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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Sjr March 28th, 2016


It means a lot to me to hear you say that. Really. It means more than I can express to you.

This song was me finally being able to express the desperation and conflict I felt within me. It means the world that you connect with it because it is so close to my heart.

If you would like to hear the song I posted it on YouTube some time ago.

Annie March 28th, 2016

@Sjr, My first reply was so short -- I'm on vacation at a remote inn with iffy internet.

What captured me most was what seemed to be the struggle to stay with someone and love them even when fear of being hurt or fear of exposing our real selves is screaming at us to protect ourselves, take no risks, don't be vulnerable--leave!

And I applaud and admire the strength portrayed! And the will to keep trying. It uplifts and inspires me.

Sjr March 28th, 2016


That is exactly what it is.

The whole song has that theme of being torn between wanting to run and hide on the one hand but knowing that love is worth the scariness that is vulnerability...

I am dealing with a very intense situation with the family I love with because of this. Because I keep to myself they are not able to understand the constant struggle I face... But I'm afraid to let them in because I fear they won't be kind to my weaknesses and instead be hostile toward my experiences...

Constant battle to withdraw or engage...

Annie March 28th, 2016

@Sjr, yes. Well said.

DarkWolf March 24th, 2016

I've never really written anything, and I've discussed with several people if this is even really poetry or not. But I still think this is the most appropiate place to share. Enough excuses for now, here you go:


Im going to tell you a story thats not true,

about how my soul got overwhelmed with darkness.

When the only color I can be, is blue,

and it feels like theres no progress.

I dont remember the last time,

that I could tell you what I like to do.

Where have my passion and spirit gone, Im in my prime,

I dont know how I survived after all Ive been put through.

And this story cant possibly be true and it must all be in my head,

because everyone keeps telling me its easy to get out and I should man up.

But then again, they still have their spirit and I only dread,

life just suck all fluid left out of my cup.

At this point I dont care what the truth is anymore,

Ive dismissed those little steps forward out of the door.

Why cant anyone help me understand,

I know I cant do this alone anymore, I need a helping hand.

But I very much so doubt that someone will reach out,

and if someone does, they wont be able to change anything, no doubt.

I know Ive given up a long time ago, even if I try to convince others I still try,

but dont worry, its not like Ill tell you once I cry.

I know you wouldnt be able to handle the real me, I know, I tried before.

So Ive given you the mildest version of my story you could ask for.

In reality the storys in reality an infinite times more dark, thats being a realist.

But even if I wanted to, words to explain how I really feel dont exist.

I hope this story shows I know what you are going through.

And I promise you Im always here for you if you need someone, youll never have to wait in queue.

If you will ever be the happy person you used to be, I cant say.

But I can assure you I will be there alongside you with a hand on your shoulder, all the way.

So.. where shall we begin?


MusicalMelody18 March 29th, 2016

@DarkWolf I think this is poetry and it is a wonderful one. I am glad you shared it.

FaithForTheWin March 29th, 2016

@DarkWolf In my opinion this is really good and poetic. I enjoyed reading it as it somehow reminds me of my older self.

ParanoidPoet March 25th, 2016

This was my first love poem, after I had fallen in love with a lass. I hadn't yet refined my style or wording.

I dont know how I should feel.

I dont know what to do.

I dont know if I should be in love

At this age, but its true.

Its not a pleasant feeling;

Full of lots of pain.

But then again, I wouldnt ever

Wish that it would wane.

If you are reading this now

Words of advice, please take.

When youre in love at my age

Your feelings may be fake.

I dont know if this feelings true.

I hope and pray it is.

But then, I dont think I could ever

Live without feeling this

But is this love requited?

Alas, I do not know.

Im praying that it is, even

Though I dont think so.

Where to go from here?

Will it cease or go well?

My answer to that, my reader:

Only time will tell.

-Lucas D.

niceMap6412 March 30th, 2016

@ParanoidPoet OMG i love that , wow , great job honey heart

ParanoidPoet March 30th, 2016

@niceMap6412 Thank you.

March 25th, 2016

Your simplicity

clashes with my complexities.

Your simplicity is a straight narrow expresslane.

Narrowing down to the easiest, most convenient solutions.

My complexities sees more than just one lane.

There's an intersection overhead, a detour in the next 3 miles and an exit on the next turn,

there are also interesting distractions to amuse you for the long ride.

You have a racecar with improving engines.

I have a vintage beetle car meant for cruising.

You insist I drive faster, as if that will cure me.

