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Theoretical perspective of toxic masculinity as seen through the eyes of an empathetic human - perhaps!

User Profile: Paulrm
Paulrm October 11th, 2023


When acceptance has withered

And the weeds grow thick around the stem

They take all the food, all the sun, all the rain

They dry the flowers to hasten the end

Like pirates boarding the ship to plunder

Sails dropped and mast cut, obey or die

Choice removed as survival is a singular option

To fight, to yield, the world retracts

Wisdom allows this fate to be seen

Before it has become the only course

Seeds released to give future hope

To accept the truth yet still go on.

This is why a man will stay

Not to fight or change

To see the potential in the future with never ending hope

An evolutionary gift of selfless reason

User Profile: Warpedme
Warpedme October 12th, 2023

What about toxic females? I've been one, and I know several. I can still be one, although I try hard not to be. There are good and bad in both genders, just as there are good and bad in people of all races, religions, and creeds.

Society needs to quit forcing this myth that men are inherently bad. That's no more true than all women are crazy or insert adjective.

What makes us beautiful, fun, and live well as a people are our differences. It's like the balance of ying and yang ☯️. We compliment and help each other when we do it right. 😊

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User Profile: Paulrm
Paulrm OP October 13th, 2023


great truth there ‘warped’, think we may be on a similar wavelength here!  I always say, most of us have more things in common than stuff that divides.

big thanks, big love!

User Profile: Paulrm
Paulrm OP October 13th, 2023


Not sure if you can message someone directly here - but I am certainly not a techie, more of a Luddite.   Anyway do you ever feel that we are where we are because we accept it, as in, we believe we deserve the wonky hand dealt based on what we have been lead to believe about who we are by those around us,,particularly the ones we trusted the most!   I also can see that a site like this can allow the echo chambered fermentation of all of our issues.  It’s why ‘therapy’ has never really worked for me - imagine if modern medicine was initiated with the request for you to physically inspect your wounds and determine the extent of the injury.  No one wants to look at their injuries.  People opt to be unconscious for simple dental work!, just imagine if you had a broken leg, or a severed finger and you had to inspect it first - doctors would be feared, people would have induced anxiety from any medical style contact.

life has challenges for all of us - but some are coerced into thinking that they deserve it.

just thoughts

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User Profile: Warpedme
Warpedme October 13th, 2023

First, thank you for teaching me a new word. I would also be a Luddite. 😊. I never knew there was a word for it.

I absolutely 1000% believed I deserved it. I was taught to believe I wasn't worthy of love, it was ok to use and abuse me, and so many other untrue things by the very people I trusted the most. I'm still following these patterns but trying to break free.

I was very sick for a long time. I still am sick in fact, and things got so bad I tried to end it. I wouldn't go to therapy either because I figured there was no point. I had been to psychiatrists and therapists who didn't help and on so many different antidepressants. Now I have a new therapist, new doctors, but mostly a new attitude. My goal is to go back to work as a peer counselor remotely.

I feared doctors like no other. Not anymore except for some of their incompetence. Just please keep looking and talking here. Your life is precious.

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User Profile: Paulrm
Paulrm OP October 13th, 2023


haha! Your welcome, I am often accused of being loquacious and verbose.

words are to be enjoyed, we just seem to be getting quite blunt with or inability to express adequately using them.  It never ceases to amaze me how expressive my cats are with just a look.


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User Profile: Warpedme
Warpedme October 13th, 2023

Look at that expression. I've had that day. 🤣 I love animals too.

I also love words, like old-timey words I would get into trouble for here from my game days like a word that rhymes with dollup or another that is close to scarlet.


I didn't say I was nice in said games. The people were jerks if that helps. 🤣

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User Profile: Paulrm
Paulrm OP October 16th, 2023


i just wrote something in forum - motivation and accountability. You don’t have to, but I would welcome your opinion-if you have the time 🧐

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