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September is Self-Care Awareness Month: Events & Help Wanted!
by Heather225
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...See more Here at 7 Cups, we believe self-care is essential to maintaining good mental health. This month, we're dedicating ourselves to helping you prioritize your well-being. Why is Self-Care Important? Just like a car needs regular maintenance to run smoothly, we need to take care of ourselves to function at our best. Self-care helps us manage stress, improve our mood, and boost our overall well-being. It empowers us to show up for ourselves and those around us in a more positive and balanced way. How We're Celebrating! Throughout September, we'll be featuring a variety of self-care content, covering a range of topics across forum posts and live sessions. Join the Celebration! We want you to be a part of this! Here's how you can get involved: ✨ Join the Community Self-Care Bingo activity called Be Well Bingo [] ✨ Sign up for a Wellness and Accountability group Huddle here []  ✨ Read our self-care guide here [] We want to empower you to join in and lead your own contributions too!  Visit our sheet of proposed ideas. Sign up for any you think you could write about! Or if there’s something that’s close to your heart you’d like to touch upon, feel free to put it down on the signup sheet and take the lead! Please don’t feel constrained by the ideas already listed. This is a community-wide contribution effort. Write it up and publish it - simple as that! Who can do these? Anyone! First time or don’t know where to begin? Reach out to these folks for guidance! @CheeryMango @ASilentObserver @Heather25 @SoulfullyAButterfly Everyone who participates will earn the Wellness Warrior badge! Together, let's make September a month of self-love, recharging, and well-being.
Forum Engagement Challenge: Confirmation Forum Post for July
by tommy
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July 27th
...See more Hello everyone! We are very excited to once again reach a hand out to you and ask for your help. Our community needs your help and support to continue to provide a welcoming, inclusive and supportive place for all. This is the thread where you can confirm your desire to support us on our July engagement challenge! You can find out more information about our forum engagement challenges here []. How to Confirm Your Participation: * Reply to this Post: Drop a quick comment below stating that you're in for the challenge. Feel free to share your excitement or any thoughts you have about the initiative. * Track Your Progress: Once you've completed 7 meaningful replies within the designated period, return to this thread to confirm your completion. You can simply comment again, letting us know you've successfully completed the challenge. * Share Your Experience, if you can: We'd love to hear about your journey throughout the challenge. What insights did you gain? Did you notice any positive impacts on your engagement within the community? Share your experiences with us and inspire others to join in! Also please feel free to invite your friends in the challenge by tagging them here. Top tip: we currently have a number of people awaiting a response to their post. Can you help us clear the needs reply queue? You can find the threads which are currently waiting a reply by clicking the 'Needs reply' tab on this page []. Let us know if you experience any difficulties with accessing these!
7 Cups Admin Event Wrap-up & Appreciation!
by Heather225
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July 10th
...See more Thanks to those who showed up for our annual BIrthday Admin event! It was all the right kinds of fun chaos that speaks to the vibrancy of our community. For those who couldn't make it, that's okay! Here's what we covered: Icebreaker: What's one wish you have for 7 Cups this year? (Please reply below with yours!!) Leadership: PB Award [] & Smalls Award [] announcements Community recognition: Paper Plate Awards [] readings. Submissions are closed but we will present everyone's in a special slideshow to be shared here in the forums ASAP! Every one of you helps make 7 Cups possible, and we wouldn't be here without you, especially YOU our members! You are the soul of the community! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you an amazing rest of this birthday month! And look forward to our community compilation birthday video to be dropped on our official birthdate, the 7th!! 🥳
How to Help a Partner Living With Depression
by innateJoy9602
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August 14th
...See more “Whether they are coping with seasonal symptoms or chronic depression, here’s how to offer love and understanding while still caring for yourself. Cultivate curiosity about your partner’s experience. When your partner is in pain, you may feel an urge to dive right in and tell them what you think is happening. But try to lead by asking questions. Ask your partner how they are feeling. Tell them you’d like to understand more about what they’re going through. If your partner is defensive, try a strategy known as “reflective listening.” For instance, if you ask your loved one how they are feeling and they tell you they are fine and there is nothing wrong, you respond with something along the lines of: “What you’re telling me is that there’s nothing wrong, is that correct? Can I tell you what I’ve noticed?” If you make an effort to lead with questions rather than rushing to share your opinion, your partner is more likely to feel heard and valued, not judged. Acknowledge your own limitations. To help a loved one get diagnosis and treatment, you can call potential providers and set up appointments, or compile a list of clinicians