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An Evening with H

October 18th, 2021

It was a beautiful evening when H (@Heather225) allowed me some time to interact with them and they so generously shared their thoughts with me. I loved every moment of it, and now I am so happy to share with the community the talk we had:

Question: What would you say to describe your love for the 7cups Community?

H: Is all-consuming too cheesy? :P I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - there is no online community like this one. There isn’t one that can even compare to the level of love and compassion that’s exhibited here on Cups. We are a community of purpose, defined as a community of people who are going through the same process or journey to achieve a similar, often emergent, objective, and our objective is people. But, in my opinion, what sets us apart from other people-driven objectives is the unique passion for listening and volunteering, and the critical importance of every single person’s contributions to the community. We are a culture of collaboration and healing. I can’t recall a day I am not proud of you all.

Question: We’d love to know more about you and your journey so far, not only on cups, but in your life. If comfortable sharing with us, we’d very much like to hear: How did you and your interests evolve over the course of your life so far and how do you see yourself today in relation to your past?

H: I had a rough upbringing. It was a time before online support was available, so I had to do a lot on my own. It was a long hard road to get out of my situation, to build a life for myself, and to find my place in the world. I decided early on that whatever career path I ended up on, I wanted it to specialize in helping people. As a hobby, I started a motivational blog because I never wanted anyone else to go through what I did without anyone to listen. I found 7 Cups through my interest in mental health and peer support and here I am today.

Question: What message would you want to leave for the entire earth through your life?

H: Life is too short to worry about what other people are thinking. Do not compromise your values for anyone. Be your true self because at the end of the day, it’s you who makes the difference in your life. Also this quote by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

: “Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place”

Question: Your presence on cups has always felt warm to me, and I am confident the same is true for many of us. If you could tell the cupsers a few things they can think or do to be more like you, what would those things be?

H: Be nicer to yourself. You’re doing your best. I wasted so much time self-sabotaging with negative cycling thoughts. It took so much work to break that cycle, but you are worth it. Believe me as someone who lived it, you will find ways to love yourself. And don’t compare yourself to others; compete with yourself. That way all you can do is outdo yourself.

Question: Any life tips for us to evolve as good human beings?

H: Give others the benefit of the doubt. You’ll never know what someone is thinking, and you may not know exactly what is going on behind a missed text or a late arrival. Giving the benefit of the doubt allows us to place our attention on what we can control. It takes us away from placing blame, judging, resenting, over to searching for what actions to take to improve, mitigate, or resolve the situation to a better state. It’s also a valuable exercise in compassion, which fits what we do here! It takes practice, but over time, you’ll feel better for it.

Thank you H for taking time for us. We look forward to hearing more from you and working more with you in the community.

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

GoldenRuleJG October 18th, 2021

@Fristo lovely interview

SparkyGizmo October 18th, 2021


Fristo, 😊❤️*high fives* and well done on interviewing another one of our leaders here in the community! I think it's really nice what it is that you are doing! You're taking the time to humanize the process we call 7 cups! By you interviewing our leaders here, we are able to see that people are well, people! There is a human being behind this screen, someone with a heart, a soul, a pulse and someone that hurts just like all of the rest of us! Another human being that has needs as well! ❤️

@Heather225 H 😊❤️

Wow! Well done my friend! For me it was nothing short of amazing for me to see you be incredibly forthcoming, having the courage to share, being vulnerable here with all of us! *high fives* no shame in your game baby! 👍😊❤️ Your share here on this interview was truly a thing of beauty! Might we all being seeing right now what I call "being the example"?

In my opinion, it takes an incredible amount of growth for us as people to know who we are and what we are and what it is that we stand for. Our value system, knowing our moral compass. Standing true, standing strong and in the face of adversity! Leads right back to one of Glens core values here on 7 cups *true grit*❤️ Sounds like you have the true grit, might be one of my most favorite core values. big *hugs* ❤️ and stay great! 😊

Heather225 November 3rd, 2021


Sparky you're the best. Thank you for such a beautiful uplifting message, my friend, and for how deeply you care for our community. <3 *hugs*

SparkyGizmo November 3rd, 2021



rainyFlute197 October 18th, 2021

@Fristo Thank you for this post.❤️

@Heather225 Thank you for all the messages you have given us to evolve as good humans. It is very inspiring. ❤️

lyricalAngel70 October 18th, 2021


Amazing interview, Fristo!

Thank you so much for sharing

LavenderHere October 18th, 2021

This is such a sweet interview- read it thrice already (monkey covering eye emoji)...Thank you so much @Heather255 for saying all that- I think many of us wanted to hear it. This is so meaningful (impressed nods). Will try to keep it all in mind.

Also thank you so much @Fristo for conducting this interview as well as bringing to us this series. It is so nice to talk to the leaders and get to know them better- hopefully one day I'll host an interview too...

Heather225 November 3rd, 2021


Thrice?? I'm honored! And I'm so glad you got some good stuff out of this!

Helgafy October 20th, 2021


Wonderful. Thank you so much!

CoffeewithVeena October 20th, 2021

Thank you soo much for sharing this ❤️

Audrey44 October 21st, 2021

Hello my name is Audrey. I’m looking for online event community services

Audrey44 October 21st, 2021

Do anyone know who I can speak with about the online community event? related to my Sorority at Temple. Alpha Delta Mu society Honor of social work

ouiCherie October 22nd, 2021

@Fristo @Heather225

So many life lessons, reminders and compassionate message there... Thank you H! 💜

Amy November 3rd, 2021

This interview gives me hope and I am so glad these exist. Thank you, H for the message you give to everyone and for the hope and inspiration you bring. We all are truly lucky to have you in this community!


lovelyWaterfall2170 February 7th, 2022

Incredible thought of sharing the learnings with us !!

Thanks for the share :)