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Writing Prompts 🖋📖

calmmoon2104 August 5th, 2023

Hello my fellow writers and readers! I hope you all are having a nice weekend 💙

Here's a weekly writing prompt (Starting from this week, hopefully will be posted at least one prompt every Saturday ✨) :

You are sitting alone in a library at 1am at night, studying for your upcoming exams in some days, you are all alone. Suddenly you here the sound of....

Get as creative as you can get! 💙

Take care and stay safe! ✨

FrenchMarbles August 5th, 2023


Love this! Reading the prompt made me think of something linked with horror, and I went for it.

Whispers from the Forbidden Library

You are sitting alone in a library at 1 am, studying for your upcoming exams in just a few days. The silence suffocates, and you are alone in the dimly lit, cavernous room. The old, dusty books seem to watch you from the shelves, their secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Suddenly, you hear it - a soft, barely audible whisper, almost drowned by the silence. You strain your ears, trying to make out the words, but it's just a faint murmur, like a ghostly echo from another realm. Your heart begins to race, and you try to convince yourself that it's just the creaking of the old building settling, but deep down, you know this is something else. A feeling of impending doom takes hold of you, and you can't shake the sensation of being watched.

As you try to focus on your studies, the whisper grows more insistent. It sounds like someone is desperately trying to communicate, but their voice is filled with anguish and despair. You can feel the weight of their pain, sending shivers down your spine. The air around you starts to chill, and you rub your arms to ward off the sudden coldness. But it's useless; the temperature drops, and your breath becomes visible as you exhale.

Just as you consider leaving, hoping to escape this eerie situation, the books on the shelves begin to tremble. You watch in horror as they shake violently before being hurled to the ground individually. Pages flutter like restless spirits, and ancient texts fall open, revealing ominous symbols and disturbing illustrations.

Paralyzed with fear, you can't help but witness the library coming alive with unseen forces. The whispers intensify, now coming from all directions, surrounding you like an evil chorus. It's as if the very essence of the place is trying to communicate with you, but the message is far from friendly. A flickering light overhead casts grotesque shadows on the walls, dancing menacingly, and the creaking of the floorboards echoes like ghostly footsteps. You feel a presence behind you, and when you turn, there's nothing, but you sense that something dark and sinister is lingering beyond your vision.

You try to call for help, but your voice fails you, swallowed by the oppressive atmosphere that fills the library. Panic grips your chest, and the feeling of being trapped intensifies. You know you should run and escape this nightmarish realm of horror, but the unseen forces seem to draw you in, compelling you to stay and confront the source of the torment. Summoning every ounce of courage, you find the whispers' origin and face whatever evil entity lurks in the shadows. Your heart pounds in your ears as you venture deeper into the library, where the forbidden section awaits, beckoning you with an evil allure.

The eerie symbols on the walls seem to pulsate with a sickening glow, and the air is heavy with an oppressive energy that threatens to suffocate you. You can feel the malevolence closing in, and a sense of dread as you've never known envelops you entirely. As you finally reach the forbidden section, a cold breath brushes against your neck, sending icy tendrils down your spine. You spot the decrepit, taboo book, its pages filled with eldritch horrors that seem to move and writhe.

Before you can react, the book snaps shut, and the room erupts in chaos. The shelves shake violently, and spectral apparitions rise from the ground, clawing at the air in their desperate bid to escape the cursed tome. You try to flee, but an invisible force holds you in place, rendering you powerless. The book opens again, and the nightmarish entity emerges, its dark, hollow eyes fixed upon you with an insatiable hunger. As the creature draws nearer, the whispers reach a crescendo, piercing your mind like a thousand knives. You realize you've stumbled upon an ancient hostility imprisoned for centuries, and now it thirsts for vengeance.

In the last moments of your sanity, you understand that the library's true horror lies not in the decaying pages or the ghostly whispers but in the knowledge that you will be forever trapped in this waking nightmare, tormented by the evil you've unwittingly unleashed. The darkness consumes you, and your screams join the chilling chorus that echoes through the haunted library, forever lost to the realm of the unknown.


