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What is the book that got you into reading/writing?

Rach4 June 9th

I feel like everybody has that one book or series which pushed them into falling in love with reading or even writing! For me, it was the Harry Potter series, I've considered reading a hobby since I was a child but it was this series that started my passion for books. 

MellowMusic June 10th

It has to be Percy Jackson and the Olympians series for me!!

I had always been a reader but reading this series was the first time I felt like I was transported to another world (and absolutely did not want to leave!).

It really got me into mythology as well which is why I started playing Age of Empires Mythology version back then.

Long story short, it caused me to go down the rabbit hole of content creation and I'm a game developer now! 😂

Rach4 OP June 10th

@MellowMusic Whoa that's amazing!! I love that for you 💛

AskTara June 10th

@MellowMusic Hey Mellow!

I have read the series and enjoyed it too. I even tried getting into the Heros series but after reading a book and a half I lost interest lol.

MellowMusic June 10th


Oh I totally understand, I spent most of the first book of the Heroes series wondering where my boy Percy was and that made me reaaaaally impatient with it. 

But I wanted to share a little joy, if you remember Calypso from the Percy Jackson series - she finally gets her happy ending in the Heroes series after all those years of being cursed!

positivelyLuna333 June 22nd

@MellowMusic Hi MellowMusic! Percy Jackson, specifically the following Heros of Olympus series, were so pivotal to my love of reading. I remember loving how it expanded my eyes to cultures, the different point of views of people, and also strengthened my writing through Riodan's amazing writing voice and diverse cast of characters! 

AskTara June 10th

@Rach4 Hey Rach,

Same! It was Harry Potter for me as well. Though it wasn't my first read, it was definitely one of the books that got me into reading.

akunknown June 10th


For me it was the Boxcar Children series that my elementary school librarian read to me and the rest of my class in 2nd or 3rd grade that got me into reading. But comics and Goosebumps especially the Give Yourself versions are some of the books that kept me into reading.

As for writing, no book got me into writing. It was actually listening to music that got/kept me into writing. 

Rach4 OP June 10th


That's adorable 💛

And music, interesting! I've never heard that as an inspiration for writing before!

WellsFiction June 10th

@Rach4 Same! After I finished reading Deathly Hallows I couldn't let it go. It led me to first creating fanfic then I began to write my own tales :)

QueenMione June 10th

@Rach4 Samee!!  It's still my comfort book to this day! 

Rach4 OP June 11th

@QueenMione I love that! Is your username a nod to Hermione by chance? 😄

QueenMione June 11th

@Rach4 Of course it isss! 😄

kindbubbles3420 June 11th


to me, it would be Les Miserables. it got me into both reading and writing 🥰

genericbeing June 12th

@Rach4 Mine would maybe be Dr. Seuss books because idk about anyone else here but I was reading first when I was really young not when I was teenaged. By the time I was 15 I'd read almost every classic literature book ever written; War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, Machiavelli's the Prince, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, books by Robert Louise Stevenson, Nikoli Gogol, Washington Irving, and more... 

AskTara June 13th

@genericbeing Oh, wow! I wish I had the attention span to read all the classics, haha. I read a few pages of The Prince for my law class, but then dropped it :p

genericbeing June 13th

@AskTara The Prince is really interesting if you understand the time period, history, and politics of the era. You did law? I did too. I was going in to be a defense lawyer but I changed my mind later.

AskTara June 14th

@genericbeing Yeah, I took an Intro to Law class in high school. Some of the content was interesting, but it made me realize that pursuing a career in law wasn't for me LOL.

genericbeing June 14th

@AskTara Nice Tara

Rach4 OP June 13th


Whoa that's amazing!! ✨

genericbeing June 23rd

@Rach4 Thanks :)

positivelyLuna333 June 22nd

@genericbeing Wow, it sounds like by the end of your teen years you had an amazing palate and diverse layout of knowledge! I remember feeling ashamed when I was about 17 that I hadn't read more classics, only having a small handful under my belt. Later I learned to accept where I was in my reading (I loved reading, but never was super exposed to classic literature) and now I can both enjoy analyzing classics and newer novels without that guilt.  

