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Time, love and death [TW]

Aqua7281 January 25th, 2023

I love...I love...

My love is empty, directionless. I don't realize why am I feeling it. What is my conscious right now. How am I being capable to exist in this reality, with the way I think now? I don't know.

I do not realize time passing by me. I did not make the best of it. I did not see people change. I am trapped in the past.

I am not allowed to be in love anyone. They all rejected me.

If I was born, then I must die. Such realizations suddenly appear as we experience life.

All humans have solliquies to the universe. This is mine. Some of them are listened to, others not. Is it selfish? It depends.

Does it mean I am depressed? Maybe. Maybe not. I really want to know that my emotions are meaningful.

I love you.

Time heals all.

We all die.

Universal sentences, encompassing experiences.

Time, love, death. A soul deals with them all.

Acceptnlove2 January 25th, 2023

@Aqua7281 that is the most beautiful insight and written display of is poetic. It sounds like you are really searching for meaning in the midst of something difficult. I wish I had answers. I hear grief, anguish, regret, and sadness in that post. I also hear you trying to make sense of an event or life in general. I can't offer much solace, but your words spoke to me because I feel those feelings as well but with more grief and depression. Keep writing!!

Aqua7281 OP January 25th, 2023

Thank you for the kind encouragement, but yes, I am looking for a meaning, and I do feel everything you've described.

kalymmenon January 25th, 2023

@Aqua7281 Unveil your hidden fellowship with Solitude; know it until you can call it your faithful companion.

Truth is not found in the midst of noise.