for them to contact. But experts say it is also important to remember that you cannot force anyone to get help, and that pushing too hard can backfire. Partners who put too much care-taking responsibility on themselves are also often overcome with feelings of guilt and shame when they are unable to fix the problem. Prioritize your own mental health. Romantic partners can affect each other’s health and health-related behaviors in ways good and bad. If you’re living with somebody who is depressed and feeling helpless — and oftentimes doesn’t want to get help — then you can start to feel depressed and helpless. It is imperative that you support your own mental health. Make time for things you enjoy. Simply getting out of the house for a bit and making time for the activities you enjoy can help protect your own emotional well being when your partner is struggling. Spend time outside in nature, get involved in some form of advocacy or move your body. Research has shown, for instance, that jogging for 15 minutes a day, or doing less strenuous exercise like walking or gardening for an hour, may have a protective effect against depression.” Read the full article on The New York Times [] ✨Takeaway: There are methods to support your partner while still taking care of yourself when they are battling depression. As much as you want to help, know that there are limitations. Partners who take on too much of the caregiving are frequently overtaken with feelings of guilt and shame when they are unable to solve the issue. So, remember to look after yourself as well. ✨Reflection: Do you or have you ever had difficulties helping a partner or anyone with depression? #MentalHealth #Depression #Family #Relationships #Caring #Self-Care
Each Astrology Signs Superpower
by innateJoy9602
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May 24th
...See more Aries: Superpower is Stamina Aries can outlast anyone. They have a ton of energy, ideas, and motivation to get things done. Not in a Capricorn gritty determined manner but in a fun light-hearted, let's do it, type of energy. They are masters at going with the flow, especially if it’s their idea. Aries loves to lead, but you might want to remember that the rest of the signs aren't as practiced in strength and endurance as you are Aries! Taurus: Superpower is Dedication No one is more dedicated than a Taurus. They do not give up. Some might call it stubbornness but Taurus knows better, it’s pure determination. Seeing goals through as only an earth sign can. Taurus is blunt, practical, and loves pleasurable pursuits. Their dedication can take all of these things to the next level. Gemini: Superpower is Communication No one can talk, or write like a Gemini. Information spills from their mouths or pen/keyboard. Knowledge, facts, jokes, wisdom, opinions, Gem loves them all and is ready and willing to share. Gemini’s dive deep into topics, throw it out for anyone who is willing to hear and then move on to the next thing and the next. There is so much to do! Cancer: Superpower is Caring Whether they make you chicken soup when you aren’t feeling well or knit a blanket for you to feel warm and cozy, cancers are almost always in care mode. They are masters at knowing what you like and making you feel doted over. Cancer is a creative and intuitive sign, they immerse themselves in people and situations. This is how they know so well just what will make you feel cared for. Leo: Superpower is Entertainer Leo is always on and ready to shine! The more of an audience Leo has the more Leo will ham it up. Proud, regal, and born to be seen. Leo wants attention, praise, and most of all adoration. Leo is warm like the Sun, they can turn it on and be regal whenever the moment calls for it. Many make good politicians or leaders, ready to warm up the crowd with their charming mannerisms. Virgo- Superpower is Teaching Virgo likes to learn, delving into research at times. They are particular about facts, making sure they have them right. Many are self-taught in pursuits that they find interesting others will take classes and training. This is what makes them such good teachers, they have a lot of knowledge and are willing to share it. Articulate, careful, opinionated, and only occasionally fussy, Virgo's make great teachers when they choose to. They truly want to help and improve others with what they know. Libra- Superpower is Peacemaker Fair and balanced Libra’s are intent on bringing about peace to situations. Disliking conflict they will go out of their way to try to broker peace. They want people to see issues from both sides, and to communicate. Charming, funny, and good-looking, Libra often gets seen as a laid-back type. In truth, they are very passionate underneath the surface. They fall in love deeply whether that be for a person or a cause. Libra wants peace because they are answering a higher calling, for justice, and harmony in the world. Scorpio- Superpower is Seer There’s something a little otherworldly about Scorpio. At times, they can see things with such penetrating awareness that it seems impossible for them to know or have such accuracy. Yet they do. Scorpios are hard-working, patient, and careful. They love the deeper, more secretive areas of life. Scorpio is friendly but calculating, taking time to size up a person or situation before diving in. Their patient natures give them the wherewithal to do this. They tend to hold a lot in, so they don't always share what they see in people. Sagittarius- Superpower is Storyteller Exaggeration is taken to a new level when a Sagittarius tells a story. Sag looks at everything in a great way. They have a worldview that is already one foot in the higher cosmos, and philosophizing about the meaning of life is a favorite pastime. When it comes to