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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

blackparadeisdead May 22nd, 2016


I love this poem so much!!!

Knaiv April 29th, 2016

Its my real birthday
5 people new
4 are obligated to
pull my teeth out

2genpoet May 20th, 2016


what a

terrible birthday

wittyPomegranate3224 April 29th, 2016

I dont want to go back there,

Ive had enough despair.

Stop bringing back the pain,

I want to think good of you,

But you havent changed.

You come when Im free,

Then tie me up in chains

You come to me when Im having fun

Then force me into shame

You tie me against myself with twines,

Then force me to say to others that Im fine.

You tell me Im ugly, too fat, not worth it, not able capable of life

You tell me when Im happy, all I feel are lies

You edge me closer to the knifes

And tell me that Ill be better in other lifes

I want to get better, I strive

But you make me not want to live another night

You filled what I had left full of fright

Youve made the end of the tunnel, have no light.

2genpoet May 20th, 2016


yes stay way

keep to the path of healing

stay away from people who want you weak and drag you down

i love the self wawareness here

if you need help staying wawt from destructive relationships i am here

agreeableTree April 30th, 2016

Trigger Warning: self harm


(This is a poem I wrote when I was very depressed.)

Scared and shivering
Impossibly alone
Dejected I stand
Rejected by the world
Branded a burden, I trudge

With no sense of purpose

Smiles like painted masks
Plaster my face
I am nothing but a waste of space;
An unwanted existence

Each night I try to sleep
I face my demons
Who try to devour me and my sanity
Tearing me apart with
The words I cannot say...

Laying awake in bed all night,
Afraid to drown in the
Sea of cold voices
Blaming me for being the way I am

A glimpse in the past,
Tightens my chest..
Laboured breathing,
And infinite heartache
Is what follows.

The scars I have
Are not from honourable battles
Won at the border...
They are carved
Some on my wrists
Others on my heart
By a lost girl;
A shadow of her lost battles
A raging war of survival;
Because sometimes I am ready to die,
But I still want to live more...

I stand at the wake of devastation
Seeing my attempts to escape
The cold cage of emptiness
Fall to nothing
Bit by bit
Redefining my worthlessness

I am trapped in my own mistakes
A price I have to pay
I still try to play along the charade
Of laughter and mindless talk

But sometimes when I am alone
And a single memory comes drifting by,
A reflection of my past
A picture of a broken soul,
Reminding me of the horrors,
The pain that comes in waves
Even when no wounds show

As I register the depth
Of the pit I have fallen into,
I try to find myself
In that midnight darkness
Waiting for the unknown,
I discern that
The walls closing in on me,
Cold and heartless,
Show no mercy...
So, I am left alone to live,
The nightmare that I have created,

The nightmare of a fragile girl,
Whose emotions are all over the place,
Stuttering and mumbling,
Making her way through the lonely walls
Of a never ending dark tunnel
Each stone resonating with her sad existence
Where the silence splits her open…
Making her way through a world
From where she was removed...

Cheeney May 14th, 2016


I love this. Wonderful poemsmiley

agreeableTree May 20th, 2016

@Cheeney Thank you blush

ubiquituous May 1st, 2016

Some days, I will see a butterfly flutter by

and it will be the most beautiful thing;

an art form in itself;

a beautiful lack of judgement and hatred,

so vivid that it cannot even begin to imagine

what dull, listless emotions humans do have.

Some days I am that butterfly.

Some days, I cough down the sweet nectar that

I spend my days collecting

and flitter from flower to flower, delighted,

in my quest to finish all that is meant for me in life.

These times, like butterflies, are short-lived.

Most days are the furious twiddling of fingers,

crushing and prying,

rocking back and forth in my seat,

trying not to cry in a sea of unawares,

because nobody can even begin to fathom the thoughts

in the last flutter of a butterfly's wings.

KMangoMadness May 13th, 2016

@ubiquituous Beautiful....

MusicalMelody18 May 26th, 2016

@ubiquituous beautiful!

tallShade4679 May 4th, 2016

Trigger Warning

This is my original poem-

You said you loved us, yet when I would get a math problem wrong or mom would drop a dish you explode in a rampage full of violence.

