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Original poem #womenlovingwomen

Mashedpotato364 March 13th, 2023

Ended things

Then disappeared

Down the pier

Not lingering

In my ear

With whispers of

I'm here

Seen no where

It's as if

You're not there

You're NOT there

And I don't care

Wish I cared

More than I do

I'm so annoyed


It's you I avoid

Don't have to

You're lost in the void

Of your mind

I'm left behind


When will it end?

This feeling won't end

I've done all the bending

I can bend

Heart doctor send

Me in

Try to mend

This can't just be it

Ready to split

In two

No strings attached

Just a bit

I hold on a bit

Can't let you go

And I'm loosing my ***

How do I quit?

You don't want me

That's it

That should be it

Yet I'd come running quick

Just to answer your bid

A chance in your bed

A look in your head

Now I'm straining my neck

Leaning in for a peck

But you're disappearing

Far away as Quebec

I'm watching you leave

I can't let you leave

Don't leave yet

I need to collect

What's left

Of my hope

Not ready yet

To give up yet

Not with you

But on my own

Self select

Lou73 March 13th, 2023

This is a wonderful poem @Mashedpotato364 thank you for sharing it with us 🥰

Mashedpotato364 OP March 13th, 2023


Thank you so much. I've been trying to get back into poetry and this is the first one so far that I'll really happy with ☺️

Lou73 March 13th, 2023

@Mashedpotato364 It's great that you are getting back into it. Look forward to reading more if you want to share 💙

Mashedpotato364 OP March 15th, 2023


Thanks I appreciate the support