storytelling they can pull from the vast knowledge of the classics or come up with something on the fly. Ambitious, idealistic, and always ready for an adventure Sagittarius is a powerhouse of wisdom. Freedom-loving and never to be held down, they are like wandering bards of old. Capricorn- Superpower is Honest Detector Cap knows when someone isn't being honest around them. Not only that Cap isn’t afraid to call them out. Capricorns are honest people who work very, very hard to obtain their goals. When they see someone putting in less, they call them out for it. Sometimes seen as cold, indifferent, and head-strong, Cap is a sign that isn't well understood. They love and care a great deal, it’s one of the reasons they work so hard. Often to provide for a family, or make those they love proud of them. They are loyal, strong, and dedicated people, just don't try to run anything past them that's not true. Aquarius- Superpower is Visionary Seeing new worlds in leaps and bounds, Aquarius truly has their eye on a new tomorrow. They can sense how things can be better and share their insights. Team them up with a determined Taurus and pragmatic Capricorn and they can really make change happen in the world. Maybe throw Gemini and Sagittarius to help sell the idea to others. Sharp, intellectual, and cutting edge, Aquarius isn't interested in the current status quo. Innovative and future-oriented, always pushing the envelope and looking around the corner at what can be. Pisces- Superpower is Creativity Give a Pisces a task and they will see it in an entirely different light than other signs. They reside in a more transient state than the other signs, moving between this world and other worlds. Dreams and reality aren't really definitively laid out for a Pisces. As such, they can tap into creativity a little easier. Often gifted with musical and artistic talents Pisces can be creative in a big way. They might not share it with others, wanting to protect their sensitive inner worlds from judgment. They need more confidence, reassurance is always welcome by Pisces.” Read the full article on Medium [] ✨Takeaway: There is a unique talent for each sign. Of course, everyone, regardless of sign, has their own unique traits and quirks. Perhaps, this can give you some insight about yourself. Astrology is fun! ✨Reflection: What is your astrology sign and superpower? Do you feel it is accurate? #Self #Astrology #Personality #Positive
23 Affirmations for 2023
by innateJoy9602
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May 3rd
...See more “What are affirmations? Affirmations are short, simple statements that validate and encourage us. They can increase motivation and help us persevere. They also help us focus our time, energy, and thoughts on what’s most important to us. Our thoughts influence our feelings and actions, so when you find yourself struggling or getting off track, reading or saying affirmations can help you refocus on your goals and create feelings of optimism or a positive mindset. Positive self-statements are especially helpful if you tend to rely on others to affirm your feelings, choices, needs, or self-worth as they can help you develop the ability to affirm yourself and decrease your reliance on others to validate your self-worth. Are affirmations useful? Many people like affirmations because they're a simple way to focus on their emotional strength and resiliency. However, if affirmations are going to work, they need to be realistic and authentic. Some affirmations can feel overly optimistic or unbelievable. For example, telling yourself “I am full of peace and joy” when you feel tense and worried probably won’t feel true or helpful. Research by Wood et al. (2009) bore this out. They conducted two studies that showed that participants who had low self-esteem felt worse after repeating the affirmation “I’m a lovable person” or focusing only on how that statement was true. This study underlines the importance of choosing affirmations that feel true and reasonable to you. Instead of repeating affirmations that don’t ring true, I recommend acknowledging your struggle (that you feel tense and worried) and focusing on how you want to cope—what you want to think, feel, and do in response to your stress and anxiety—or your ability to cope. You might say, “I can lean on others for support,” or “I can tolerate uncertainty.” Tip: Adding the phrase “I am practicing” to affirmations often helps them feel more realistic. For example, if leaning on others for support is hard for you, you might feel more comfortable saying, “I am practicing leaning on others for support.” Affirmations for the new year * Every day is an opportunity for a fresh start. * Baby steps add up to big changes. * I am focusing on what's most important to me. * I am doing what’s right for me. It's OK that some people do not agree with or support my choices. * I accept that I can’t control others. I release them to make their own choices. * I can lean on others for support. * My worth isn't based on other people's standards and opinions. * I am setting boundaries for my own well-being, not to control or punish others. * I am limiting my exposure to people who treat me poorly. * I can overcome obstacles, figure things out, and persevere. * I can tolerate uncertainty. * I notice my emotions and am curious about what they’re telling me. * My past does not define me. * I notice what's going well in my life and am grateful for what I have and who I am. * I don't expect perfection from myself or anyone else. I accept that we all make mistakes. * I treat myself with loving kindness. * Self-care isn’t selfish. * I can’t control everything that happens to me, but I can control my responses. * My feelings and needs are valid. I don’t have to justify them. * I'm choosing to think positively. * My mental health is a priority. * I'm proud of how far I've come. * I will not give up.” Read the full article on Psychology Today [] ✨Takeaway: Using affirmations that are uplifting is a practice that may be helpful for making adjustments to the new year. When routinely practiced, these brief words can offer a variety of advantages to both our physical and mental well-being. ✨Reflection: What’s one of your affirmations for 2023? #Motivation #Affirmations #Positive #MentalHealth #Wellness