You said you loved us, yet when I would cry or get sick you'd laugh and tell me to grow up even though I was 5

You said you loved us, but one night I heard mom crying and screaming.. begging you to stop.

You said you loved us, but when I would get home from school mom would be covered in fresh bruises.

You said you loved us, yet late at night you would creep in my room and hurt me but I would always pretend I was asleep.

You said you loved us, yet we would be covered in bruises and cuts and welts..

You said you loved us.....

But Daddy...

How is that love?

How is that love...

intelligentString May 4th, 2016


*hugs* <3

tallShade4679 May 4th, 2016


Thank you

2genpoet May 20th, 2016


these are words that have to be said

they are so powerful and poetry allows the catharsis to say these words

you have been wounded

the next poem is how you heal

how the child within you finds the love that she never received

how the child within you heals from the trauma of being abused

wite me that poem Shade

May 6th, 2016

three months

and I'm done

I graduated

and it's been three weeks or so

since my last day from therapy.

some of the last words my therapist gave me

was that i show psychological signs of a battered woman

-- maybe even worse.

because...who indeed

stays for 7-8 hours...or more...from 11pm to 9am

trying to reason with someone that won't listen?

my therapist

pointed out the pattern

how you would never acknowledge any responsibility

for pushing me into the precipice of killing myself

even just the idea that maybe -- some of your "meaningful" and

"thoughtful" actions are not exactly advised by anti-suicide hotlines and websites

or that maybe your lack of research was more to blame for your frustration on being unable to truly help me also do not acknowledge by the way.

because you'd twist and twist...and twist and twist the truth around

and tell me how you don't want to hear any of it.

how i should see more of your pain and frustration instead

how i should see the stress i gave you because you were depressed

how i should be the one guilty for making your life miserable and that i wasted your time because you loved me.

how you would point out how thankless i am, for even thinking that you should apologize for things so that we reconcile and heal.

because you think that you won't get anything out of this.

because you think...and you're so convinced that I went therapy just for myself.

and how everytime a day after you tell me you "like me so much you start to think i'm girlfriend material again" or

"maybe i fall inlove with you sooner" and I screw up you take all of it back. and say how "disappointed" and "stressed" and "difficult" i am.

and tell me how "no man will ever tolerate this" or how you tell me

"i'm the only one that handled this bullshit drama for so long and now i'm tired of it!"

"i'm sick of it! you make me sick!"

"you owe me for that year!"

"you owe me for the time i wasted on you! fuck sake!"

"I hate women because of you, i think you're all difficult!"

and i would try to appease you and calm you down and take back what i said.

and say no more.

no more.

it's my fault.

I'm sorry.

I love you, I did therapy for you, why can't you see that?

"It's only been three months and you think that's enough!? LOL. TRY IT FOR A YEAR. i can't even love anymore!"

I'm sorry please...why is it not enough. I went to the best therapy i could afford

"then don't show me any of your dramatic bullshit for a year! i don't want to hear it!"

and on...and on...and on.

then my therapist says how after the abuser calms down,

they have passionate sex.

and then a lull happens.

until the tension builds up again

and blows up on our faces.

and that's what exactly happened.

just three days ago.

now I'm sitting here, being torn inside with guilt.

how if i let you go, i'm responsible for how your life turns out and the hatred you have for women because of me.

how if i walk away, the abuse that i didn't intend to pass on to our relationship from my ex will be passed on to your future partners.

I want to carry all the weight. the pain. the guilt...i want to acknowledge everything.

but therapy keeps showing me enough is enough.

even if i loved you.

i can't make you forgive me.

i can't help you choose therapy, because you don't want to.

what you want to do is i pay.

no matter what i do...i must pay.

and be manipulated to pretend that i'm okay...just so you love me back.

then maybe...things will change.

even if i know it won't unless you get help.

