What's one thing most people don't know about you?
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What's one thing most people don't know about you? I pick at my skin 20-60 minutes a day but I am working to stop it!!
Comment some so I don't look crazy! :P
Stay Sassy
I'm a pyromaniac that loves to set things on fire just to watch them burn.
That I'm actually a strong person. I may seem weak because you've seen me cry, or because you know I can't fight my illness, or because you know all the problems I have that aren't fixed yet. But I truly am strong. I am fighting my demons everyday, and so far I'm winning, thank you very much
@dancingJet55 You're awesome dancingJet55! Keep it up! Stay in the fight and hang in there!
@HappyAndReady Thank you so much!! I'll do my best
that i have a soft heart and somewhere inside me, there is a depressed poet with unsaid feelings.
I am positive for others, but not as much for myself.
That i'm dying inside. I put on a smile everyday so my friends and family don't have to worry about me.. Also, i tend to self-harm by punching hard objects, such as walls
Sorry that it is a hard time for you.
That I'm a good person who can't show it because I'm stuck in this spiral
I hope you can get to a better place soon
One thing people don't know about me is that I want to get my own book published someday. Whether it's a children's book, a romantic novel, or a book based on my knowledge of medicine and the sciences, I think I have a creative mind and I'd like to share that with people.
@GoldenAura731 I share this one. Which leads to another of my own... I started writing a novel that began life as an attempt at a short story for an erotic fiction site.
I think I'm depressed
I never smile when i'm by myself.
I'm a republican
@romeisburning lol no lol
@Robzombie lol sorry but yeah