You insist I stop tailgating so that I can focus and drive on my own speed.

So i dont need you anymore, so I get stronger and better...

The painful part is I really DO SEE

what you intend for me.

What YOU DONT SEE is that's not how my car is designed to be.

I need constant repairs and stopovers. I need sentimental affection and kindness.

I'm not all about efficiency,

or popularity

or trends and likes and all that shit.

You keep telling me we're different but all you insist on

is your lane. Your vision, your rules, your ideals.

Without seeing how hard I've been burning all my spare tires for you.

I'm practically rolling onto my rims

and you tell me I'm not doing it right.

Of course not, because I dont go by your design.

Maybe it's time I stop pretending to be like a sleek, sexy, racecar.

Just cruise by the views and take stops for a I enjoy the sunsets

the bright stars

and the sunlight breaking at dawn.

So that I enjoy life

and not worry about my performance.

Annie March 27th, 2016


Yes . . . yes . . . And again, yes.

March 27th, 2016

Trigger warning: depression, suicide, anxiety

I went to therapy

because in one of my dark episodes,

I realized I didn't want to lose you

When you were ready to walk away.

I wanted to save what I can about us,

because this is something

that I never dreamed would happen with you.

This is something

that years of abuse and neglect did to me.

Fears, doubts, feelings of worthlessness,

unexplainable longing for approval and validation.

I saw it in you,

before you completely saw my wounds,


Being your first has produced in me


That you cannot understand,

that now

you dont want to understand

out of fear.

Because I've come so far as to project all my pain

onto you.

The walls that went down,

are back up, reinforced, tougher, thicker

while I keep scaling, finding ways to get in, my heart on my sleeve,

only to be shut down, beaten down...

lured, seduced, used

but never forgiven.

Never welcome.

Never again.

I went to therapy

in hopes you see

in hopes you walk with me in this

in hopes that you actually hope too.

But I sense

suspicion, doubt, manipulation

turning me into something you think

I ought to be

someone you think

I should grow up into.

Telling me it's

for my sake.

Without catering to my needs...

I went to therapy

with the wrong hopes.

With the wrong goal.

You stopped loving me,

the moment you let go of my hand

while we were supposed to walk in darkness.

Saying noble things

that I should save myself

that I should not rely on other people.

that I should not need people to help me.

That no man can withstand it.

That I am on my own.

I am in therapy, dont want me


Zoo March 27th, 2016

Last Time

Left in the morning

With my hat and a smile

I thank the lord it's possible

That was the last time

Come in from the rain

It's a sunny day

Penny for your thoughts you wanted a dime

That was the last time, last time


'Cause I remember the last time

A ticket and a kiss and a long goodbye

On a plane flying south

That was the last time

I filled my glass up

Yes I'll drink it down

But I can't be the maker of your dreams

For the last time

It's like telling a story

To a little child

My ear to the phone and I'm shaking my head

For the last time, the last time


'Cause I remember the last time

A push and a shove and an adios

My damn car won't start

It was the last time


(Middle Eight)

Getting out was easy

Coming back to stay's a trick

Losing my mind was fun

Finding it was a joke


Turning my back on you

Turning my back on pain

Turning my back on you

Turning my back on pain

Last time



ubiquituous March 28th, 2016

It is again that we meet,

and I itch to tell you of the worms that crawl under my skin as you speak.

You smile,

and constellations shatter like glass.

My mother told me to stay away from shattered glass.

But the stardust that coats each sliver is intoxicating,

and I was always too easily addicted.

Ishabiebs March 29th, 2016

I write and post my stuff on my instagram account (@ishabiebs) and here is a small poem I wrote for a follower of mine. Have fun.

Standing on the sand,

I watched you chase your dream.

Slipping through my hand,

Strongly captivated by him.

Running away from me

To chase the sun,

Darlin' you broke free

To meet him at the horizon.

March 29th, 2016

I really...really...


have much bigger problems

than to worry about...him.

I have debts to pay..

I have unfinished work and upcoming works that are piling up.

And my crippling confidence to deal with.

I have therapy assignments

letters to write

to my abusers, to my those people that i've hurt because of the abuse/neglect i got.

i need to get a job...projects...something to work on.

but instead

i cry about him.

a person who wound up this web of honey

that i can wrap myself up in.

only to fall to the ground

because his lies don't even hold.

but i keep still.

wrapped up

in his empty promises.

i could just break free.

but i choose not to.


i still wait for him.

mairatheabbal5858 March 29th, 2016

This is just a quickie I wrote the other night...its not good but we go:


Do you know?

