Anyone can be a Social Soldier! Find out more here!~ (OLD THREAD)
Welcome to the official forum thread for the Social Soldiers! Im glad youre here; youre amazing, and Im glad youre part of the community.
The Social Soldiers project was created with the intent on eliminating the stigma that comes along with mental illness on social media, guiding those who are depressed/having a hard time/need someone to talk to right here to 7CupsOfTea. As Laura explained in her lovely thread right here, we need to be here for people who may feel as though they have no other place to turn.
What are Social Soldiers?
Social Soldiers are people that use 7Cups-designated social media to guide people in the right direction, hopefully leading them to the site where they can talk to someone who truly cares. They use the handles Twitter, Reddit and/or Tumblr, and check the tags for depression, or self harm, or anything along those lines.
Who can be a Social Soldier?
Anyone! Thats the beauty of this project; literally anyone can get involved with it.
What isnt a Social Soldier?
Sharing your own personal social media with other members/listeners.
Someone that shares their personal social media in this thread.
Just to debunk a question that may be asked, you can totally share your referral link on your personal social media handles, however we do ask that you dont share your personal social media handle here. If you have a big following on Twitter, and youd rather use your personal account to spread the word, thats totally okay, just do not share with other members/listeners your personal account. If you have any questions on this, feel free to PM me.
How to get involved?
Read through our post on the new team, to understand the changes a little more as well as to find the links to apply.
Project Leadership
@ArwaS - Project Leader
@Erato - Twitter Team Leader
@Yendi - Tumblr Team Leader
Find 7 Cups on social media here - Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest
(Edit 1 - to add updated project information)
(Edit 2 - adding 7 Cups social media accounts)
(Edit 3 - Edited Manual link and removed Dashboard link)
(Edit 4 - By @Dillion - Added Leadership Model to Main Post)
(Edit 5 - By @Rebecca to reflect changes in leadership and to update project links)
(Edit 6 - By @ArwaS to reflect changes in leadership)
(Edit 7 - By @ArwaS to reflect changes in leadership, and project changes)
(Edit 8 - By @ArwaS to reflect changes in leadership)
(Edit 9 - By @Erato to update 7cups' social media links)
(Edit 10 - By @Arws to update changes in leadership and process)
Join us on our journey to end mental health stigma and share the 7cups love with the world!❤
I just wanted to tag you here in case the Social Soldier project is something that you're interested in! And if you do decide to join, not to cloud your judgement but...*cough twitter team is the awesomest cough*Hugs! ❀
@ZaraSmiles - Best. Call. Ever. I'm not entirely sure that Twitter would be able to handle the combined loveliness of you and @Annie though...
@Lyra, you're so nice!! Between the two of you, I can't resist!
(heading out to learn more about Tumblr and Twitter . . .)
*Cough Tumblr team is better Cough*
Cool work Grace!
@ZaraSmiles, thanks for the tag. I am chagrinedto admit that I don't know how to use Tumblr or Twitter. I opened a twitter account so I could vote for 7 Cups at ProjectHunt-but have done nothing with it since then,.
(sigh) I guess it's time for me to step fully into the 21st century and learn more stuff!! (telling self to standtall, raisechin, shoulders back, deeeeepbreath -- Go!)
Aww @Annie it's such an honour to have you embrace the works of the 21st century! But noworries, you're not alone! ✿Before this project, I had 0 experience with the likes of social media (and technology remains a foreign subject for me and my twin @Lyra #fact) but some weeks later... WOW. I made a twitter account, used it, AND I'm still alive? Mind blown✸Haha, so join the twittersphere and me and Lyra will make you feel welcomed FOR SURE! Love, love, love, love, and more love!❤ #AnnieIsAwesome
I don't have any social media accounts other than facebook, but I've posted several times. 55 clicks, so it's working!
How does it work when a person on the one hand is asked not to provide identifying information or social media handles, and on the other hand is being encouraged in this forum to use social media to spread the word about 7cupsoftea? I'm curious as to your thoughts.
@Charles1978 When we are spreading the word, we don't disclose our identity. We just produce a link which leads to the website in case of personal accounts. So Whoever reads those post doesn't have the idea who we are in here..
Hello, newish listener, passed information to Mental Heath Team
Sent some messages out on FB and had a great response! Way to go everyone! Just wanted to thank you for helping so many people :)
I wish i had more time to do this! This sounds amazing
I'm on both the Reddit and the Twitter team. Loving it so far-- I've reached a lot of people who really need our help but don't know we exist.
I find the best search critera on Twitter to be "need to vent". Updates every minute or so with people who don't have someone to talk to.
hey @Maygun
Thank you for all the work you are doing on these two teams and also thank you for the tip!
I'm on the twitter, facebook, google+ and instagram team!
I don't use FB often - but posted about 7 Cups this week with my referral link and have really been enjoying talking with people about how it all works as a guest, member, or listener. Lots of the people I know would make great listeners!
I posted on Reddit and have gotten amazing responses! :)