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How do i write good traits for characters?

limesnlemons44 October 12th, 2023

Im having trouble with making characters. Lemme give you the character, their good and bad traits, and help me balance them out.

Jimmy. Good traits: Loyal and true to his word Bad traits:  Easy to influence with Alc*hol

Lilac. Good traits: Independent and smart Bad traits: Never trusts anybody

Wyatt. Good traits: Stotic and strong hearted Bad traits: Over protective

Tinywhisper11 October 12th, 2023

@limesnlemons44 jimmy is also a lady charmer born in italy, he's very romantic, and a great chef

Lilac, is also quiet and reserved, suffers with depression, and dabble d a bit in the dark arts

Wyatt the guy with the dark past, comes across as awkward and misunderstood, not afraid to do or try anything

yeah ok I'm not great writer, but I tried. Good luck with your story ❤

limesnlemons44 OP October 12th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 these are pretty good. I already had the idea that Jimmy was an Ex-Italian mobster 

Lilac was actually supposed to use Light magic too which is weird cause I have another character named Tera who is the complete opposite (peppy and fun-loving) who was a dark wizard lol

Tinywhisper11 October 12th, 2023

@limesnlemons44 your story is off to a good start. Love to hear how it goes ❤❤

Novelist40 October 16th, 2023


Quick question, do these characters interact with eachother and how? and am i able to look into their pasts and futures, like how their character deveopment works?

SquidwardBobRoss October 20th, 2023


Ok so I also create characters and suffer with making complex characters that don't sound bland and like a piece of paper. So here is my suggestion. When it comes to creating characters personality a.k.a their traits you have to think about why they have these traits. It is important. Why is Jimmy easily  influenced by Alc*hol. Why did he start drinking in the first place? Does he do it to cope or not deal with situations or does he just like the rush? If he does it to cope, what is he coping with? Was he raised in a house that abused substances. And why is he loyal and to whom? does his loyalty have conditions? how long does he have to know someone to be loyal? 

Also people have more then just one good trait and one bad trait. People have tons of traits and quirks that make up a individual. Also often traits and quirks are developed by their upbringing and environment.

So recap: Don't make your characters bland. Give them depth and Volume. people are complex so give them complex traits and multiple. Have their traits have reasons and connect. Ask yourself why they have that trait. What is their achilles heel? How much does their traits effect personality and dictate their life? How much of their traits make up them?

Anyways hoped that helped. 🤗

limesnlemons44 OP October 23rd, 2023

@SquidwardBobRoss would you like to hear Jimmy's whole backstory? 

SquidwardBobRoss October 23rd, 2023


sure and while your at it, do all 3.