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💕Write a HAPPY😊 story in 6 words 💕

juliak1968 February 14th, 2020

Write a happy story with 6 words



Write a happy story in 6 words..


smileyWhat story's can you come up with? 💕

I'll Start: "I found love and peace today"

misseuniverse May 24th, 2020

Saw turtles on the beach today.

juliak1968 OP May 24th, 2020

In our darkness, together we illuminate

007mattyg May 25th, 2020

A smile, LIghts up the world : ) :)

juliak1968 OP May 25th, 2020

Anxiety will never control me again!😁

SweetPearCrumble May 25th, 2020


Best miracle ever!!!

juliak1968 OP May 25th, 2020


Yes indeed! It took a lot of mindfulness practicing, and help from many people for me to learn to have enough confidence and the insights I needed to take back my full control from anxiety, and panic. Now when i feel it trying to rob me of joy, i take action to defeat it and I refuse to give-up my control to that invisible joy stealing theif. It doesnt have a chance any more because we know its lies and decieptful ways. I won't let that take hold again, and will fight it and over-power so only I can control my thoughts from now on. I will not be tricked again.

SweetPearCrumble May 27th, 2020


I am so proud of you! I don't know you but wish you could see and feel how proud I am of you!!! That is a relentless and tiresome battle to win but you did and continue with the effort of maintenance. Great job! Puts you in the category of superhero.

I am dealing with depressive thoughts and more recently anxiety. I am still working my way out. Currently at the stage where depressive thoughts are not dictating my actions but are still very much a pain. Anxiety is constantly keeping me on edge and paralysing me but I have moments of control and moments where I can decrease the intensity. So it is shifting.

juliak1968 OP May 27th, 2020


Hi, Thank you so much! You will conquire this, and take back your control and learn to keep it. One thing ive learned is i had to suffer until i was able to give up and start trusting enough to get on mefs. I had to go into a pysciatrist office and trust myself enough to focus on my emotions and start letting them out. Tell them how you suffer, no need to continue hiding behind a polite mask. The only way to get that real help, was when i torw off the mask and let myself free to explore and i trusted her and told her i wasnt going to over think this, i told her ill take the meds she thinks is best. I told her about the violent feelings, the sadness, the war, the losses, and i take each med as prescribed. Im not a super hero, i had to be fully broken before i could start being fixed because im as stubborn as they come. I was in my own way for nearly 40 years. You can do this, allow yourself to be true to you and stand up for yourself. Practice putting people that meddle in their place, so you can have less distractions and be able to focus on taking the best care of yourself😊👍

emi117 May 25th, 2020

@juliak1968 Live your best life and keep smiling!!!!! (its seven but that ok!)

juliak1968 OP May 25th, 2020


juliak1968 OP May 25th, 2020

Appreciating the little things changes us

juliak1968 OP May 26th, 2020

Happiness is yours

for the taking

juliak1968 OP May 26th, 2020

Food tastes better

when you're grateful


Emilylistensx May 26th, 2020


a nice long sleep, feeling rested

juliak1968 OP May 28th, 2020



🖐Indeed, a long rest recharges us

GreenAndRedBoat May 26th, 2020


It sure does 😶...

juliak1968 OP May 27th, 2020

I didn't break my neighbor's nose😁

juliak1968 OP May 27th, 2020

We can control ourselves with practice

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020

I met my lovely love today...



juliak1968 OP May 28th, 2020

Calzone makes everything all OK again

Juney23 May 28th, 2020


Your smile lights up your way

Juney23 May 28th, 2020


Your smile lights up your way

Juney23 May 28th, 2020


Your smile lights up my way

JoyfulUnicorn May 28th, 2020

She battled for years but she won!

(Shhh i promise i havent used 7 words cheeky)

JoyfulUnicorn May 28th, 2020

She battled for years but she won!

(Shhh i promise i havent used 7 words cheeky)

juliak1968 OP May 29th, 2020


Mums the word, your secret is safe with me👍😊

CheerfulCheese May 29th, 2020

Once upon a time, kindness happened.

juliak1968 OP May 29th, 2020





MariWhale May 29th, 2020

Today, I got my faith back.

juliak1968 OP May 29th, 2020


That is such wonderful to hear, everything is better, (tastes sights sounds) when we have faith and are able to let our creator help and teach us. I appreciate you kind reminder. Your 6 words say volumes!👍😊

Words have the power to heal

MariWhale June 1st, 2020

@juliak1968 Agreed! I'm so happy to have my hope and faith back after I lost it for months!!

MariWhale June 1st, 2020

@juliak1968 Agreed! I'm so happy to have my hope and faith back after I lost it for months!!

calmsoulmeet May 29th, 2020

A happy story in current scenario :

" Vaccine for Coronavirus has been found . "

Laura1989 May 29th, 2020

She keeps climbing for her dreams <3

Laura1989 May 29th, 2020

She keeps climbing for her dreams <3

Laura1989 May 29th, 2020

She keeps climbing for her dreams <3

bitlegacy May 29th, 2020

2020 was just a bad dream.indecision

bitlegacy May 29th, 2020

2020 was just a bad dream.indecision

blushingbureau587 May 29th, 2020


"I still love you" she said.

blushingbureau587 May 29th, 2020


"I still love you" she said.