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User Profile: alexlemon
alexlemon August 2nd, 2024

sometimes I think my dreams are just dreams 

friends are just people to leave

and people (the mean ones) are here to teach you a lesson but have we ever thought that the people we are around need more help than just one person can give

TW abuse: me as a 14 year old who get hit over every mistake who still tries everyday gets told I cant be gay I cant be any kind of LGBTQ because I'm to young don't people understand that hurts ,

but the people who help may be going through worse the person I love who apologizes for every disappearance over a long period of time  makes me feel a little less empty I worry if he finds out I'm gay he will hate me. the cycle I'm stuck in of meaningless words the empty hole in my heart over being abandoned multiple times by loved ones makes the emptiness worse every time my friends come to me with their problems  I make them feel better with the fake smile I have plastered on my face but the one person when I'm talking to them its a genuine smile the beginning to the end of my time I will always love that one person, who helped who saved me the little kid inside who was crying for help 

to this day I feel less and less empty when I'm talking to the one friend who I love but I'm also afraid of leaving me.

                                                          to my dear friend


User Profile: alexlemon
alexlemon OP August 2nd, 2024

@cielsylvin :TW ABUSE 

you may be gone you may not be
you could be teaching me a lesson you could not be
my constant confusion my empty ness is all because of lonelyness

pepole in my family say hes to young to be gay I'm a 14 year old boy who cries himself to sleep because he wants to be loved but I'm to scared to be

my one save it my dear my darling my safety my love
but I'm scared to tell him I love him
he's scared he will see me differently than he already does and that's something he doesn't want happening
a 14 year old being hit for every mistake who still tries for his family wanting to run and wondering if he just disappears with anyone cry or be sad
that's the emptiness of his life
this is my story as Alex marrow
the kids who can never cry without being hit

1 reply
User Profile: StarrySkies1236
StarrySkies1236 August 24th, 2024


I am so sorry you have felt this way and that those who are in your life treat you in this way. I feel for you and can understand how hard it is, when the people who should be the first ones to love you and value you are the ones who hurt you the most. I hope at some point you have people surrounding you who you’ve chosen and who love you for who you are, while wishing the best for you. Even when it is hard, choose yourself (when it’s possible) and when everyone else doesn’t. <3

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