genericbeing June 23rd

@positivelyLuna333 I was never exposed to classics either when I was young, I've always been a huge reader, and I got first into read Star Wars novels. Then I got into most classical war history books by Roman and Greek historians, really big names, Julius Cesar, Livy, Heredotus. From war I drifted into politics, Prince, Communist Manifesto, Meine Kampf (For school mostly) then launched into heavy classical, and had them all read by around 15, mostly. Weird thing was no one prompted me to read them, I just love learning, like you wouldn't believe. I have no idea why. I even know 6 languages now, self learned I pick up things fast.

nestlecrunch June 13th

For me it has to be The Hunger Games series. It holds a special place in my heart and really showed me how reading can provide these different perspectives that you may not run into yourself :)

positivelyLuna333 June 22nd

@nestlecrunch Hunger Games definitely gave to us cultural exposure at such a large level. There are so many deep themes about bravery, society, politics, and diversity within the series, that I remember walking away from it with such a heightened sense of empathy- specifically towards groups raised with and without awareness. This was one of the first series that got me into reading! :)

WriteToHeal42 June 18th


To be honest, I'm not sure 🤔 I come from a family of readers, and I've been reading since at least age 3. The earliest one I remember reading was a Garfield comic book. As for writing, the earliest book I can remember writing was a comic book with a joke similar to a Strongbad cartoon I watched (around age 8?), but I've also been writing almost as long as I can remember too!

I think my solo stories were most inspired by the stories I made with my sister, and those were inspired by Pokémon and our toys, as well as a variety of stories we read.

Short answer: I'm not sure!

positivelyLuna333 June 22nd

@Rach4 The Maze Runner Series! This was definitely because of the community that came with it. In about 5th grade, I started to get into "Fandoms" on the internet, and the first "Book Fandom" I joined was for the series! It felt so connecting to be able to read all the discussion posts, memes, emotional responses, and just overall fanbase. From there, I discovered so many other book based fanbases, and would spend so much time reading, and eventually through my love of reading. Writing. :) I believe one of the greatest things that could come from an authors writing is a community. 

navyTalker73 June 24th

I got into reading by Tale of Two Cities, I think it made me to explore classics and fictions. I read it when I was a teenager and I didn't understand it properly but then later when I read it again, understood more. That's the book which pushed me to imaginary world.


I was pretty much born into a world with books and a mind of an avid reader so I did not particularly have any specific book that got me into reading. However, there was this one book that got me into thinking of writing and it was pretty good. Trigger warning for su!c!de, violence, bullying, assault, etc. [Warning: Do take note of this because I couldn't remember all the triggers]

1st Book: A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki

Its about the author who lives on an island that finds a hello-kitty lunch box which contains a diary of a Japanese teen girl who is writing about her 104 year old grandma and the last periods of her life. This will always be my favourite book and it made me cry, laugh and be breathtaken all at once. My only 5 star book.

I absolutely loved this book and if you want any more recommendations feel free to ask me in the replies. Happy Reading! <33 

JessicaYou93679 June 26th


A good girls guide to murder

@Rach4 Shatter me is the best series guys..... Aaron warner is my guy ;)

richietozier7 June 27th

@Rach4 i really love the books "The Book Thief" and "Someone Who Will Love you in all your damaged glory"

summerlake June 30th

I think it was 'Are You Afraid Of The Dark?' by Sidney Sheldon, and a few more if his books, and then it was 'Wuthering Heights'. I did plenty of other reading too when I was younger. I spent hours reading newspapers and magazines. Now that i remember it, I realise what an amazing thing it was time have discovered reading as a child. I got into reading books as hobbies pretty late, perhaps in high school. But I am amazed how a hobby just happened back then! And now discovering a new hobby seems so hard.

WinterWoerm July 2nd

@Rach4 i dont know if anyone’s ever heard of it, but it was this VERY old book called ‘treasure island’ or something along those lines, and it changed my life. 


@Rach4 City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Shine2302 July 2nd

Harry potter is really a good series. The book series I fell in love with is the Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathy. They are some really good books, and it's about how the life of Shiva would be if he's a normal human being. It's full of action and romance and I love the series.

WanderingMind11 July 4th

I am currently reading the 1st book of Harry Potter series and it’s amazing