Really, this is pretty dang good 

EchoTheDragon OP October 20th, 2023

Chapter 3

Mapletail stood up next to her mate, who was sleeping. She had to go on a border patrol to keep the Dark Forest cats from crossing into Starclan. She gave her mate a lick on their head with her starry tongue and left the den, "I love you Jaywing." she whispered so she wouldn't wake her up. She padded over to Sunburst's den and peeked inside, "Sunburst? Are you Shadowsight and Nighshadow ready to go?" she asked. Sunburst was lying with his mates Shadowsight and Nightshadow. Every cat accepted them being together in the same relationship, including Mapletail. Nightshadow stood up and nodded, "I'm ready!" they purred. Shadowsight laughed a bit at her mate as they bobbed her head. Sunburst looked at his two mates and stood up, "We're ready let's get going." he smiled.

Mapletail nodded and motioned with her tail for the three cats to follow her. She couldn't help but think about bringing Jaywing with her but didn't want to wake her up. They all padded out of the Starclan camp. Nightshadow snickered, "How cool would it be if we got to fight a Dark Forest cat!" they yowled. Sunburst chuckled at his hot-headed partner. They soon reached the border and nodded to each other, "Alright, this should be done quickly if there aren't tresspasers." Mapletail announced, taking charge of the patrol. The three other cats nodded in agreement as they began to patrol the border.

Mapletail purred as the patrol continued, "What was that?" Shadowsight trembled. Sunburst ran over to their mate, who was quivering with fear. He glared into the Dark Forest and hissed, "Diamondstar." he snarled. Diamondstar chuckled, "Aren't you delighted to see me Sunburst?" they smirked. Sunburst flattened his ears and hissed again, "You know you Dark Forest cats aren't allowed this close to the border." He reminded them, "You had your chance when you were alive this is your punishment." Diamondstar laughed, "Well if that's the case then why aren't you here?" they retorted. Sunburst hissed again. Shadowsight looked at Sunburst nervously, "What are they talking about Sunburst?" she asked uneasily. Sunburst didn't answer, causing the delicate cat to tear up, "Sunburst answer me!" she hissed. 

Sunburst turned to look at Shadowsight, "I used to train in the Dark Forest." he admitted. Mapletail gasped, "I wanted to protect you two and Diamondstar promised I'd be able to protect my loved ones if I trained with them." he explained, tearing up. Nightshadow hissed at him, "I thought I could trust you!" They said with tears streaming down their face. Sunburst gasped at Nightshadow, accusing him, "You can trust me I was a young cat then I was just trying to protect you!" he said desperately, trying to convince them. Nightshadow turned away, "Save your pleads for someone who cares." she growled and padded back to Starclan's camp." Sunburst hung his head as Diamondstar continued to laugh. Shadowsight placed her tail tip on their shoulder, "They'll come back. They need to process this." She purred, giving Sunburst a slight lick on the cheek. Sunburst nodded at his mate's comforting words. 

Mapletail glared at Diamondstar, who had an ominous smile on their face. She padded closer to them, "Why have you come here?" She questioned. Diamondstar shook their pelt, "Just for fun isn't that why you come?" they asked, taunting Mapletail. She bit back a remark and stood straight, "No we come to keep cats like you out of our hunting grounds." she began, "You've been here longer than me you know this." she growled. Diamondstar chuckled, "Well I should be going it was fun chatting with you." they said, chuckling. Mapletail rolled her eyes and looked to Sunburst and Shadowsight, "Let's go back I don't think any more cats will show up today." she muttered. Sunburst nodded and stood up with Shadowsight. They began walking home. Sunburst's tail dragged on the ground, his starry eyes full of regret and pain. They arrived back into camp with Nightshadow glaring at Sunburst. He avoided their gaze and padded to them, "I'm guessing we won't be sharing a den tonight?" he muttered. Nightshadow scoffed and shook their head, "Why would I share my den with a Dark Forest cat?" She hissed and padded off.

EchoTheDragon OP October 24th, 2023

Chapter 4 :D 

 Mapletail sighed and padded back to her den, wanting to nap with her mate. She stood at the entrance to her den, seeing Jaywing grooming her pelt. She purred, "I'm back, Jaywing." she purred. Jaywing was about to speak before a cat called, "Mapletail there's a kit in Adderclan that needs to be accompanied." Mapletail turned to face the gruff voice, seeing Mudsplotch. She dipped her head, "Yes Mudsplotch I'll go right away." she meowed. She padded into her den, curling up next to Jaywing, "I'll see you when I return with the kit my love." she purred. Jaywing gave Mapletail a lick on her head, "Stay safe my love." she responded. Mapletail laid her head down and drifted to sleep to wake up in the living world. She woke up a while later in Adderclan's territory. She padded to the camp. She groaned at the mud between her starry toes. She padded through the roofed forest rain from the trees, landing on her, getting trapped inside her liquid-like pelt.

She shook her pelt, causing the droplets to fling out. She straightened herself and continued trekking through the mud. She sighed, "I love Adderclan cat's spirit but I don't understand why they choose to live here." she muttered. She padded into the camp, looking around before spotting the kitten's spirit. She padded towards it, noticing how sad he looked. She sat by the kit, "Hello there I'm here to accompany you to Starclan." she purred. The kit kept looking down. She tilted her head, "I'm Mapletail what about you?" she asked. The kit looked up, his dark grey fur turning a muted blue, "I'm Bitekit." he muttered. Mapletail smiled, "A lovely name young warrior." she meowed. Bitekit cut her off, "No it's not!" he hissed. Mapletail jumped, "Well why isn't it?" she asked, "My name used to be Darkkit." he began, "But I bite a lot of cats and my mother and she asked to rename me to Bitekit." he said solemnly. Mapletail's eyes widened, "That's awful!" she exclaimed. Bitekit nodded. Mapletail stood up and motioned for Bitekit to do the same.

