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tw/anger, family stress

User Profile: bloom006
bloom006 January 22nd

This is just me draining some rage here. I know your intentions are good but please do not show empathy. But do feel free to offer feedbacks on my writing as I'm sure I need it. Sorry for being rude and absurd.

Every time I fall short in something;

Whether it’s a goal or upholding the family’s dream,

End up showing a flaw or a weakness,

In an instant,

I become

Somebody else’s daughter,

Somebody else’s kin,

I become 

An inhabitant

Of all the places you were careful not to tread.

Like you can’t bring yourself

To believe,

To ever accept,

That I could make such grave mistakes,

Could hold so much filth

In my veins.

You stare at me in disbelief,

That your own womb could ever produce

Anything less than a spitting image of yourself,

In body, purpose and spirit.

And why?

Because none of my behavior or actions resemble yours

You were your family’s model child,

Always seen and heard,

Never hurt,


You had never let that happen,

You were built strong

And I.....

Am a delinquent.

So, surely


You’d hate to see a disappointment in me.

And it’s not just you,

But other people too

Who play that card

Just to get a reaction out of me.

I know what you’d say,

You’d say

If it’s everywhere,

That clearly deems it fair.

But then,

But then, whenever DAD fights with YOU,

Belittles YOU,

Abuses YOU,

Why is he still YOUR husband?

Why is it always YOU the one saying sorry?

And more importantly,

Why is he still MY father?

Why am I held accountable,

For simply being somebody’s daughter?

Why can’t he

Also just be somebody’s son,

For once,

For a change?

Since in such instances,

You only ever refuse to accept

That we are all merely humans.

But it is within our own capacity

To be munificent or mean.


Even if we feel humane by being

Arrogant, stupid, clumsy or bold;

We all stem from the same soul,

In our own ways, we all are just craving for love,

To be seen by the ones that we see,

Even you

And me.

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 1 day ago


very powerful