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October 12 - 18th - Face Your Fears Week

QuickJazz October 12th, 2015

This week (October 12 - 18th) is Face Your Fears Week!

What are you afraid of?

Spiders? Heights? Public Speaking? People who look different?

Fears can be a challenge to overcome at times. In fact, it can even be a challenge to simply recognise them! We on 7 Cups wish to support you in facing your own personal fear(s), and we hope to open up a dialogue about fears a lot more during this week - Face Your Fears Week!

[Inspired by Changing Faces].

Please subscribe to this thread if youd like to keep updated on the on-going events related to this observance!

Here are a few activities you can take part in throughout this entire week:

Forum section: Phobia Support
Information: This is a forum space in which you can seek support for any phobias you have.

Forum post: What is your phobia?
Information: Share your phobia and story here.

Forum Post: I am brave because...
Information: Let us know what makes you brave!

Forum post: 30 Day Face Your Fears Challenge
Information: Challenge yourself to do something you fear, something youve been putting off, or something youve never done before for 30 days.

Feed Activity: 30 Day Face Your Fears Challenge
Information: Share with us as you challenge yourself to do something you fear, something you have been putting off, or something youve never done before for 30 days. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #BeBrave

Feed Activity: I am brave because...
Information: Let us know what makes you brave! Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #BeBrave

Feed Activity: Questions & Answers on Fear series
Information: A question and answer related to fear will be posted every day this week. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #QuestionAndAnswers #AskOn7Cups

Hope you'll have a great week, and will be able to recognise, increase or inspire courage!

Did you know? It is also LGBTQ+ Ally Week on 7 Cups. Check out activities for this here!

QuickJazz OP October 12th, 2015
Keeping up with special events tag list: @awesomeandy @wonderfulPumpkin71 @StormDancer @DHawks @mobbsy @Alexa28 @calmHemlock64 @bipolarhedgehog @Lulu2015 @RebeccaEmily @pandamars08 @CelestiaStar @RocketsMom @glisteningTree50 @sunshineNrainbows @MidniteAngel @Imawesome @Cadence @Ila @mscoxie @Celaeno @MelAllyouneedislove @alexlove @ItsLee @Georgie4 @Ace13 @OrangeSlices @Briana98 @Chevy81 @Renaenae @godsgirlrhizzy @Maui @Sherlock37 @ShatteredandSorrowing @WarmHeart22 @PurpleLychee @mahoganyecho @soulsings @happynappy @justkeepsmiling26 @shoyru37 @LowKeyNostalgia14 @enchantingpiano80 @trisjlistens @StarFlower @CrimsonPlum47 @guidingMusic @AffyAvo @AmyAmelia @gracey @ridearainbow @MsEmma @CoffeeTeaAndHonesty @OutAndThrough @tranqilfreedom @ArmyWife09 @AmityAllecra19 @MarianaFilipaSouza6 @ItWillBeOkaySarah @Chenar @sprout92 @earthwalker3 @calmingwaves12 @Jelayme @Chiara900 @Priti @TabbyPhoenix @Alicattt @ZaraSmiles @MsT @JLCsmile @Anggi @ColourfulClarity @unsinkablespirit312 @221Skye @alexlove @Vixiana @friendshipisforever @IreKat @Mizpah @giivemelove @Evangelinelover @Raylen @ShadowFaerie @JelayMe @Letmehelpyou210 @mistergreeneyes @Anushka1 @QuickJazz @peacefulSoul8 @Gentlekitefly @Spes @Lilylistens @LovedSoul92 @NewRomantic677 @Andrea50 @isthisreallylife @Always25 @pray4theheartless @AshlynHeart27 @mikaelaap @Pboob @Pbob @OneCardShort @s12 @JustMe11 @HopefulRainfall @Kallie112358 @Dillion @TortueDesBois @JohnnyM @cherishedJet13 @2015ihope @zeldabelle @YayyySphere @cristiana33 @Comfortingbubbles @Styllista82 @Oli1981 @itsallthesame @vivelespatates @Allthelovek @politeocean93 @EverGreenLives @colibri @PiquedPiper @politeParadise57 [add/remove yourself here]
QuickJazz OP October 12th, 2015

October 12th - What are fears?