Verywellmind – Nootropics Claim to Boost Cognitive Function, But How Legit Are They?
by zealousGrace5023
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April 25th
...See more “Nootropics []. Smart drugs. Study drugs. Whatever you want to call them, you might have heard about these substances in the news in recent years, as they’ve been steadily growing in popularity. They have some famous fans, including podcaster Joe Rogan, who claim that they help to boost cognitive function. However, some scientists have disputed their effectiveness. They have just as many detractors as they do fans, and there are so many different types of nootropics—with the most popular including modafinil and methylphenidate (Ritalin) []—that it can be tricky to know what the truth is. "In acute studies from my laboratory at the University of Cambridge, we have shown that methylphenidate and modafinil as compared with placebo do enhance cognition in healthy people," says Barbara Sahakian, DSc, FBA, FMedSci [], Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge. "We have seen, for example, improvements in working memory, planning, and problem-solving. We have also shown that modafinil enhances task-related motivation []; people found doing the tests and tasks more enjoyable with modafinil. This was not a general euphoric effect, which may be why modafinil is used by people as a 'work drug.'" However, Professor Sahakian goes on to express concerns that there aren’t any long-term studies of the effects of drugs like modafinil on healthy people, and that people are buying prescription-only drugs online—something that can be unsafe. What Are Nootropics? Nootropics, often also known as "study drugs" or "smart drugs," are substances that can improve brain performance. Prescription nootropics tend to be stimulants [], often prescribed to treat conditions ranging from ADHD [] to narcolepsy [] to dementia []. Like any medication, however, they can come with side effects, and shouldn’t be taken without a prescription. "People may consider using nootropics to potentially amplify or augment their abilities to process information, have enhanced executive functions, enhance their abilities to study and work with more focus, productivity, creativity, and motivation, and improve their cognitive functions and memory," says Amira Guirguis, PhD, MPharm, BSc [], MPharm Program Director and Associate Professor at Swansea University Medical School. While nootropics might be growing in popularity, they’re not a new phenomenon. The Romanian psychologist and chemist Corneliu E. Giurgea first coined the term nootropic in 1972 to describe the drug piracetam—which he first made himself. Piracetam is one of many nootropics used today, alongside modafinil, methylphenidate, and others. Piracetam is the original nootropic, and one of the more researched. Studies have suggested that the drug, sometimes prescribed to treat the muscular condition myoclonus, may improve cognitive function and working memory.12 While it’s legal to possess in the United States, it’s not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. There may be some studies which reported benefits to intellectual, cognitive and executive functions. However, the impact of their long-term use in healthy individuals is not fully known. — AMIRA GUIRGUIS, PHD, MPHARM, BSC Perhaps one of the first nootropics that comes to mind, modafinil is the substance of choice for many people who want to enhance their cognitive function. It’s often used to treat narcolepsy and other sleep disorders [] and is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance. A review of studies on the effects of modafinil on healthy people found that use of the drug may improve cognitive function [], but not all research came to this conclusion.3 When discussing nootropics, we often think of prescription drugs, but other nootropics occur naturally. Caffeine [] is a nootropic, for instance, and it’s one that’s safe to consume in moderate amounts. L-theanine is another. It’s found in black and green tea, and people can also take supplements. Research has suggested that consumption can increase the production of alpha waves in the brain, boosting alertness4, and that it can be particularly effective when working in conjunction with caffeine.5 Other potential natural nootropics include ginkgo biloba, a tree native to China, and panax ginseng, which grows across China and East Asia. How Do They Work? Many different drugs have been referred to as nootropics, but different nootropics work in different ways. Dr. Guirguis describes the role of most nootropics as modulating receptors in the central nervous system—often dopamine receptors—to improve cognitive function. However, she explains that "natural products, prescription medicines, image and performance-enhancing drugs, psychostimulants, GABAergic drugs, cannabimimetics, phenethylamines, tryptamines, piperazines, and failed stimulant drugs" can all fall under the umbrella of nootropics. Modafinil may work in a different way than caffeine or tryptamines, for example. "Both methylphenidate and modafinil have actions on the brain chemicals dopamine and noradrenaline, known to be involved in cognition, such as attention and learning. Modafinil has many