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The weight of my soul

littleNini16 September 6th


I wrote this when I was depressed as always 🙃✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨


In the voids of my soul, a storm rages on

Repressed emotions, a heavy burden to carry alone

Tears unshed, cries unheard, a weight that's hard to bear

But now's the time to release to let go, to share



Find a quiet space, where I can be alone

Let my guard down, and let my emotions free

Take a deep breath in, and let it out slow

Allow my tears to fall, like the autumn rain's gentle flow



Write it out, paint it out, scream it out if I must

Let my emotions flow, like a river's mighty trust

Talk to someone, trust them with my heart



Let their listening ear, be the start

Of my healing journey, of my release

From the weight that's held me, in its relentless squeeze

Remember, it's okay, to not be okay

And it's okay, to let my emotions sway



So let my tears fall, like the morning dew

And let my heart heal, with a love that's true

I am strong, I am brave, I am worthy of love

And my emotions, are a gift from above



Let go of my shame, let go of my fear

Embrace my emotions, and let them appear

In all their beauty, in all their pain

Let them rise to the surface, like a summer rain

And when the storm subsides, and the sun starts to shine



I'll find a peace that's been, forever divine

A peace that's rooted, in my heart's deepest core

A peace that will guide me, forevermore



So don't be afraid, to let my emotions show

For in their release, I'll find a way to heal and grow

And though it's hard, to let go of my past

"Know that my future, is brighter than it will ever last''✨. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨


BlueDarkAurora September 7th

@littleNini16 Hope is a beautiful thing just like your poem<3 Thank you for sharing :) 

littleNini16 OP Monday


Thanks 😊 

littleNini16 OP Monday


I'm glad you like it 😊

littleNini16 OP Monday


I'm glad you like it 😊


@littleNini16 :D

@littleNini16 I really enjoyed reading this, it was lovely. Thank you for this. 🙂🤗

littleNini16 OP Monday


Thanks am glad you like it 😊