Today, we are going to start off the event by addressing what fears are and what they can involve.

Here are a few activities you can take part in today:

Discussion: What are fears? led by @Param and @LoveApple
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult side)
Time: 11:30am EDT / 4:30pm BST

Discussion: What are fears? led by @221Skye and @scarlet25
Location: Guided Discussion Room (teen side)
Time: 12pm EDT / 5pm BST

Discussion: Helping members with fear and phobia led by @Renaenae (cancelled!)
Location: Teen Listeners
Time: 6pm EDT / 11pm EDT

[Convert to your time zone here]

Feed Activity: Why can't I control my fears?
Information: This is todays question for the Q&A posts on fear. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #QuestionAndAnswers #AskOn7Cups

QuickJazz OP October 13th, 2015

October 13th - Acknowledging Fears

So now that we have addressed what fears are, this day seeks to encourage identifying and acknowledging our fears.

Here are a few activities you can take part in today:

Discussion: Acknowledging Fears led by @Param and @carefreePerspective39
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult side)
Time: 11:30am EDT / 4:30pm BST

Discussion: Acknowledging Fears led by @221Skye and @BashoreBuddy
Location: Guided Discussion Room (teen side)
Time: 6pm EDT / 11pm BST

Discussion: Helping members with a fear of judgement led by @Alicattt
Location: Listener Community Room
Time: 9pm EDT / 2am BST

Discussion: Helping members with a fear of judgement led by @amazingrea and @RocketsMom
Location: Teen Listeners
Time: 11pm EDT / 4am BST

[Convert to your time zone here]

Feed Activity: Why do I always have that constant fear of being judged by the way I look or act or even speak?
Information: This is todays question for the Q&A posts on fear. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #QuestionAndAnswers #AskOn7Cups

QuickJazz OP October 14th, 2015

October 14th - Understanding Fears

Today is a day for understanding our fears.

This involves learning about the history of our fears and triggers, and whatever else is helpful for us to know about our experience with fear.

Here are a few activities you can take part in today:

Discussion: Understanding Fears led by @Param and @Mercedez
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult side)
Time: 12pm EDT / 5pm EDT

Discussion: Understanding Fears led by @MidniteAngel
Location: Guided Discussion Room (teen side)
Time: 8am EDT / 1pm BST

Discussion: Helping members with a fear of the unknown led by @Alicattt
Location: Listener Community Room
Time: 3pm EDT / 8pm BST

Discussion: Helping members with a fear of the unknown led by @Renaenae
Location: Teen Listeners
Time: 5pm EDT / 10pm BST

[Convert to your time zone here]

Feed Activity: Why do I always fear the unknown to the point that it's almost debilitating?
Information: This is todays question for the Q&A posts on fear. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #QuestionAndAnswers #AskOn7Cups

QuickJazz OP October 15th, 2015

October 15th - Preparing to Face Fears

So now we know our fears a little better (how they affect us, what they involve, where they come from and so forth), we can now begin to learn what tools may be helpful for us when it comes to facing them. Therefore, this day focuses on preparing to face our fears!

Here are a few activities you can take part in today:

Discussion: Preparing to Face Fears led by @Kallie112358 and @BLTmaster
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult side)
Time: 4pm EDT / 9pm BST

Discussion: Preparing to Face Fears led by @221Skye and @cristiana33
Location: Guided Discussion Room (teen side)
Time: 6pm EDT / 11pm BST

Discussion: Helping members gain the confidence to face their fears led by @Standforfreedom and @Kallie112358
Location: Listener Community Room
Time: 7pm EDT / 12am BST

[Convert to your time zone here]

Feed Activity: Why do we feel the fear of rejection?
Information: This is todays question for the Q&A posts on fear. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #QuestionAndAnswers #AskOn7Cups

QuickJazz OP October 16th, 2015

October 16th - Facing Fears

Now that weve begun to think about ways to face our fears, we can start to think about putting those things into practice and perhaps reflect upon past experiences where we have faced our fears.