actions, including on glutamine which is important for plasticity," adds Professor Sahakian. Are They Worth It? When it comes to nootropics, there are plenty of strong views on both sides of the argument. Part of the concern surrounding nootropics is the lack of research surrounding their use by healthy people. "There may be some studies which reported benefits to intellectual, cognitive and executive functions," says Dr. Guirguis, "However, the impact of their long-term use in healthy individuals is not fully known." Dr. Guirguis also points out that some research found that certain nootropics could have the opposite effect on growing brains, something that could lead to addictive behaviors [] in the future. In comparison, their use by individuals with certain genetic conditions, brain damage, or dementia may be recommended. While some students tell me that they do not want to use 'smart drugs,' they are concerned that they will be disadvantaged. Therefore, they feel pressure to use these drugs, a kind of indirect coercion, even though they do not want to. — BARBARA SAHAKIAN, DSC, FBA, FMEDSCI "There are also ethical considerations," says Professor Sahakian. "For example, some university students [] see other students passing these cognitive-enhancing drugs around and using them near the time of exams. While some students tell me that they do not want to use 'smart drugs,' they are concerned that they will be disadvantaged. Therefore, they feel pressure to use these drugs, a kind of indirect coercion, even though they do not want to." To a point, the jury’s still out on the benefits of nootropics. Some studies of certain nootropics have suggested small improvements in cognitive function, but there are so many different types that there’s no straight answer to the question of whether or not they’re worth it. Of course, there’s a world of difference, too, between having a couple of cups of coffee each day and taking a prescription medication to boost cognitive function. If you’re thinking about taking nootropics, it's something that shouldn't be done before consulting your physician. While it's not necessarily something to steer clear of, it's important to put your health first. What This Means For You More research needs to be done on the effects of various nootropics before we can really say whether it's worth taking them to improve cognitive function. If you're considering using nootropics, you may want to speak to your doctor.” By Adam England [] Read source here [] #News #Trends #MentalHealth
Are You an Omnivert?
by innateJoy9602
Last post
April 20th
...See more Have you ever been asked whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert and your response was it depends? Omnivert Definition Omnivert is a term used to describe someone who displays both the traits of introverts and extroverts. These people can shift from one extreme to another and their behavior usually depends on the situation they find themselves in, on their mood, or both. Ambivert vs. Omnivert: What Are the Differences? The main difference between ambiverts and omniverts is this: While the ambivert can control their behavior and adapts to the situation they’re in, the omnivert lets their mood and other external circumstances dominate the way they behave. 4 Signs You Might Be an Omnivert 1. Your MBTI Score Changes Consistently In the case of omniverts, the test results and percentage can significantly vary each day. That’s because some days you’re an extreme extrovert, while on others you shift to a classic introvert. 2. You’re an Emotional Rollercoaster Again, one of the things that defines omniverts is that they often react to the outside world depending on their mood. Sometimes it’s their internal circumstances that influence whether they act as an introvert or an extrovert. Usually, if you feel ecstatic, you can strike up a conversation or party with people you don’t know. That’s because your lively mood matches well with extroversion. Conversely, you tend to curl up in your bed if you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or unhappy. Since your mood can change depending on your biology and environment, you feel like you’re flip-flopping back and forth in your social skills and even in your social circle. 3. Your Choice of Company Varies As an omnivert, you tend to hang out with different friend groups depending on your mood. You might lean toward your extroverted friends if your social battery level is high. That doesn’t mean you’re neglecting your introverted buddies. On the days when you need to chill or enjoy small talk, you might choose to hang around your quiet friends. 4. You Often Regret Making Future Plans At some point, it’s safe to say we’ve all made impulsive decisions, then regretted them afterward. However, that’s not the case with omniverts. You’re constantly shifting from an upbeat personality to a reserved one. Making plans when those moments of extroversion kick in is a part of your personality. Likewise, you’ll soon return to an introverted state. That means it’s inevitable that you often make plans but don’t feel like following through when the time comes. The dilemma of wanting to socialize but soon losing interest can be overwhelming. However, it’s just the life of an omnivert." Read the full article on Medium [] ✨Takeaway: Unlike ambiverts, omniverts have trouble balancing outgoingness and shyness. As a result, they can seem like they have a dual personality depending on the situation they're in. Simply put, an omnivert is someone who displays the combined traits of an introvert and an extrovert person. ✨Reflection: Are you an omnivert, introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? #Omnivert #Personality #Self #Psychology #Introvert #Extrovert
Can Couples Counseling Prevent Divorce?