He stood up, tilting his head, "Would you like to say goodbye to anyone? Maybe your mother?" He shook his head, "I'm going to Starclan because of her." he muttered. Mapletail gasped, "What happened?" she asked, her tail lashing angrily, "I bit my mother and wouldn't let go and she threw me off." he exclaimed. His eyes were full of pain and regret for what he had done. Mapletail looked at his mother. She was looking down at his body in disgust. She sat in front of the den so Bitekit wouldn't see. She gave Bitekit a lick on the head, "Is there anyone else you want to say goodbye to?" He nodded, "Can I say goodbye to Milkkit?" he muttered, shifting his paws around. Mapletail nodded, "Of course you can." she purred. Mapletail went inside first, covering Bitekit's mother with her body. Bitekit scrambled in the den to a white kit with a cream muzzle and ears. He purred a bit, seeing Milkkit, "Hi Milkkit, I never got to tell you this." he began nervously. Mapletail nodded, watching him. Bitekit had a slight blue glow to his cheeks, "Well I have a crush on you!" he said, sitting next to her.

Mapletail smiled, "I hope we can be friends again when you go to Starclan!" he finished. He turned to Mapletail, "I'm ready to go now." he purred, smiling. Mapletail rose to her paws, "Would you like a badger ride to Starclan?" she yowled playfully. Bitekit's eyes glowed, "Yeah!" he mewed, hopping back and forth before climbing onto Mapletail, who chuckled.

EchoTheDragon OP November 2nd, 2023

Chapter 5

Mapletail returned home and padded over to Gentlestar, dipping her head, "Gentlestar I have a request." Gentlestar dipped her head to Mapletail. Both the she-cats lifted their heads, "Go on then what is it?" She sighed, "I would like to guide some of the apprentices to Starclan." she requested. Gentlestar thought for a moment, "Mapletail are you sure you can handle that?" she asked. Mapletail nodded, "I've guided many kits I can handle apprentices!" she said stubbornly. Gentlestar shook her head, "Apprentices are vastly different from kits." she explained, "They don't always wish to go and some." she began. Her eyes clouded with worry, "Some don't always go to Starclan." Mapletail sat down, listening to the former leader.

"You are a young Starclan cat. It's dangerous to venture into the Dark Forest alone." Mapletail nodded. Gentlestar placed her tail tip on Mapletail's shoulder, "I know how you feel but this isn't something you can just walk into expecting to be alright." she said, worried. Mapletail smiled, "I know how to fight!" she began, "I can fight them off! You don't have to worry." Gentlestar sighed, "You can try to guide some of them but I won't have you going into the Dark Forest." she said sternly, "And you won't be able to change my mind." she growled. Mapletail smiled, "Thank you Gentlestar I appreciate this opportunity." She padded out of the den and left to tell Acornwhisker. Gentlestar sighed as she thought of Pepperflake, the vengeful Dark Forest cat formerly a medicine cat, "Please let her be safe." she muttered. 

Mapletail ran over to Applewhisker, her starry paws gliding across the clouds. She jumped onto him, "Applewhisker!" she yowled as he yowled in surprise. He got up and hissed, "Mapletail you mouse-brain what was that for?" She laughed and stood up, "I'm going to be guiding apprentices now!" she purred. Applewhisker narrowed his eyes, "Don't you understand how dangerous that is?" he hissed, "The Dark Forest isn't just a nursery tale it's seriously dangerous." he growled. Mapletail scowled at him, "I'm not a little kit I can do this on my own." she grumbled, "Any kits that need to be guided yet?" she asked, trying to steer the conversation back to being comfortable. He shook his head, "Although the rain doesn't seem to be stopping the clans may lose some of their clanmates due to the flooding." He sighed.

She nodded, "I'll be in my den if you need me." she purred. She turned and trotted to her den, seeing Jaywing with Bitekit and Starkit. They looked over at Mapletail and yowled, excited to see her. The two kits ran to her, jumping onto Mapletail's starry, mismatched blue calico pelt. Her pelt was full of stars, and her eyes had an endless galaxy inside them. She sat next to Jaywing and the kits, "It's as if we have our own family." She purred. Jaywing laughed, "Yes but sooner or later they'll be on their own." she reminded Mapletail. She nodded, "Yes as do all kits." She looked at Jaywing, her eyes full of worry and fear, "The flood is rising I fear there will be many we have to guide soon." She sighed. Jaying placed her head on Mapletail's back, "It isn't in our control how the rain is but we can give the clans signs to help them continue their life." Mapletail reassured her mate. She still looked unsure about it. Bitekit and Starkit kept tussling in the den, yowling slightly. Jaywing chuckled at them with a sad smile, "It's awful how Bitekit got his name." she muttered. Mapletail nodded and heard many paw steps approaching them. Jaywing pinned her ears. Applewhisker, Mudsplotch, and Goldenstar approached them. Goldenstar spoke, "The flood is rising many cats are dying." he explained, in a slightly panicked voice. Mapletail and Jaywing jumped up.

Goldenstar looked at Mapletail, "You will lead a patrol with Yellowstream, Frostpelt, and Foxclaw." he announced. Mapletail nodded and dipped her head. He turned his attention to Riverstream, "Riverstream it is not Jellypaw's time to join our ranks please can you help her?" he asked, staring into her mismatched starry eyes. Riverstream nodded, "I'll do my best." she purred. Goldenstar nodded, "We must go at once." he meowed and padded to a large den, signaling with his tail for the others to follow. Mapletail and the others followed and sat in the nests, "I'll see you all in the waking world." she meowed and curled up in the nest. When she opened her eyes and stood, she saw the forest encircled by water with cats yowling for help.