New Year's Resolutions!
What are your new year's resolutions? Feel free to comment with yours!
Mine are to:
1. Cook 2 healthy meals a week
2. Do some sort of physical activity 3 days a week
3. Wake up the first time my alarm goes off.
Also I am going to join the New Year's Resolution Accountability Challenge to hold myself accountable for sticking with my resolutions. Check it out here:
My new years resolutions are usually the same every year 1. Try my best to achieve the best I can at university 2. Eat healthier 3. This one is new....cook a few times a week. 4. Try to be the happiest I can without letting small things getting in my way 5. Less cursing...😇 6. Try to get along with the family better 7. Be more confident in general. Watch out for the sass! 8. I really want to go abroad anyway for the second time ever so I'll try to make that work 9. Spend less, save more 10. Exercise a few times a week and don't give up 11. Stay strong when things get tough
Those are some great resolutions for the new year! I see we both have cooking / healthy eating in common! Maybe we can trade some recipes? ;)
I made some banana pancakes today, the healthier option was quite nice! I'm doing well on the exercise and eating well part so far and wish to continue to do so!
My new years resolutions are 1. to lose weight. 2. to get more exercise. 3.get a new job
@easyTortoise20 those are great things to shoot for! I read on the New Years Accountability Challenge that having more specific goals will give you a better chance of success.
How much weight to you want to lose? What type of excercising will you do and how often?
Mine are to:
1- Get into sports more
2- Work more efficiently
3- Give more time to education, and less to entertainment
4- Dare to do things I want to do
5- Love my body more.
great things to work towards @Ssandra!
What type of sports do you want to get into? What's your strategy to work more efficiently?
Thanks! I was thinking of any kind of physical activity, from running to biking, anything to get moving! And I guess this is a way to help me work more efficiently. Everything is related, when you think of it: physical activity encourages intellectual efficiency, which boosts the will to keep on working...
I guess it's all a matter of creating a virtuous circle :)
@Ssandra you are SO right about it all being a virtuous cycle. I definitely agree with you on that! Have you done any activity yet so far this year? I can't wait to hear your progress! :D
Thanks! I've been running and rollerblading on evenings, and I try to stretch and do some workout moves in the mornings. It really boosts my mood. Hope the year is going alright for you as well!
1. Master Arnis and get fit enough for black belt when the time comes. 100x ea. push ups, squats, jumping jacks, crunches.
2. Learn to program in javascript & python.
3. Pass my insurance pre-license exam.
@remnantshadow those are very specific goals! and seem very attainable! I'm confident that you'll succeed! Best of luck! :D
Thank you! Hope you have luck with your New Years resolutions as well!
@remnantshadow how will you be learning javascript and python? Are you taking a class or teaching yourself? I've always wanted to learn those languages too!
Learning them myself using two books and codeacademy &
For me python seems a ton easier to learn than javascript.
My New Year's resolutions this year are to 1. Continue not smoking cigarettes (I've gone a month so far today!) 2. Bring my GPA up to 3.5 and 3. Get back into marathon shape! Wish me luck I have high hopes for 2015(:
Hi@TommyG !! That is so awesome that you have gone over a month without smoking cigarettes! How does it feel?
I wish you the best of luck in getting your GPA up and getting into marathon shape! You sound like a winner to me! :)
i feel like a new me! quitting smoking was definitely one of the best decisions i'veever made, thanks for the support! (:
my resolution is to be a better person; someone I can be proud of
My new year resolution is simple but important to me: - Be more confident about the things I like around family, and people in general. Even if I know they are not going to like it
its ben a while that ive been thinking of y resolutions for 2015 but havent out them down in writing, so ill start off with the ones that i am ABLE to change with little difficulty:
1. be kind to my mother and father and accept the love and support hey are constantlyoffering me, appreciate that love!
2, connect more with friends and work harder on maintainingmy friendships (friends are one of the most important things in this life, i dont know how i would have ever made it without them next to me)- i need to show up more and as about them more
3, exercise at least 3 times a week even if its just for half an hour a day
4. focus more at work and be more organized, which is much easier when my eating disorder symptoms are less prevalent, so i will try not to binge at work
5. do yoga even if its just once a week
6. say my mantra every every single day :a) I am healthy, i am changing and I am getting better, b) im flexible, im open to change and i accept whatever comes my way
7. stop picking at pimples on my face
8.comit to my therapy sessions
9. start journaling again!!!
thats for now, when i have managed these i can add some more later:)
Thanks for the thread. My New Year’s resolutions are:
- to excercise 3x a week
- to look after my mental health by reading more or listening to audio books more
- to sleep earlier, 11:30pm at the latest
i think that’s enough for now… if I can keep to these 3 then I’m a winner!