by globalBraid3744
Last post
January 20th
...See more Photo Credit [] “Couples therapy is certainly not a magic pill, and one or two sessions will not cure all that ails your relationship. Let’s be realistic about whether it’s a good idea for you to pursue counseling. Marital stress and problems will not go away by themselves, although many couples sweep the difficulties under the rug for months or years. Sadly, this just creates a mountain of problems that divide the two of you, and at some point, one of you will lose the motivation to work at fixing the marriage. John Gottman has said that many couples come to therapy six years too late. If you wait too long, the problems may have extinguished your willingness to solve them. But if you have even just a few embers, counseling can help you bring back the heat and warmth you need in your relationship. When couples therapy does not work * If there is unmanaged violence or abuse. * If either you or your partner is involved in another romantic relationship. * When there are secrets that must be shared. A therapist will not hold secrets for you but may be able to help you disclose something you are afraid to disclose. * If there is a psychiatric or other condition that would prevent one of you from being able to participate in therapy. * If one or the other of you refuses to participate in therapy. It is important to find a qualified, licensed therapist who has expertise in marital therapy. Look for therapists who have specialized training in couples work, such as EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy), or Gottman approaches. Interview several therapists before hiring one. Think of it as a job interview for the therapist. Many will offer a brief phone consultation at no cost. According to research from the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), 98% of couples who go to couples counseling say their therapists are either “excellent” or “good.” 90% report improvement in their emotional health and 66% say their physical health improves. Finally, almost 75% of couples see improvements in their relationships after couples therapy.” Read the whole article at Psychology Today []. #Relationships #Marriage #Divorce #Counseling 💬 What do you think about couples therapy? When would you consider it?
It Turns Out You May Not Need That Vitamin D Supplement
by professionalVision2624
Last post
January 15th
...See more More research questions the health benefits provided by vitamin D supplments. * A new study finds vitamin D does not effect bone fracture rates among middle-aged and older adults. * This builds on research that finds vitamin D supplements don't prevent heart attacks, strokes or cancer. * Vitamin D is taken by roughly a third of people over the age of 60 in the U.S. Vitamin D is one of the most commonly taken supplements in the U.S., consumed by an estimated one-third of people age 60 and older. For decades, doctors have touted the vitamin’s ability to help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, which help bone growth, reduce cancer cell growth, and control infections. But a growing body of evidence shows that vitamin D doesn’t provide the other benefits doctors once thought. A large, new study [] published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine finds vitamin D (taken with or without calcium) has no effect on bone fracture rates, even for participants with low levels of vitamin D. This news follows results from the same study [] finding that vitamin D does not significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular events or cancer. Data also show it does not prevent cognitive decline [] or reduce the risk of falling [] in older adults. An editorial []about the findings makes a stark recommendation: vitamin D supplementation is not necessary for healthy adults." Read the full available article on Psychology Today [] Reflection: Why do you take Vitamin D supplement? Do you agree that it might not be necessary? #VitaminD #Supplement #Health
Thrive Global: When in Doubt, Do What Doesn't Come Naturally
by KindnessMatters2020
Last post
December 10th, 2023
...See more Thrive Global: When in Doubt, Do What Doesn't Come Naturally I texted a friend to tell her my plan. She understood how I was feeling, but told me: “Wendy, go take a hike. It’s going to be a beautiful day. You’ll feel better if you do and you can always go back to the couch afterwards if you still want to.” It helps that my friend (Dr. Kelly Baron), also happens to be a clinical psychologist and sleep researcher like me. So I followed her advice, albeit reluctantly. Once I got outside and started moving, I noticed the cobwebs clouding my brain started to clear a bit, despite my sleep-deprived and over-served night. As my head cleared, words came to me that I so often tell clients in my therapy practice: “When in doubt and you are feeling really down, do the behavioral opposite.” The technique, stemming from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, is called “Opposite Action [].” It is based on the idea that when we are feeling anxious or depressed or otherwise bad, we experience a variety of urges toward things that we think will make us feel better, but ultimately make us feel worse. In my case, the urge was to spend the day on the sofa indulging all my fears and uncertainties. Some of the things I learned from this article: -it is ok (and super helpful) to take a break from intense situations -taking time to regroup mentally is self-care -utilizing support around us instead of retreating feels better than we might initially think To learn more, read the complete article here [] What are some ways that you can try to do what doesn't come naturally in stressful situations in your life? #OppositeAction #Self-care #Stress
