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Eating Disorders - Discussion Notes!

User Profile: 221Skye
221Skye January 9th, 2016

On the 8th of October, a few dozen eons ago (in 2015) a Teen Member Discussion on Eating Disorders (focused on Anorexia and Bulimia) was hosted by myself and @Amelia, for Mental Illness Awareness Week! Here lies the notes from this amazingly fruitful discussion.

Icebreaker: To start off the discussion, whats your favourite superpower and why?

Everything from telekinesis and invincibility to mind-reading (the coolio NON-EdwardCullen kind of course xD) and slowing down time to get more work done ;)

What are some types of eating disorders?

Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Orthorexia, Pica, Rumination Disorder. Some other disorders are typically known as OSFED (other specified feeding or eating disorder) or UFED (unspecified feeding or eating disorder)

Describe anorexia and bulimia. What are some signs that someone might be suffering from one or both of them?

Anorexia nervosa, often referred to simply as anorexia, is an eating disorder characterized by low weight, fear of gaining weight, a strong desire to be thin, and food intake restriction.
Bulimia nervosa, also known as simply bulimia, is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging, and a lack of control over eating practices.
Some common signs of an eating disorder would be a preoccupation with calories, distorted body image, being secretive about their eating and not partaking in social dining events etc.

Why do you think people might develop Eating Disorders?

Feelings of imperfection, reduced self esteem, societal views and perceptions and stress are some common reasons. It could also develop as an outlet to satisfy their need for control when life feels out of control. Other influences: culturally, media is saturated with a beauty standard that is impossible to realistically reach, while genetically and biochemically, we might be affected by our brain chemistry etc.

What are some misconceptions you think society has about Eating Disorders?

Its for attention seekers You have to be underweight to have an ED Its to please someone else Fixing the food intake fixes the ED (Nope it doesnt, an ED is still highly a mental issue and we need to get at the body image issues and thoughts under the surface!)

How can we support people dealing with Eating Disorders?

Be willing to talk about the ED, but also to talk about other things. Not everything is about the ED, theres more to their life.
Understand its a sensitive topic to talk about, and dont push them to do things.
Do NOT take control over their life, it just makes things worse.
Offer to help find treatment options. Be there for them and validate their feelings.
Recognise the small steps of improvement.
Relapse is a part of it, doesnt mean theyre not trying.

What steps are usually involved in recovering from an Eating Disorder?

Biggest step- Deciding you want to recover
Acknowledging the pattern and reasons, Reaching out for support, Encountering slip ups and relapses, Maintaining recovery.

Do you know any helpful resources for Eating Disorders?

ANAD and NEDA were suggested for the US/Canada regions. 7 Cupsy clearly ;)
ED quotes, on tumblr-

What kind of thoughts might people with Eating Disorders have?

Im not good enough Feeling stuck, like nothing will ever change ☆ Im worthless Comparing yourself to someone else Im a failure I just want to be skinny and loved I dont deserve to eat

Why might someone with an Eating Disorder not want to reach out for help?

It inspires Fear- fear of people knowing the secret, of what treatment will mean, of losing control. It could also be because, theres a fear that it might not even be anything major enough to make a fuss about. It is tough, because it entails gaining weight which holds such a negative connotation to anyone with an ED.

To end off, lets think of one positive thing/something we like about ourselves!

I like my legs- squats totally paid off I put others before myself Im never using makeup because I wanted to be confident enough to be me and that is quite awesome Im very passionate Im GIFted at GIFs. I like that I can express myself in writing

Participant List @Kipper17 @Wanderlustig @IHateYouDontLeaveMe @Anomalia @CactussFlower @ImLizi @emilyrush15 @Rattlehead

Do go ahead and add on, if you have any thoughts, suggestions, or ponderings or questions in your head about this topic! :D <3

User Profile: 221Skye
221Skye OP January 9th, 2016

Whoops, taggerism error! xD

Participant List @Kipper17 @Wanderlustig @IHateYouDontLeaveMe @Anomalia @CactussFlower @ImLizi @emilyrush15 @Rattlehead @Amelia

User Profile: amazingrea
amazingrea January 10th, 2016

This sounds like a fabbity discussion, i wish I could have been there! You obviously have talked about some amazing things, and I LOVE the part about "NOT taking control over their [the person with the ED] life" - BLEW MY MIND!!