Here are a few activities you can take part in today:

Discussion: Helping members with a fear of failure led by @221Skye
Location: Teen Listeners
Time: 2pm EDT / 7pm BST

Discussion: Facing Fears led by @Kallie112358 and @ItsLee
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult side)
Time: 4pm EDT / 9pm BST

Discussion: Facing Fears led by @221Skye and @NiaS29
Location: Guided Discussion Room (teen side)
Time: 4pm EDT / 9pm BST

Discussion: Helping members with a fear of failure led by @Alicattt
Location: Listener Community Room
Time: 9pm EDT / 2am BST

[Convert to your time zone here]

Feed Activity: Why doesn't facing my fears make them at all less scary; I thought doing this over time was supposed to help...?
Information: This is todays question for the Q&A posts on fear. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #QuestionAndAnswers #AskOn7Cups

QuickJazz OP October 17th, 2015

October 17th - Overcoming Fears

Weve gone from learning about fears, to understanding our own in particular and learning how to address them. So now lets talk a bit about how we may achieve overcoming them!

Here are a few activities you can take part in today:

Discussion: Overcoming Fears led by @Param and @starryKoala69
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult side)
Time: 11:30am EDT / 4:30pm BST

Discussion: Overcoming Fears led by @YayyySphere and @Ace13
Location: Guided Discussion Room (teen side)
Time: 7pm EDT

Discussion: Helping members to overcome their fears led by @Alicattt
Location: Listener Community Room
Time: 3pm EDT

[Convert to your time zone here]

Feed Activity: How can I explain to people my irrational fear?
Information: This is todays question for the Q&A posts on fear. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #QuestionAndAnswers #AskOn7Cups

QuickJazz OP October 18th, 2015

October 18th - Celebrating Triumphs over Fear

Facing fears can be tough. You may find yourself considering a lot of things as you begin to approach your fears, you may also find you do a great job one day and then suddenly youre back to square one, and youre not sure what to do! Hopefully the previous days have somewhat helped you to think more about this. However, todays focus is on celebrating triumphs over fears! This is not to say that our fears are gone, but that we can acknowledge and celebrate our achievements along the way.

Here are a few activities you can take part in today:

Discussion: Celebrating Triumphs Over Fears led by @Param and @SelenoPsych21
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult side)
Time: 11:30am EDT / 4:30pm BST

Discussion: Celebrating Triumphs Over Fears led by @NewRomantic677
Location: Guided Discussion Room (teen side)
Time: 1pm EDT / 6pm BST

Discussion: Helping members to build on bravery led by @Alicattt
Location: Listener Community Room
Time: 3pm EDT / 8pm BST

Discussion: Helping members to build on bravery led by @pray4theheartless
Location: Teen Listeners
Time: 12am EDT / 5am BST

[Convert to your time zone here]

Feed Activity: How do I stop thinking about my fears?
Information: This is todays question for the Q&A posts on fear. Hashtags: #FaceYourFears #QuestionAndAnswers #AskOn7Cups

QuickJazz OP October 18th, 2015

Hope you enjoyed Face Your Fears Week!

Thank you very much to everyone who has taken part in some way. Its been a pleasure.