Can Gaming Be Healthy?
by innateJoy9602
Last post
November 26th, 2023
...See more “Here’s why gaming can actually be healthy if played properly. Gaming has initially been seen as a leisure activity or a source of entertainment in general. However, later it was proven to have cognitive benefits for regular players. Research into gaming is active. One of the cognitive benefits of gaming is the improvement of problem-solving skills. Multiple games require players to think critically and devise creative solutions to overcome specific challenges. Problem-solving skills are essential for many aspects of life, including academic and professional settings. For example, students who play strategic games may perform better on school tests that require problem-solving skills. Similarly, professionals who play games that require problem-solving may be more equipped to handle complex tasks and challenges in the workplace. Spatial awareness is another cognitive skill that can be improved through gaming. Many games, particularly strategy games, require players to visualize and manipulate objects in three-dimensional space. These skills are also valuable for everyday tasks such as reading maps and navigating unfamiliar environments. Decision-making is another important cognitive skill that can be improved through gaming. Many games require players to make quick decisions based on limited information, which can help to improve decision-making skills in real-life situations. In addition to these cognitive benefits, gaming has also been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Research has shown that playing games can reduce stress and improve mood by providing a sense of accomplishment and giving a break from daily life’s pressure. Gaming can also provide a sense of social connection As many games can be played with friends or online with other players. This social aspect of gaming can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may be isolated or have difficulty forming social connections.” Read the full article on Medium [] ✨Takeaway: Originally, gaming was viewed as a form of entertainment or a recreational activity. However, it was discovered that regular gamers experience cognitive advantages. There is ongoing research into gaming. For instance, research has demonstrated that some gaming genres can enhance cognitive abilities including problem-solving, spatial awareness, and decision-making. ✨Reflection: What’s your favorite video game? #Games #Hobbies #Interest #MentalHealth #Health #Wellbeing #Social
How Do You Read an Enneagram Chart?
by innateJoy9602
Last post
November 3rd, 2023
...See more “In a nutshell, the Enneagram personality system works by pointing out your core fear and motivation as the source of how you function as a person. These behavioral patterns affect your emotions and how you move through life. To grasp the nuances of the Enneagram, which are a bit more complex than your primary type alone, your Enneagram chart can help serve as a guide. The Enneagram system has nine Enneagram types — but you have one primary type. Each Enneagram type has its own fixation, passion, and disintegration and integration patterns of stress. For a quick description, these types are: Type One: The Perfectionist Type Two: The Giver Type Three: The Achiever Type Four: The Individualist Type Five: The Investigator Type Six: The Skeptic Type Seven: The Enthusiast Type Eight: The Challenger Type Nine: The Peacemaker Each type has a fear and motivation that drives them forward. After you’ve located your type on the chart, you can start getting into the other aspects surrounding your type. HOW DO YOU READ AN ENNEAGRAM CHART STEP-BY-STEP? When you take, the Enneagram personality test [] your results will include a color-coded chart, which displays your highest, medium, and lowest ranking results for each of the nine types. This visual, plus the breakdown of your percentage rankings on each of the nine Enneagram types will show you your personality type. The number with the highest percentage is your Enneagram type.” Read the full article on Truity [] ✨Takeaway: Your Enneagram chart may appear puzzling at first, but once you learn how to read it, you'll understand the various aspects. The Enneagram is a comprehensive, growth-based personality system that you can learn more about after you've mastered the fundamentals. Remember to embrace your Enneatype as you continue to learn—you have unique strengths! (If you take the test, the results will show your type and chart for free, no need to pay for the full report!) ✨Reflection: What is your enneagram type? #Personality #Self #Enneagram #Wellbeing #Self-Development 
Know Your Personality Type!
