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Any other teen authors in here?

miannaisanauthor June 28th

Hello. This is an excerpt from my upcoming debut novel, "ENDOCTORO." Let me know what you think.

When I finally opened my eyes to the unblurred world behind my sadness, I found myself bathing in a calm part of the river along with the animated field of friendly fish and their familial relationships, whom graze across the brevity of bare skin at my feet and flow along with the river. Dark sand falls off of my fabric, somehow oily and slick off of my gloved fingers. It is now completely silent outside of the riverbed, the symphony is over and the ambience has been slaughtered. I didn’t get to keep my gift after all, the gift of being distinct from other women or anyone else for such a matter. Yet, something still lingers and chained to me, a faded image of her smile as she looks up at me, another of us holding hands in secret yet still bathing in the sunlight as we sit upon one of those tall trees on the edge of our world, the world before the hills that we could hide away in and roll down were turned into mills churning the workers until they reach their knees.

There’s another small story that I have heard from the other parents when I was there, apparently passed down with the knowledge of its ever-so-true gods and kings. All the way in the sky where it hides perfectly, and in the place where the light gets sucked in despite its own immeasurable speeds, there always appears a pair of opposites when the beast that floats is finished with its meal. They are as such by colour, intent, dreams, and anything else, really. For years, decades, centuries, millennia, they wander in the noise of the beast’s extinguished appetite without any vision of each other and they are stuck in impossibly blazing heat. One day, they become closer to each other. Both of them die by the end of it as they touch each other and fade back into the noise that they had arisen from. Yet I have still lived in the vibrations as I stare into the beast’s expanse that I couldn’t find any other soldier traversing without their demise in mind. I wonder if the vibrations will take me too or if they will finally spare me in the mess of the reality.

And as I keep staring for as long as I possibly can, I wonder if any of your songs could be stored somewhere in the lonely placed where I think and exist except for when I don’t. You always had a voice that could fill the room with something that nobody else could know quite as I did. I would have had an amount of joy bigger than the money and opportunities of the world to have my demise belated for the opening of your own concert hall dedicated to the people who kept you locked as you grew before you could be considered human.

yourlocalIKEA July 19th

@miannaisanauthor I love this!! Especially the descriptive writing part... What is this book going to be about?

miannaisanauthor OP August 17th

@yourlocalIKEA Sorry that it took so long for me to respond, but here is the blurb.

In a world where true liberty is a daring folktale, Ken lives under the crushing weight of a modern empire with the supposed spirit of a country destroyed and reborn, her every move watched by the ruthless Master and the Shepherd above him. Haunted by the lingering presence of Blurryface, Ken navigates a treacherous reality filled with horrific violence and unceasing agony. As the countdown to her undoing begins, she must uncover the secrets buried deep within her own mind and the crumbling society around her.

Amidst the chaos, a fading memory and a hope survives, the memory of a lover lost to time. In a desperate bid for another day to breathe, Ken must join her hopes with others' and confront horrors unthought of ever before, all while holding onto the fragile hope that freedom, though elusive, might still be within her grasp.

And yes, Ken is a girl. She originally had a different name, but it was too difficult to pronounce for my beta readers.