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Self-Care with Icecream

January 24th, 2022

Interviewee: @cheerfulIceCream


What is your idea of spending a balanced time on 7cups? Share your idea of how a good day looks like on 7cups, for you.

For me, spending a balanced time means spending the time how we actually intend to spend it, for example, if you intend to come and play icebreakers, you do just that instead of providing any kind of support. It's when your time spent on 7cups doesn't come in your way to spend your time offline the way you intend to.

(I'm guessing that none of us want to waste our time online or offline. :p )

What challenges did you face in trying to strike that balance?

Often I come in for 15 minutes and spend more than an hour. 🌚

Or I wish to go to bed early and come on 7cups. Then suddenly it's 12AM. 🌘

How did you try to deal with those challenges?

Mindfulness and clear intention are the keys here. Be mindful of how you're spending time and how much. Be mindful of when something isn't serving you, or when you're spending more time or doing more than you want to. And, actually have the intention to spend your time wisely and to improve the quality of your life, otherwise procrastination can easily overpower you. Sometimes procrastination can look like incessant online volunteering. Really. β˜„

Since we apparently have two lives now, offline and online, it's important to remember that, at the end of the day, your offline life is the more durable one that you'll always stay connected to. So don't neglect it and don't neglect the necessity to level up offline either. πŸŒ“

A real mod is the one who can moderate their own life.πŸŒ›

What are the benefits of improving your balance for the time you spend on cups?

A better quality of life and more time to spend on other healthy activities. 🌜

Cups time is still screen time so even if you do spend really good quality time here, it has its bad effects. Too much of anything can be harmful. πŸŒ₯

So balancing out the time saves us from the harmful effects AND gives us more time to grow in other areas of life, to say the least.

The central benefit is improvement of quality, of the time we spend here.

When we improve the time and the quality of our presence here, less is more. πŸŒ™

If something is limited, most of us will try to make the best use of it. Similarly, when we spend our time here in a balanced way (which inherently limits the time) we will likely be more careful about how we spend our time and try to spend it in a more impactful way. πŸŒ¨πŸŒ› (For instance, moon will spend the time enjoying the pretty snowfall instead of napping throughout the night.)

What message would you like to give to the cupsers who have come to be negatively attached to cups, in one of the many ways?

It's never too late to take a step back and to take control. It needs persistence, but you do have enough toughness within you to tame those whims. πŸŒ–

I am sure it was an inspiring read for us!

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

bubblingBreeze14 January 24th, 2022


Wonderful post! I believe these words are needed to be heard by many of us.


Thank you for your insights 😊

January 24th, 2022

@Fristo ❀🍦 @CheerfullIceCream πŸ”₯πŸ™Œ

BeautifulSun298501 January 24th, 2022


Wow! Such a good read and so many good reasons to make this a special place for ourselves and treat it as such for others. If we take on too much, we can risk burn out, which can make the 7 cups experience a bit unpleasant for ourselves and affect others as well. It kind of like that saying, "All things in moderation."

Thank you for this post! Great work!

Margiewm January 24th, 2022

Great read and so very true. Things need to be in moderation even when it is you wanting to be there for others, that’s something I have to remind myself here on 7cups. I tell myself an hour and a lot of the time go way beyond that or hear my phone ding and will answer at 3 am which im trying to stop. I just explain time differences and I will reply as soon as I can. It’s hard for me I don’t like someone I care for in destress.

SparkyGizmo January 24th, 2022



Hi Fristo! 😊❀️ Thank you for conducting, yet another amazing interview!

Hi Icecream! 😊❀️ Thank you for your thoughtful responses, handing yourself over to the interview process and allowing all of your teammates an opportunity to get to know you even better!

What resonated with me was what you said about mindfulness and what I call "intentionality". To come here in the spirit of intentionality and ensuring we are in the right mindset, many times will foster better outcomes!

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

GoldenRuleJG January 24th, 2022

@Fristo great interview with @cheerfulIceCream ❀️😊

blindHeart12 January 24th, 2022

@Fristo @cheerfulIceCream

Firsto I loved the question you had asked seriously .

Cheerful wow the answer to all are so amazing and insightful. Many thing I liked in your answer.

It so loud and clear you practice mindfulness so well.

I learned from you many thing.

Thank you for tagging me.

hopezzy January 24th, 2022

Yay @Fristo came up with another remarkable post!

I am trying to balance things similarly

"Often I come in for 15 minutes and spend more than an hour." 🌚

Can totally relate Icy :')

A real mod can moderate their own life.πŸŒ› Cups time is still screen time *stealing awesome lines by taking notes :-P* ✨

It's really very insightful! Thank you! @cheerfulIceCream πŸ˜ƒ

Hoping to see more posts from you people!

barncat January 25th, 2022

thought provoking interview. Thank you for sharing it with us.

blissfulForest7074 January 28th, 2022


Amazing interview as always


Just 🀯 *poof*

I really liked your ideas and thoughts about balancing your online and offline time as well. Effectively divinding our offline and online time is really important in this time and age.

Love how you pointed out being clear on how to use time and sticking to it. Mostly people (or maybe it's just me πŸ˜…) make a good time division, but end up changing or not even doing it which becomes a snowball effect , but in a bad way.

Thanks for post and the knowledge 😁

soulsings February 1st, 2022

@cheerfulIceCream thanks for sharing!
