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A Friendly Time with Asher

December 20th, 2021

@Asher and me spent a friendly time and I came to know a lot more about them through the talk we shared. I feel so happy to have talked to them and to have heard their thoughts and views. Sharing with you all ‘A Friendly Time with Asher’:

Fristo: If you were to write one sentence to describe a 7cups listener’s role, what would you say?

Asher: A listener is someone who is there to peer support others and is a best buddy as well.

Fristo: What are the 5 most important qualities of a good leader?

Asher: Some of the qualities I look for in a good leader are

1) if they have teamwork,

2) are honest,

3) open-minded,

4) problem solver, and

5) are motivated.

Fristo: Let’s go back to your first day as a listener on 7cups, compare that day with your today. In what ways has 7cups experience changed you?

Asher: 7 Cups has changed my view on community health a lot more. As someone who is currently studying Public Health in college, my way of looking at mental health was at an individual level. Now after being with the platform, my view has turned into more of a community viewpoint including looking at the root of the problem instead of looking at the surface level of the issue.

Fristo: If you need to choose one thing over all other things on 7cups, what could that one thing be for you?

Asher: It’s tough to choose one thing, but I would have to go with the community feedback sessions I had in the past. They were tiring at times coming from a 4 hour lecture beforehand, but they really lightened up my day and I looked forward to them every week.

Fristo: Where do you want to see yourself in your life to come, what growth do you hope for within yourself, as well as what growth do you want to come true through you in your world around?

Asher: In my life to come I’m hoping to get my Masters in Public Health and Sociology as well as looking at health disparities for community health; including improving accessibility to mental health resources through remote communities.

Fristo: Any message you want to give out to all the cupsers?

Asher: My message is find something that you love to do and keep doing it. Do something that you're unsure about and try to see what happened. My adventure with 7 Cups only happened because I took the chance to change majors and try something outside my comfort zone.

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 20th, 2021

Wonderful interview @Asher and @Fristo ! Great job y'all!

It's been a while since I've seen you around, Asher, hope you're doing well!

Love how invested you're in , in improving community health as well as mental health resources for everyone! Thanks for sharing your insights, Asher and for all that you do , your contributions and presence is so valued ! Best wishes for your future endeavours! Keep shining . ❤

I specially liked the message you have for 7 cupsers, it's a great one and deeply appreciated !

SoulfullyAButterfly December 20th, 2021

@Fristo thanks for all that you do!

@Asher - super inspiring answers, thank you for sharing your insight ✨

MistyMagic December 20th, 2021

@Fristo @Asher

Asher thanks for this interview. I loved your compilations of feedback too, they were very useful and helped build up a more genuine insight into problems. But I loved that you mentioned about looking at the root of a problem rather than what actually shows on the surface. That is extremely important with any online community, there can be a lag with figures and that can often confuse data streams. You have grown so much and I am so proud of you! Merry Christmas! 🌲❤️

Listening - One Step At A Time!

ouiCherie December 21st, 2021

@Fristo @Asher fabulous interview with many notable points. Love it! 💫

Fun fact: Asher may come off too serious sometimes, but he's actually a relaxed and humorous person too 😁

December 21st, 2021

@Fristo Thank you 🧡

@Asher you rock 🤘

Moonlemon48 December 21st, 2021

@Fristo Another awesome interview!

@Asher Thank you for being so awesome!! A big thank you for all that you do<3 We appreciate you:)