I cry myself to sleep

I feel like I'm buried deep


Do you know?

I draw on my skin

But I can't live with this sin


Do you know?

I tried to give it up to the darkness

I just wanted to escape this madness


Do you know?

I love it when the blood trickles down

Coz that's when the feelings shall drown


Do you know?

My eyes get sore from the tears

I just can't let go of the fears


Do you know?

How much your words hurt me

How much your ignorance cuts me


Do you know?

Sometimes I wish I could die

Then in peacefulness I shall lie


Do you know?

How much I want you to understand

And tell me it'll all be fine


I just want to know

Do you even love me

Do you even care?



IDontNeedYouOrAnyoneElse March 30th, 2016


basically everything you just said is the story of my life except I don't self harm.. I'm so sorry u do.. I did a few times but I've never cut >.< . I liked your poem

Annie March 31st, 2016

Dear @mairatheabbal5858, when you said your poem isn't good, I felt sad.

This poem is a part of you, and you're AMAZING.

(And I actually liked the poem. )

March 30th, 2016

A Provocateur

I have an archive of my thoughts Fought

And I was sane enough to think the stink

That not all in this mind are brought and rot

Unto the real, and worldwide link by prink

I wish that I could bring this up Wrap

I like to see and notify it by

That someone here is to disrupt his crap

All the insanely codify and fly

-Ano ni Muse?-

ubiquituous March 30th, 2016

what is there in me but a poet's left-wing hopes for a new home?

a politician's nightmare; a person's greatest dream;

what could arise but an equality so desperate and far-reaching that naught but the lord's now-empty chambers can truly mirror?

the parable of the madman, the liar, echoes

as a single grain of rice slips down seven billion throats at once,

and finally the people are content,

only becase there is no longer a greater power,

no longer a better than us,

as though the monstrosities in life are all machiavellian.

(I am the poet who dreams of a society where we are all equal, but none of us free.

becase freedom,

freedom is the deadliest poison of them all. )

Cheeney March 30th, 2016

I am here

When the lights are out
and the sun's asleep
Tell me, what do you see
does it make you weep

Or does it provide a smile
to replace that painful expression
And do you feel unburdened
after your midnight confession?

When you close your eyes
what does your mind say
Does it hate you
for wishing there would come no new day

Or is it secretly hoping
the exact same
But do you truly know the cost
of giving in to the pain?

When the voices quiet down
and you can finally rest
Does your life flash before your eyes
do you see how much you've progressed

Or are your memories dark and depressing
still tainted with fear
Please do realise
I am here

soothingwind April 3rd, 2016

@Cheeney love this..good stuff :-)

Cheeney April 3rd, 2016

@soothingwind Thank you so much!

snuffles7 March 30th, 2016


When everything seems wrong

When you feel you're at your worst

When life goes awry

When you feel so low, you think it is impossible to rise

You think, this is the end

And in the end all you need is a miracle

And when the miracle doesn't happen

You feel hollow and empty

And your faith reflects the absence of the miracle and

You try to still have hope until all that's left of you is

A terrifying jumble of faith and pain

And all you can do is wonder

Wonder, what is the point of everything that has ever happened or ever will

And just as you feel

The choking hold of doom around you

That's when a little thing happens

An unexpected event

The miracle, perhaps

This something leads to a bigger something and this bigger something tips everything in the right direction

And maybe at this point in life

You think this could never happen

You believe you've used up all of your happy cards

And you're only left with the bad ones

Even in the face of the newfound good,

You deny it

But you have to remember

And hold on to the little faith you've kept

Remember, the bad events have to end, someday,

The wheel of life turns, and when times change, everything that matters changes and the unexpected miracle finally, oh, finally, happens

And this is the story of everyone,

And this is the story of you

You're brave, you're strong, you overcome impossibilities

Waiting, oh, waiting

For your miracle

For the miracle shall happen

And you shall find

Your happiness

soothingwind April 3rd, 2016

@snuffles7 thanks snuffles that helps

snuffles7 April 3rd, 2016

@soothingwind I'm so glad! :)

starryFlamingo27 March 31st, 2016

You And I

Tears fall like a fountain from my eyes.

My mind searches everywhere for a disguise.

A disguise for you and I while we go on and live our simple lives.

Feeding from the darkness in our eyes people will never understand you and I

You and I, holding tight in this hell of a world.

Seeing things we can't rebound from.

We are stuck together just you and I.

