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Forum Discussion: Honesty In Relations!

starryKoala69 March 15th, 2016

Honesty In Relations

Hello lovely people! Today is True Confessions Day! Today we would be discussing the value of truth and honesty!


Many people talk about the importance of honesty in their relationships. But how many couples really practice it? How many of us are truly honest with one another?

To form a healthy relationship with someone and become emotionally intimate, you need to share experiences and secrets with your partner that you dont share with anyone else. That kind of intense, intimate, highly private interchange requires both parties to be honest with one another. Honesty involves giving accurate information about events that are known or have already occurred.

Honesty is telling the truth as you know it about factual events that have already occurred. Honest partners in a healthy relationship do not knowingly give misinformation. However, being honest doesnt mean being rude, unkind, or aggressive. It doesnt mean sharing things to hurt your partner or spilling your guts. Being honest in a relationship also means that you need to be tactful when being honest.

Don't overlook the other person's faults just to keep a relationship with them. This is not being honest either. You are not being totally honest in the relationship when you aren't trying to help your friend. You can be tolerant of the faults of others but you should not totally ignore them. You may have faults too and would like the chance to work on these faults. Working out your own problems can only come about when someone is honest with you. Honesty in relationships can help anyone in the relationship to become a better person.

When a relationship is not honest it is hard for it to progress and become a great relationship. There is always some paranoia on the dishonest person's side of the relationship. Honesty in relationships can help you be a better person and create a really good relationship.

Honesty in relationships will help all your relationships progress and become better. When you are honest in relationships you will also be improving yourself. The more compassionately honest you are the more trust that will be built on both sides of the relationship. Trust in a relationship comes from being honest and compassionate not overlooking faults but being tolerant. Both sides of the relationship can learn and grow together through many years of problems. The more you lie then the less honest your relationship will be. The relationship can deteriorate because there is no trust. You may not become a better person because you have someone lying to you and not being honest.

Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving. James E. Faust

Forum Activity:

We would want to hear from you that - How honesty/ truth helped you in your life?

Please share your experiences :)

It might inspire others to follow this path more firmly :)

RiseLikePhoenix March 15th, 2016

I've realized at some point that dishonesty must have a reason. And for me, whenever I felt that I needed to lie in a relationship, it meant that I was either afraid of being myself. or another person was just not willing to accept me, or my needs and wanted to believe in my false image or force me to fit in their image. And I was trying to not disappoint this person or make them angry or displeased. It could also mean that I was not confident enough to stand my ground, to be open about my expectations and opinions. All of this couldn't be a good foundation of a relationship cause it made me feel afraid or at least uncomfortable, it was just not real and it also led gradually to situation where step by step I was completely losing wanted direction of a relationship.

Currently, I'm not in a relationship, but I've managed to learn to be more open about what I really want and feel. It was happening gradually through small steps when I was starting to tell another person about small stuff and then I was able to express what I feel and think about crucial things. I've also started to spread honesty to other types of relationships in my life, i.e with my family, friends, or even co-workers. Of course it's not perfect for now, as at the starting point I was a mess, but now it makes me feel like i'm living a more harmonious life and I don't have to remember lies or feel that I need to sit quietly when I don't like something and suffer or die on the inside in extreme cases. smiley

Noharm April 2nd, 2017