May 11th, 2016


three months

and I'm done

I graduated

and it's been three weeks or so

since my last day from therapy.

some of the last words my therapist gave me

was that i show psychological signs of a battered woman

-- maybe even worse.

because...who indeed

stays for 7-8 hours...or more...from 11pm to 9am

trying to reason with someone that won't listen?

my therapist

pointed out the pattern

how you would never acknowledge any responsibility

for pushing me into the precipice of killing myself

even just the idea that maybe -- some of your "meaningful" and

"thoughtful" actions are not exactly advised by anti-suicide hotlines and websites

or that maybe your lack of research was more to blame for your frustration on being unable to truly help me also do not acknowledge by the way.

because you'd twist and twist...and twist and twist the truth around

and tell me how you don't want to hear any of it.

how i should see more of your pain and frustration instead

how i should see the stress i gave you because i was depressed

how i should be the one guilty for making your life miserable and that i wasted your time because you loved me.

how you would point out how thankless i am, for even thinking that you should apologize for things so that we reconcile and heal.

because you think that you won't get anything out of this.

because you think...and you're so convinced that I went therapy just for myself.

and how everytime a day after you tell me you "like me so much you start to think i'm girlfriend material again" or

"maybe i fall inlove with you sooner" and I screw up you take all of it back. and say how "disappointed" and "stressed" and "difficult" i am.

and tell me how "no man will ever tolerate this" or how you tell me

"i'm the only one that handled this bullshit drama for so long and now i'm tired of it!"

"i'm sick of it! you make me sick!"

"you owe me for that year!"

"you owe me for the time i wasted on you! fuck sake!"

"I hate women because of you, i think you're all difficult!"

and i would try to appease you and calm you down and take back what i said.

and say no more.

no more.

it's my fault.

I'm sorry.

I love you, I did therapy for you, why can't you see that?

"It's only been three months and you think that's enough!? LOL. TRY IT FOR A YEAR. i can't even love anymore!"

I'm sorry please...why is it not enough. I went to the best therapy i could afford

"then don't show me any of your dramatic bullshit for a year! i don't want to hear it!"

and on...and on...and on.

then my therapist says how after the abuser calms down,

they have passionate sex.

and then a lull happens.

until the tension builds up again

and blows up on our faces.

and that's what exactly happened.

just three days ago.

now I'm sitting here, being torn inside with guilt.

how if i let you go, i'm responsible for how your life turns out and the hatred you have for women because of me.

how if i walk away, the abuse that i didn't intend to pass on to our relationship from my ex will be passed on to your future partners.

I want to carry all the weight. the pain. the guilt...i want to acknowledge everything.

but therapy keeps showing me enough is enough.

even if i loved you.

i can't make you forgive me.

i can't help you choose therapy, because you don't want to.

what you want to do is i pay.

no matter what i do...i must pay.

and be manipulated to pretend that i'm okay...just so you love me back.

then maybe...things will change.

even if i know it won't unless you get help.

2genpoet May 20th, 2016


it is wonderful that you are healing and not trying anymore to transform yourself into something you are not

sometime for love we are asked to abandon who we are in order to be wothy of anothers love

but the price is too high

and this is indeed abuse

i pray that you find someone who loves you for who you are

and does not emotionally blackmail you

i am sorry for the pain

thank you for expressing it

June 21st, 2016


thank you for this <3

i'm sorry i didnt get to reply sooner....7cups has a confusing system with notifications. they remove it once ive clicked it and couldnt find the message i had to go and backread.

Saelan May 9th, 2016


You promised me enduring love, help and kindness,
You promised to remain here, you promised to stay.
You promised me hope, to cure me of blindness,
You promised me everything - then you went away.

You promised to be kind, caring and gentle,
You pledged to be my princess in my two-faced fairy tale,
You said there is no problem that we couldn't handle,
All these things you've promised - then you went away.

I remember looking at your shining deep brown eyes,
As we held each other on that cold December day,
I remember believing your unconvincing lies,
I remember loving you before you went away.

And I remember being crushed under though reality,
I remember sitting in astonishing dismay.
I remember begging as you refused to hear my plea.
I couldn't stop crying since you went away.

I hopelessly chased after your love forever
My sincere feelings somehow went wrong and astray
Because despite all my efforts, work and endeavour,
You decided to leave me alone, and went away.

You were a gentle and watchful entertainer,
You were the heroine of my grand theatre play.
You were my messiah, you were my saviour,
You were my everything, but then you went away.

Hence so it goes always, every single year.
And believe me darling when I whole-heartedly say:
I miss you and I love you, and I wish you were here,
And I can't escape these feelings since you went away.

