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Opening the Window To Your Heart

WarmLightXO May 9th, 2022

Hi everyone! A quick update before this week's interview ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

As some of you know, our friend Fristo is retiring from 7Cups. Please take a minute to read their post and send them well wishes!

In their absence, I will be conducting these weekly interviews ๐Ÿ’œ If you have any questions, comments, or want to participate, please direct it to WarmLightXO

With no further ado, here is @bright7cups and their interview with @Fristo

(Small edits for clarity while preserving all orginal intent)

Fristo: Hi Bright, thanks for doing this interview. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Bright: Thank you for the invitation Fristo and I hope you are doing well.

Fristo: What makes your world bright?

Bright: I think firstly we need to learn to love ourselves. I mean, we need to at least work on it, and it surely makes someone's world bright. Today though I'm struggling, of course everyone has their own struggles, but I'm still very happy in my life and I look forward to better days and I believe better days indeed come and I believe in myself that I can do it. We just need to keep going step by step.

Fristo: What is your favorite retreat, your go-to activity or place when you are not feeling as well?

Bright: Travelling to nature is one of my favorite retreats/self care and it indeed gives a sense of mental peace which helps us to regain our energy and positiveness.

Fristo: What would you say is the purpose of your life?

Bright: Purpose of our lives, according to me, is to live life to the fullest, enjoy life and also to know that life is not a competition but a journey we shall cherish each and every moment of our lives. Always be kind to others and yourself.

Fristo: How does 7cups align with the purpose of your life?

Bright: 7cups taught me to love myself and to be kind to others, and myself as well. I'm very thankful to 7cups for that.

Fristo: What does a good day look like for you?

Bright: Good day is when we get a sense of mental peace, spending time in nature, with family or friends and having an amazing cup of tea together.

Fristo: What is one of your favorite quotes that never fails to inspire you?

Bright: When life gets you down, what you gotta do? Just keep swimming. This quote inspires me every day to keep going, and indeed we should always keep going and shall remember that things do get better with time, by taking one step at a time.

Fristo: Any message for cupsers?

Bright: Keep being amazing and we are proud of you all for all the work you all do! Know your self worth and always be kind to yourself because you are more than you think you are!

Thanks for your time, appreciate it Bright!

Tag list: @Dallady @HealingTalk @SkylarListens @ThoughtfulBlossom @WarmLightXO @Zarram77

Add or remove yourself from the tag list here!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 9th, 2022

@WarmLightXO @Fristo @Bright7Cups

Thankyou for hosting the interview, Fristo. โค

*high fives* on stepping up to take the project forward, Elliot, always super proud of your enthusiasm and commitment. Keep it up. โค

This was such a refreshing read, Bright, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your responses, they screamed all things *bright* and positive hehe. "Just keep swimming" is something I resonate lots with too, it is indeed quite comforting. Many thanks for sharing your excellent thoughts with us and yay to spending time in nature ~ it is indeed super rejuvenating for mind, body, soul. โค

Bright7cups May 9th, 2022


Thank you! I appreciate it๐Ÿ˜Š

WarmLightXO OP May 9th, 2022


*high fives*!

ThoughtfulBlossom May 9th, 2022

@WarmLightXO - Hello, Elliot! I'm super proud of you for taking the initiative to continue on with this wonderful project. ๐Ÿค—

@Fristo - Hello, Fristo! Thank you so much for hosting this interview. I send you the very best on your retirement and appreciate everything you have done for this project. โค๏ธ

brightWindow2311 - Hello, Bright! It's very nice to meet you. Your responses to the questions in this interview are so positive and optimistic, which I really appreciate. I love your emphasis on self-love and self-care, which are both two very important was to keep moving in a more positive light. It's amazing that your purpose in life is to live it to the fullest, and that life isn't a competition but a journey! That resonated with me as I was reading, and warmed my heart very much. I absolutely love the quote you used: "Just keep swimming." Sometimes that all we have to do, and we just have to keep going despite the challenges we face. Again, thank you so much for your responses! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Bright7cups May 9th, 2022


Thank you!

WarmLightXO OP May 9th, 2022


So glad you enjoyed the interview Blossom! ๐Ÿ’œ

Bright7cups May 9th, 2022

Thank you for such a amazing post keep being amazing ๐Ÿ˜Š @WarmLightXO

Thank you again for the invitation @Fristo and I hope you are doing well and it's sad to see you go but as we say you are our first priority you will be greatly missed thank you for all the contributions!

WarmLightXO OP May 9th, 2022


Thank you for being such a great interviewee!

Dallady May 16th, 2022

Congratulations on your retirement! ๐Ÿ˜