hopefulPond6108 August 5th, 2023

@FrenchMarbles I may never go to the library again 😂

hopefulPond6108 August 5th, 2023

@calmmoon2104 You are sitting alone in a library at 1 am, studying for your upcoming exams in just a few days. Suddenly you hear the sound of popcorn popping. What’s that sound? You look around, no one else is in the library. There is no popcorn smell. Confused you push yourself up from the table, rub your eyes and decide it’s worth it to take a break. Besides, this sound will drive you nuts if you can’t figure out what it is. As you walk away from the table you were sitting at the sound gets softer. You move slowly back toward the table, straining to locate the sound. What’s this? It’s coming from your backpack. You open the pack and discover it’s your phone. It’s your girlfriend calling. As a practical joke she changed your ring tone. You answer and hear, “Hey you, take a break and come watch a movie with me. I’ve got the popcorn almost done.” You pack up your stuff and head out of the library wondering how your girlfriend get your phone’s passcode. What awaits, a movie or maybe she saw yesterday’s text from your ex Becky? And you thought the only thing you had to worry about was your exams. Hahahahahahaha

calmmoon2104 OP August 6th, 2023

Tagging :

@dancingGrotto @GwydionRowan @HarmonyBlossom @LoveMyMoonflowers @softForest4843 @easyDrum2118 @rainfall12 @Lavendaire23 @Wildflowerzee @snapdragon13 @patientSky1754 @marikkoliecemare @WeEarth @secretShip1631 @Mysticallistener @niamh333 @purplebonnie365 @qaqar @CocoaCassie @RainMyles4 @fearlessClementine6325 @dharmamoon @nomfundoshabala961 @ASPIRINGCOUNSELOR @purplexi

LoveMyMoonflowers August 8th, 2023


Thank you for tagging me <3 i'm definitely going to try out some of the prompts! :)

calmmoon2104 OP August 8th, 2023


Thats great to know! Take your time, be as much as creative you can! 💙😀

LoveMyMoonflowers August 8th, 2023


Thank youuu hehe <3

calmmoon2104 OP August 14th, 2023

Hello my fellow writers and readers! How is everyone doing today?💙

I am sorry that this week's weekly writing prompt is a bit late, but I will be working on it and I will try to post in a regular way. ( I just had many things to do which made me forget about this actually 😅 )

✨ Here's this week's writing prompt :

You are taking a stroll near a river side, which is flowing near your house and is surrounded by some forests at 12pm in midnight since you couldn't sleep. You were walking and lost in your own thoughts as the cool breeze is blowing, when suddenly you hear a light noise coming from behind you, you turn around to see what's it and......

Be as much as creative you can get! 💙


FrenchMarbles August 14th, 2023


You stroll near a riverside, which flows near your house and is surrounded by some forests at midnight since you can’t sleep. You are walking and lost in your thoughts as the cool breeze is blowing when suddenly you hear a light noise coming from behind you; you turn around to see what’s it and...... ... your heart skips a beat as you spot a small, wiggling puppy by the riverbank. Its tail wags furiously, and its bright eyes are filled with a playful curiosity. The moonlight casts a magical glow around the scene, making it feel like something out of a fairytale. Without hesitation, you crouch down, extending your hand for the puppy to sniff.

With an excited bark, the puppy, whom you later name Jessy, bounds toward you, showering you with wet, joyful puppy kisses. It’s as if Jessy sensed your presence from afar and decided to embark on an adventure of its own. You laugh as Jessy’s tail wags so vigorously that its whole body wiggles.

Sitting by the riverbank, you inspect Jessy’s collar and find a small tag that reads: “Hi there! I’m Jessy, and I’m on an adventure. I hope I brighten your day as much as you’ve brightened mine. Feel free to join in on the fun!”

Intrigued and amused, you go along with Jessy’s playful spirit. You start chasing each other along the riverbank, your laughter blending with the gentle sound of flowing water. Jessy’s boundless energy is infectious, and you feel truly alive for the first time.

Days turn into weeks, and your midnight strolls with Jessy are cherished. The two of you explore the forests, splash in the river, and bask in the moonlight. Jessy’s presence fills your nights with joy and wonder, and you look forward to each new adventure.

One evening, as you’re resting on a grassy patch, Jessy curls up beside you, his head resting on your lap. You stroke his soft fur and gaze up at the starry sky. The bond you’ve formed with Jessy fills your heart with warmth, and you realize that this unexpected friendship has brought a new kind of happiness into your life.

Months pass, and Jessy’s boundless energy begins to mellow with age, but your love grows stronger. You’ve become inseparable companions, sharing laughter and quiet moments by the riverbank.

One sunny afternoon, as you’re sitting by the water, Jessy nuzzles your hand and gives you a knowing look. It’s as if he’s trying to communicate something to you. Following his gaze, you notice a figure approaching from a distance. Your heart skips a beat as you recognize the person—your long-lost childhood friend whom you haven’t seen in years. Tears well up in your eyes as you embrace your friend, their presence filling a void you didn’t even realize was there. Jessy wags his tail happily as if he knows that his playful adventure led you to this beautiful reunion. And as the sun sets over the river, you realize that sometimes, the best endings are the ones that lead to new beginnings filled with happiness and love.