by innateJoy9602
Last post
October 25th, 2023
...See more “Do you know what personality type are you? Well, I don’t mean strong, weak, introvert, extrovert, shy or confident. There are much more traits to your personality as well which you should know to have the better understanding of yourself. We usually have a common illusion that there are two kinds of people in the world. But According to MBTI, there exist 16 personalities. MBTI have named these personalities as ISTJ, ISTP, ISFJ, ISFP, INFJ, INTP, INFP, INTJ, ESTJ, ESTP, ESFJ, ESFP,ENTP, ENFJ, ENTP, ENTJ. These 4 letters in a word mean 4 traits which defines a personality. Such as, I — Introvert, S — Sensing, T —Thinking, J — Judging, P — Perceiving, F — Feeling, N — iNtuitionist, E — Extrovert. Every personality has 4 attributes from the above, as every personality type has 4 letters. The main purpose of knowing your personality type is that you get to know the things about yourself you were unaware of before. Knowing personality type also helps you to choose your career and find interests. For example, if you search about any personality type’s people in history. Let’s say ISFP, you will know that these people were mostly artists, painters, actors or singers. i.e. Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Kevin Costner, Jessica Alba, Jungkook etc. are all ISFP’s. As ISFP itself give its people the title “The Artist” That’s just one example, similarly all personalities have different attributes and qualities which make them unique from one another and are equally important." Personality Test! [] Read the complete full article on Medium [] ✨Takeaway: Discovering your personality type will help you learn facts about yourself that you didn't know previously. Understanding your type of personality might also assist you in identifying your passions and selecting a profession. Every personality has unique characteristics that set them apart from one another and make them equally significant. ✨Reflection: What’s your MBTI personality type? I am Infj! [] #MBTI #Personality #Self #Wellness #Life
5 Types of Narcissism and How to Spot Each (Part 2)
by calmDew1576
Last post
October 1st, 2023
...See more In part 1 [] we analyzed the main categories of narcissism. Research suggests that there are main subcategories - mostly of overt narcissism. Let's see them below! 3. Antagonistic narcissism * arrogance * tendency to take advantage of others * tendency to compete with others * disagreeability or proneness to arguing According to some research, antagonistic narcissism is a subtype of overt narcissism. With this aspect of narcissism, the focus is on rivalry and competition. 4. Communal narcissism * become easily morally outraged * describe themselves as empathetic and generous * react strongly to things they see as unfair Communal narcissism is another type of overt narcissism, and it’s usually seen as the opposite of antagonistic narcissism. While communal narcissism might cause you to say (and believe) you have a strong moral code or care for others, you might not realize the way you treat others doesn’t match up with your beliefs. 5. Malignant narcissism Someone with malignant narcissism may have many common traits of narcissism, like a strong need for praise and to be elevated above others. Malignant narcissism is more closely connected to overt than covert narcissism. But in addition, malignant narcissism can show up as: * vindictiveness * sadism, or getting enjoyment from the pain of others * aggression when interacting with other people * paranoia, or heightened worry about potential threats Someone with malignant narcissism may also share some traits with antisocial personality disorder. This means someone with malignant narcissism could be more likely to experience legal trouble or substance use disorder. Conclusion Experts work with five main types of narcissism: overt, covert, communal, antagonistic, and malignant narcissism. They can all affect how you see yourself and interact with others. When it comes to treatment, narcissism can be tricky because many people living with it don’t necessarily feel the need to change. But living with narcissism does pose its own mental health effects, including anxiety, depression, and substance use — and sometimes the impact of these effects causes the person to reach out for help. Source: What are the benefits and the drawbacks of a narcississtic personality trait? #Narcissism #Personality #Psychology

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