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February 4th: Time to Talk Day!

QuickJazz February 4th, 2016

Today is Time to Talk Day.

This is a day to talk about mental health with the aim of helping to remove misconceptions around it.

Mental health problems affect 1 in 4 people every year, yet too often people are afraid to talk about their experiences because they fear it will affect their jobs or relationships. Thats not right and its why we need your help to break the silence and end the stigma. [Source].

You can find a number of 7 Cups guides related to mental health listed below:

ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar, Coping with Schizophrenia, Depression, Eating Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Perinatal Mood Disorder, Self Harm, Social Anxiety and Traumatic Experiences. You can check out of all of the guides here!

So lets try to talk about mental health today and until the end of this week in order to help spread that message further and bring awareness, support and a space for those affected by mental illness to be heard!

Here are discussions you can take part in for this day:

Discussion: Stigma and Mental Health led by @KateIsabella and @eviesweet
Location: Listener Community Room
Time: 5am EST / 10am GMT

Discussion: Mental Health Quiz led by @Eunoia
Location: Listener Community Room
Time: 7:30am EST / 12:30pm GMT

Discussion: Mental Health Quiz led by @YayyySphere and @JaexJelly
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult)
Time: 9:30am EST / 2:30pm GMT

Discussion: Mental Health Quiz led by @BeccaBoo98 and @skyisblue
Location: Friendship Room (teen / adult teen listeners)
Time: 10:45am EST / 3:45pm GMT

Discussion: Mental Health Stigma led by @221Skye
Location: Guided Discussion Room (teen)
Time: 1pm EST / 6pm GMT

Discussion: Mental Health Stigma led by @JaceofSpades
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult)
Time: 8pm EST / 1am GMT

[Convert to other time zones here].

Hope you have a wonderful day, with a chance of talking about mental health!

Read below to learn of the other activities you can take part in for this observance.

Did you know? It is also World Cancer Day!

QuickJazz OP February 4th, 2016

We also have additional discussions in order of this observance this week:

Friday 5th:

Ice-breakers: Breaking the Silence on Mental Illness led by @MisterGreeneyes and @DoryTheKitty
Location: Special Events Room (adult)
Time: 1pm EST / 6pm GMT

Ice-breakers: Breaking the Silence on Mental Illness led by @MayaRainbow2
Location: Teen Community Room
Time: 4pm EST / 9pm GMT

Saturday 6th:

Discussion: Love and Mental Illness led by @DancingAlong
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult)
Time: 12pm EST / 5pm GMT

Discussion: Friendship and Mental Health led by @Vitev and @DancingAlong
Location: Guided Discussion Room (adult)
Time: 2pm EST / 7pm GMT

[Convert to other time zones here]

QuickJazz OP February 4th, 2016

Here are some informative forum threads you can read:

Forum post: Mental Health: Myths VS Fact
Information: Lets reflect on and separate fact from fiction on mental health issues.

Forum post: How to combat various mental health stigma!
Information: This is to reflect upon the various types of stigma surrounding mental health, and to become aware of and share various ways of addressing it. Both for the benefit of ourselves and for others.

Forum post: Reaching out for support via the forums
Information: A brief list of some of the places one can seek support for mental illness and other invisible illnesses.

Forum post: Future of Mental Health: Acceptance
Information: What is the future? How do you cope?

Here are various forum threads you can get involved with:

Forum post: I suffer from..., but…
Information: Let us know who you are and what you go through, stigma-free.

Forum post: What would you say to those who stigmatise mental health?
Information: Share what youd like to let those to stigmatise mental health to know.

Forum post: I wish my friends knew…
Information: Let us know what youd like your friends to know about mental health.

Forum post: If the world were stigma-free regarding mental health, …
Information: Share what a stigma-free environment would mean to you.

Forum activity: Confessions of those affected by mental illness
Information: Anonymously share whats on your mind regarding mental illness.