LoveMyMoonflowers August 15th, 2023


Awh :') this is such a beautifully written, heartwarming piece, French! 💕

TheArtistSystem August 16th, 2023


You are sitting alone in a library at 1am at night, studying for your upcoming exams in some days, you are all alone. Suddenly you here the sound of....

a quiet voice drawing near to you, then you turn and see nothing.. you think nothing of it and go back to studying as you were. then you hear it again and think "what is that? It's 1 am It's closed and locked..." so you get up and start to look around and feel a sense of a pure presence,but not as a godly figure,but as something more unworldly. you turn to see a mystical book shelf that wasn't there before .then take your phone out and turn on your flashlight. you see nothing around you so you walk closer to the mystic bookshelf then you see....

comment if you want the rest and i'll give it to yall!! <3

calmmoon2104 OP August 16th, 2023


It's really a great start for a amazing story, I love it. I need some part two lol, what's the mystery of the mystic book sled? 🤔 😮

TheArtistSystem August 16th, 2023

@NoahAnimates heres pt.2 !

An eleven dwarf creature staring directly at you!before you can speak it dashes behind the bookshelf!you think to yourself “should i follow it? or stay here…?” you decide to go behind the bookshelf to follow the go behind and then see huge mushrooms with small houses within them,And you think “am i in alice in wonderland?!” you look down and don’t see the dress that she wore in the book and movies. You shrug and walk on the path ahead to try and find the creature. After some walking you stumble across an elf . He seems intimidating at first glance but then he says, “a mortal? Interesting, did that dwarf leave the gate open again? Ah! Where are my manners? I am Lucas, the elf and you are?” you stand there in shock and stutter out your name “i-im n-noah” you say. Lucas looks at you confused “noah? As in the demon? That is the prophecy about?!” you stare confused, and somewhat scared you were just studying not wanting to be part of a prophecy! Lucas then says “why do you look like a mortal then? Did someone turn you into a mortal for the mortal realm?” you stare even more confused at him and say “what prophecy?! Why is this happening to me? Am I dreaming?!!” you raise your hands in an exasperated manner. Lucas looks at you and chuckles “so they really didn’t tell you anything huh?” he said, once again you stare him dead in the eyes “tell me what!?! Look, all I'm trying to do is study for my college exams plus I have to be somewhere today!” he looks at you “college exams?” he turns his head in a confused puppy-like manner, after a long explanation on what college is and what exams are.he says “so they really didn’t tell you did they?” you say again with more expressive hand gestures “tell me what dude?!” he sighs and shakes his head “those dumb mortals!anyways-” you cut him off and say “dumb mortals???!!!” he apologizes and you say “well then you shouldn’t have said that!” he says “like i said i apologize but when you were born when was it- 20 years ago?? Ah yes your parents told me you would tell you by the age of 15 but its been 5 years so therefore we had to figure out a way to get you here one way or another… at least we didn’t have to use plan A…” you stare at him intensely “what was plan A…?” he laughs awkwardly “no need to know!” he uses a spell to turn you from your mortal form back into your demon form, and you say “HOLD ON WHAT-” you look around frantically you see horns,huge dark red and black wings, tail! Lucas looks at you and bows down “my lord welcome home” you ask him what about home? Earth he tells you that their minds will be erased of all memory of you so there will be no fear, but you ask him what about your partner nathan he says “nathan? You mean the duke? Ah yes he is here too!” Nathan walks up behind Lucas and says “welcome home love!” you stare at the man you knew as a mortal and who is now a fallen angel you say “since when were you a fallen angel???!!!!” Nathan says to you “ah this is a lot to take in dear isn't it?” you look at him and make a rude gesture towards him and say “YA THINK?”

calmmoon2104 OP August 19th, 2023

Hello my fellow writers and readers of 7cups! How is everyone doing today? I hope everyone is having a nice weekend 💙

Here's the weekly writing prompt :

You are visiting a historical building which is nearly 300 years old. You went in the morning but you didn't noticed how fast the time flew by and it's late in the evening now. You went towards the entrance, but to your shock it was locked from the outside. You realized that the guards closed the door with you inside by accident. You were worrying about how you will go home, when suddenly you hear a soft whisper from one side of the living room. It was coming from near the stairwell. You hesitantly go to check it and......

Be as much as creative you can be! 💙


✨ Tag list :

@amiableBunny4016 @dancingGrotto @GwydionRowan @hanasophia @HarmonyBlossom @LoveMyMoonflowers @softForest4843 @tommy