You and I running threw the valleys and fields hold me tight so we can't let go.

Feeling that you and I will never be free from the world we live in.

Our eyes drip from the pain we have endured.

You and I, will never be heard.

Even though how hard we scream.

Our eyes will still see.

That disguise we once thought was free.

To lift this disguse is to open me.

Silentdragon April 3rd, 2016

Hello.. I am new here. I am Bipolar I :/. Lots of ups & downs.. I speed write usually at my worst.. I hope you guys enjoy it.

If I die:
One eye open, one closed
no smile to be shown
when I do, you know it's pushed
because my tears are being pulled.
To not show people how I feel,
as it get's harder, the less I feel.
I'm becoming immune to emotions,
no more is such as devotion.
One eye open, one closed
no desire to be shown.
When I wake, I pretend
When I sleep, I want the end.
To not think as I write,
and let my fingers smite.
My tears go down my face,
a face lost by faith.
One eye open, one closed
no emotion to be shown.
When I smile it's all fake,
by this time tomorrow I wish I won't be awake.
To not have the courage to die
and not have the will to live.
puts a tear in my eye,
just cause everyday it sucks to get by.
One eye open, one closed
this time around the open one closed.
When I breathe I see my dreams.
When I died all I saw; fuckin dreams.
starryFlamingo27 April 3rd, 2016

I lost myself trying to be skinny.

Trying to be free.

Wanting to look like that model on the magazine.

So many days my stomach ached and cried out for food.

Pushed everyone away because I was to consierd about gaining a pound then listening to you.

Didn't leave the house because I was angry and sore didn't have the energy to think anymore.

Sleep so much that the whole afternoon is gone.

Feel like I'm not complete.

Want to cry myself to sleep.

Everyday I feel this way.

Trying to be what everybody's ideal should be.

I'm losing myself because of this disease.

I'm freezing cold but not from the outside.

No from the inside where I don't have enough food in me to keep me warm.

From the all starvation look at myself in the mirror once, twice probably more like 30.

Only if I could look in the mirror and see what I want to see.

But all I see is a worthless person who is fat and discusting I need a way out of this disease.

Your life is consumed with the thought of being smaller.

The skin to my bone I need to be what I see in my head every day.

Started thinking pills were the only way.

To be the weight that i always wanted to be.

casicanhelp April 4th, 2016

It's more of a prose, but..

How We Ended: A letter to Peter.

The first walk is what I call the rehab walk. It happened suddenly, like our friendship was his cure to the lonely drug he takes. He messaged me, desperately wanting a cure because nothing else could distract him from the pain of loneliness. All he ever wanted was to stop taking this lonely drug but at some point, hes just keep giving in. Theres a time when you desynthesize from something after it takes its effects on you for a long period of time. You still take the drug because you dont think there will be an effect anymore. In reality, this drug, this loneliness, it deteriorates you. You arent the same as you were 3 years ago… But for some reason, the way we think is the same. You think what I think, you know what I know. We both know that this drug is hurting you. Maybe not physically, but your mind will face the consequences. You just dont care enough sometimes. Its okay to ask me for help though… Ill always help you. I told you after you apologized to me that no matter what, Im always going to care about you. Remember that. Please. Anyways, the first walk was when you apologized for avoiding the solution--me. We walked, sometimes in silence, we started talking again. I told you about my family and you told me about yours. You smiled when we walked down that street. When you said I was really late for that class. We talked like… old times. When it was time to go inside, you opened the door but you walked in first. I walked behind you smiling because I remembered how much you dont care. Your manners havent changed. It makes me laugh, really. I had asked you to go on that second walk with me. It was just as silent and awkward as the first. There really wasnt much to talk about so we talked about our futures. You dont care enough for your future, do you? The door again, you walked through first, and I laughed. I missed you so much. Were an odd pair of friends, scheduling days to go for walks and we finally made our way to our third walk. I honestly believe this could have been my favourite. The first two, we just walked randomly. I just followed you and we kinda just wandered. I was very wary of the time, checking my phone constantly. On the third walk, I only really had to open my phone twice. You asked me where I wanted to go, I said I wanted to go to the little creek and you told me that there were so many druggies there. We still went, no matter how bad it was there. Its good to confront your problems. I told you to climb that tree, and a branch hit you in the face and we laughed. We went inside later and I went in first. You didnt want to go through the busy areas. You love the quiet. I remember 3 years ago, we were at a school dance for our elementary school graduation. I wanted to have a slow dance with you, but hey, I never got that. All we got was separation and now Im not your best friend anymore. I broke my promise to myself that I made on that last day of elementary school. I promised myself that I wouldnt let you leave. I wouldnt let you go, no matter what. I promised myself that I wouldnt delete our conversations but I did because I always thought I cared was too much and you didnt. In reality, I took you for granted and I let go way too early. But I will never say that us breaking apart was my fault. I spent lonely nights waiting for you to return my messages, but it never happened. You left me and I was forced to let go even with this desperate hope to hold on. I dont know whats going to happen on our fourth walk. Im not sure if were even going to have a fourth walk anymore. I dont even want to talk to you anymore because of how easily you were able to let me go. My happiness was once found in your hands. Even my heart was in your hand at one point. But, hey, you didnt know. I should have realized that you didnt know. I should have told you how much you mean to me. Meant to me. Maybe I should tell you now.