QuickJazz OP February 4th, 2016

Here is various feed activity you can get involved with:

Feed Activity: I suffer from…, but...
Information: Let us know who you are and what you go through! Hashtags: #StigmaFree

Feed Activity: I wish my friends knew...
Information: Let us know what you

1 reply
mscoxie February 4th, 2016

@QuickJazz Wow!! you put some serious effort into this post!! know that it doesn't go unnoticed!! heart Let's erase that stigma!! woohoo!! laugh

load more
QuickJazz OP February 4th, 2016
Keeping up-to-date with special events tag list: @Ace13 @AffyAvo @Alexa28 @alexlove @Ali @aLIEz @allTheLove @Alwaysbelieve8 @Always25 @AkankshaP @AmityAllecra19 @AmyAmelia @Andrea50 @Anggi @Anushka1 @ArmyWife09 @AshlynHeart27 @Amalovespurple @awesomeandy @azureJar7737 @beccaboo98 @bipolarhedgehog @BharadwajS @Briana98 @brilliantshoe @buttonedprincess @Cadence @calmcloud92 @calmHemlock64 @calmingwaves12 @Celaeno @CelestiaStar @Charli @Cheeney @cherishedJet13 @Chevy81 @Chiara900 @Chuckster808 @CoffeeTeaAndHonesty @colibri @ColourfulClarity @Comfortingbubbles @convivialOwl6405 @CrimsonPlum47 @cristiana33 @DancingAlong @DHawks @Dillion @Eunoia @earthwalker3 @Em @enchantingpiano80 @EthanisBae @Evangelinelover @EverGreenLives @FromTheAshes @FruityloveBubbles11 @Gentlekitefly @Georgie4 @givemelove @glisteningTree50 @glowingpeace18339 @GracefulLove @gracey @guidingMusic @flowerCity2047 @happynappy @HelpfulPanda8034 @Herequeerandcheering @HopefulRainfall @ihope @ih0pe @ihope4ever @Ila @IreKat @isthisreallylife @itsallthesame @ItWillBeOkaySarah @JelayMe @JLCsmile @JohnnyM @justkeepsmiling26 @JustMe11 @Justhere2listn @Kash216 @Kaylee @kikapika @kindDreamer50 @Kingsley179 knowledge57 @KRNGRFL @lauradxox @lavendersab @Lee @Letmehelpyou210 @Lilylistens @liveforareason @LovedSoul92 @lovelyOcean54 @LowKeyNostalgia14 @Lulu2015 @mangocat24 @mahoganyecho @MarianaFilipaSouza6 @MaskedMonsters @me @MelAllyouneedislove @MidniteAngel @mikaelaap @mimameid @mistergreeneyes @Mizpah @mobbsy @mscoxie @NewRomantic677 @Oli1981 @OneCardShort @OneLove87 @OrangeSlices @OutAndThrough @Param @pandamars08 @Pbob @Pboob @peacefulSoul8 @PiquedPiper @politeocean93 @politeParadise57 @pray4theheartless @Priti @QueenKyKy @QuickJazz @Raylen @rationalApple577 @RebeccaEmily @Renaenae @ResilientLucky @ridearainbow @RocketsMom @Rycochet @sassypanda @ShadowFaerie @SimonTheGr8 @SingingForAbsolution @Spes @sprout92 @StarFlower @starryKoala69 @StormDancer @Stormwatcher @Styllista82 @SunshineCat @Sydney @s12 @TheBlueBird @TheBlueWind @TheLoreWriter @trisjlistens @unsinkablespirit312 @UrielAngel2015 @WarmHeart22 @wonderfulPumpkin71 @vivelespatates @Vixiana @YayyySphere @yzzil1 @ZaraSmiles @zeldabelle @ZizyTheTurtle @221Skye @2015ihope @2genpoet @MayaRainbow2 [add/remove yourself here]
KRN February 4th, 2016

Thank you, Jazz <3

Laura February 4th, 2016

Jazz... you are a rock star!

This is Awesome!

CaringJoy February 4th, 2016


This is really great and thank you for the updates, information and resources.

obscureSam February 4th, 2016


this is really great initiative, unfortunately I couldn't made it to any

but I'm really looking forward to engage more in such events.

I even created a special calendar for myself for this purpose wink

wait for me laugh