@amazingrea @Maxx421 @SecretPlatapus @fairmindedBunny6594 @sweetpeaches01 @cristiana33 @SimonTheGr8 @221Skye @brookiebear @azureJar7737 @AnIceGuy @crimsonOwl9644 @Tiannalovesyou @fearlesslake8362 @CalmingStar @AffyAvo @Pedinurse @Ste6132 @DanijelD @ThePianist @philosophicalCat2439 @inventiveCake269 @ItsLee @Figgy50 @PIXIEisNINJAmod @mommytoanangel @kitkera @mirai7 @Rockiestrob95 @cheddarch33se @EnjoyYourRabbit @AnculusSuum @Alystem @angelmommy15 @Eowyn15 @generousWriter @TheNorthernLight @AerosSine23 @aquaPenguin84 @Mercedez @Param @Kismet237 @LostWolf97 @compassion27sep @BrokenDragonGirl @dorkylittleelf @afoolonempty @TortueDesBois @lovelyWhisper66 @lyresh2015 @colourfullbutterfly @brightRaspberries1745 @NewRomantic677 @76redLemon76 @rosor @scarlet25 @TommieJamison1 @powerfulWatermelon @anothernerdgirl @BLWNTR @WarmChocolateMug @iAmJustAnAspiringScientist97 @askingalexandra @2015ihope @DoctorWhoodini @SINGaLITTLElouderTOaHAPPYsong @Ila @Lior @SettledBreathing @RobespierreINTJ @Swaggyzxlabrador @AshlynHeart27 @Alicattt @WindnBreezy @Chinchillin @SarahLydiaa @wonderfulPumpkin71 @Caringpotato @creativeHeart50 @Melallyouneedislove @DanielThePhilosopher @Levina @ThoughtfulLemon527 @CelegnirCuthalion @Ace13 @Psychological @RebeccaEmily @ZizyTheTurtle @Rocketsmom @BashoreBuddy @Wanderlustig @NiaS29 @iamcat @DoNotMicrowave @Yellingforyelyah1 @creativecullen51 @Rosepetal999 @thoughtfulTown3810 @QueenKyKy @starcatcher7 @CactussFlower @creativeHouse4222 @TheHornedKing @Celaeno @Erynn @Chiaroscuro1 @BugInARug @starryKoala69 @s12 @JohnBrasileiro @wanttohaveabighear @Sarah856 @rt21 @Bane @LoveApple @Resolve @Kallie112358 @dancingRiver48 @delphin @smoothOperatorCalculator @YayyySphere @joered @AmplifiedSilence857 @Larissa9923 @affableTiger4564 @IamLizard @waterboy25 @bestOwl3940 @Natalie1225 @Linke @BLTmaster @MaddyIsHere @HappyHoney @OCDWithDepressionSucks @Randomgirl9923 @LilacGirl @Brook @artnerd015 @artnerd015 @gloriousOasis81 @positiveBeauty16 @Amalovespurple @friendshipisforever @MaskedMonsters @blitheSun94 @creativemaple1 @SelenoPsych21 @Johny10 @reservedKiwi2015 @taufk @goldenPenny7936 @wandeImpactsAcai2716 @fearlesslake8362 @Muzic @JoyIntoDarkness22 @Merashie @munneebb @JTheElderRam @SUP001MC @FrostStream @Petalbowes @Tumb13weed ... and so many more wonderful participants!!

May you feel better able to face your fears!

Discussion notes of many discussions that took place will be created in the future (and participants of the discussions will be tagged in).
So keep an eye out!

TortueDesBois October 18th, 2015

the tag too late for the discussion and the feed broken

2 replies
QuickJazz OP October 18th, 2015

The tag just now was just to thank people for taking part, @TortueDesBois !

I tagged everyone at the beginning of the week and I also wrote (within the original post) that anyone who wanted to keep up-to-date with this event should Subscribe to the thread - in order to get notifications for the daily information! The feed did indeed stop working mid-way though, yes. (Although you can still view some entries on those hashtags).

Sorry if you were not able to take part as much as you liked due to missing out on any information though. But there will be plenty more to enjoy in the near-future, so I hope that you can also look forward to that! smiley

(+ Feel free to try the Face Your Fears Challenge and so forth! - Just because the week's over, doesn't mean you can't keep the facing fears vibes going!)

1 reply
TortueDesBois October 18th, 2015

ok sorry, was confusing

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