P.S. - There was never a fourth walk.

starryFlamingo27 April 5th, 2016

I listened to you.

I listened to you because I trusted you.

You were the only person I could trust at the time.

The only person who would listen to me.

The only person who would sit by my side when I was drinking coffee alone.

The only person who heard me when I cried out alone.

I felt as if you were my one and only.

broke down my walls like no one else has they were so easily broken.

Whispering cute little tales in my ears.

Hoped when I was asleep I wouldn't hear.

Made me feel special again like nobody ever could.

I believed you with every essence of my being.

Felt like I could breath again.

But you were not the person I thought you once were.

You held me down with your arms wrapped around my neck.

You laughed at me when you were by my side.

You would mock me when I told you I needed you.

Told me to believe what you thought was right.

Held your hand to my mouth so I couldn't speak when all I wanted was to tell someone anyone how badly I was hurt.

You cut me when I was holding on to you so tightly that my heart started to beat again.

I finally found out who you were.

And all this time

It was me.

Chocolatewithalmonds April 5th, 2016


My mind is here and everywhere

But the body does not forget.

You are slowly coming closer to me

I wont stop this, I have no regret.

The waves are high and the tide is wild

My heart is a melody you have composed

You know me too well, little child

Dare to touch me, I wont oppose.

Our encounter wont last long, I fear

That youll soon forget my existence

I now can feel your warmth next to me, I wonder

What do people see from the distance.

Orange and pink tones dance within me, it has begun

A choreograph displayed by your light

For I am the ocean and you are the sun

time to hide behind the moonlight.

Annie April 6th, 2016

This poem was posted in another thread by @NoSelfRespect, but it's a much better fit in the Poetry sub-forum. I'm moving it here so that it can get more attention from the community. smiley

Anxiety for the future,

regret for the past,

and a sad, sad memory

for a life that won't last


vasanthk April 7th, 2016

The painful loyalty !

The vintage tree of summer,
Grows in silent hunger.
Requiring some water,
Waits much longer.

Roots, the only trust,
Attracts water to thirst.
Feeds the tree, though
What's left as enough.

Tree, seen by eyes,
To be enjoyed.
Roots, seen by loyalty,
To be felt.

- Vasanth

Vinayl April 8th, 2016

Just wrote this :p

Wherever You Take Me

I've loved you with all my heart
Given you all of my heart
All I can do is
Give you all of me...

If I could
Then I would
Go everywhere you go
I'll go wherever you take me

I keep questioning myself
As to what I can do for you
And now I know, the best I can do is
Give you all of me...

If I could
I'd leave the world behind
I'd follow my other half of my heart
I''ll go wherever you take me

I want to keep you with me forever
I want to be yours till all of eternity
I want to complete my soul and
Give you all of me....

I know I can
I'm gonna leave everything behind
I'm gonna follow my perfect other half
I'm gonna go where you go
I'm gonna go wherever you take me

Iwritelikemanybeforeme April 8th, 2016

A row of lights hold the highway

Bright and clean they gleam with enticement

There may be a day I see the hues of orange and the soft spoken greens

For at this moment grey is all I see

Oh lord come help me, the lord we all want to see

Save me from all that traps and haunts and has no reason

But I believe now you have no sympathy

From my lips I sing my own symphony, and rejoice

LoveWins2015 April 8th, 2016

Change: A Tanka

Texas summertime

Earth bleached by an endless sun

laughter in the Rays.

cold wind brings a yellow leaf

autumn has begun

Annie April 28th, 2016

@LoveWins2015, love this. It has an Asian feel to me. Similar to the feeling of a haiku poem.