2genpoet May 21st, 2016


i am sorry for all those broken promises that left you alone

Cheeney May 9th, 2016

Self reflection

I feel lost, lost in this strange continuity of time
disassociating myself from my mistaken identity
Not taking kindly to memories that I once called mine
still wandering hopelessly around in this unfamiliar city
Where the lights are dim and the night is cold
and the mind wanders till there's no one to hold

When tomorrow comes perhaps I'll change my self destructing ways
but for now I just want to lie in the comfort of discomfort
Although the past year had felt like a string of endless blue mondays
surely now, of experience and wisdom I won't fall short
Whatever life has in store for me, atleast I will be well prepared
maybe one day I'll be remembered as the man who dared

GreatGabBritton May 10th, 2016

My Original-- "I Am Dirt"

If you asked my dad what he did for a living,

hed say he made dirt.

He helped make the junk that you put on

top of you once they seal your body in a box,

the rusty red shit that gets in your shoe,

the kind of dirt that absorbs air and

tries to identify with diamonds.

Every months mail dug

him further into debt, but

the pressure pushed

him into a jewel.

He made two types of dirt,

but if you asked him,

he only made one.

Annie May 13th, 2016

@GreatGabBritton, wow. I hardly know how to respond. Powerful

undefinedsunny75 May 20th, 2016


You guys are good. My poems rhyme, not the sign of the mist creative mind. I like the analogy.

easyLion6538 May 10th, 2016


by EasyLion

Wake up in the morning
I feel numb for a few seconds
Then that feeling come again
How I miss the 'numb' moment

Lilylistens May 13th, 2016


Thank you for sharing this with us

I felt a lot was conveyed from you in this, with so few words but such meaningful ones. Thank you.

undefinedsunny75 May 20th, 2016


Makes me sad easy Lion...numbness has its origin; pain. Positive thoughts and love for you.

May 11th, 2016

"I don't care what u say

I don't care how u feel. I don't care how I handle things. I don't care. U are terrible."

This is what i read everynight.

This is what i see everynight.

Every single night

That YOU don't get your way.

While I have to stew in silence, and weep, and weep and weep.

And wish that I loved someone else.

Someone not you.

Someone that didn't talk to me like you do.

Someone...that does not walk away to leave me alone at night whenever I'm in distress.

Someone that won't tell me no man would love me because I'm unbearable.

I did everything I could but always always...


I'm not enough.

For anybody.

Annie May 13th, 2016


dear friend, you are lovely and valuable. NEVER doubt it, please never doubt it.

May 15th, 2016

@Annie thank you so much.. :)

undefinedsunny75 May 20th, 2016


Wow, hits close to home. I don't even know what to say, good poem.

May 21st, 2016


thank's a constant problem i still cant seem to let go.

i hope you have more courage to stop than i do. it's really painful.

2genpoet June 3rd, 2016


also for you

I Know the Pain

I know the pain of trying to deserve a love

when the trauma left before you a burned-out shell

unable to love

I know what it is to yearn for attention

a poor substitute for love

by denying your self

denying your need

I know what is is to try to fill a chasm

knowing that the chasm can never be filled

Hug the child

who tried so hard

to heal the pain

and could not

Who just wanted to be loved

and was not

Who wanted never to disappoint

but felt constantly that she wasnt quite good enough

June 13th, 2016


thank you for this

themystergirlANNNNA1090 May 11th, 2016


by Anna

I would lie awake at night

Thinking of everything ive done

You became part of my life

I would stay up late just for you

We would hang out at school

I told you almost everything about me

I lie there in my bed with my phone in my hand

I told you I self harmed I told you so much

I gave you my trust

But slowly it went away

We talked less

We didn't hang out as much

But didn't you know you were who I needed

But you left me

You left me crying

You left me in pieces

You left me knowing you knew all my secrets

You said you never leave

But you left me

You left me hurt

I can never forgive you for what you did to me

Annie May 13th, 2016


(sigh) Beautifully expressed.

themystergirlANNNNA1090 May 13th, 2016

@Annie thanks :)

undefinedsunny75 May 20th, 2016


Very good poem Anna, like the others, brings up emotions- the sign of a good poem.

scarletLyricist May 11th, 2016

Saturday Morning, 45 min. of Sleep.

I tried taking a bath, the water was cold.

The bubbles vanished, my music player died.

And I'm too big to fit in the tub.

I started crying again.