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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

pureatheart25 February 27th, 2016

Today I will try to stop wondering why iam in a bad place

I will find beauty in every sittuation

I hate how that if your tying to be nice person you still get nothing in return its like why iam I being punished for doing good, even though I went about it the wrong way I shouldnt be punsihed for it

exspceailly if I was trying to help I was just thinking out of fear but now my bad luck

wont dissapear, I guess Karma dosent care if your attentions were good or not if you do something wrong to soemone yo still get a mark

a mark tI dont deserve but whatever I guess next time Ill know better!

pureatheart25 February 27th, 2016

I want you and I to be together like this

all I ever wanted was us to have perfect bliss

I cant remmber the time I was happy besides now

but I dont think my destiny is going let us have it anymore

I didnt look ahead to our future I was being so caught up in the moment that II ddint think thisn could end , but now It may now we cant win

I cant believe we will loose our way just becuase I couldnt look away

into the future I guess i should have known that all things good can come undone.

2genpoet March 1st, 2016


there is so much impending doom in this poem

Hold on.

Hold on to the love

dont let it trickle between your fingers

all good things can come undone but they neednt to

hold on

i have a poem to post called Hold i will post it

pureatheart25 March 2nd, 2016


aww thanks I appreciate the feeback, yea i have been feeling so lost and betrayed and i love your opinion of holding on, thanks sometimes we need someone to tell us what to do cuz we cant find our way when we dont know if were bring strered in right directin or not.

I ove to seethe poem you said youll put up

ubiquituous February 27th, 2016

for whom do flowers grow?

surely not for themselves;

what selfish little creatures they are

to bloom in front of a blind man's eyes

Annie March 5th, 2016

@ubiquituous, what a lovely gem. It reminds me of my favorite Japanese and Korean poems -- something about the spareness, and focus on the beauty and mystery of life. A lot said in few words.

ubiquituous March 7th, 2016

@Annie thank you ahhhh im just?? i was trying to communicate how unfair life is and the flower blooming was a metaphor for like things happening bc good things never happen for the purpose of being a good thing and people never even appreciate good things and idk

ve99 February 27th, 2016


No sleep could turn right,

I thought no one was on my own side,

The sun made me cry,

To the heart I thought once broke inside,

Everyone thought I went mad,

For the thoughts spinning in my head,

Till I knew why I was filled in fear,

You guided me from my foolish prison,

Were I used lay sad,

You were the one to show me the crimson,

I don't know to repay you,

But one thing I knew

That I had no debt or due.


Annie March 5th, 2016

Dear @ve99, what a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to your sister.

MusicalMelody18 March 12th, 2016

@ve99 beautiful! I am sure she will always cherish it.

pureatheart25 February 27th, 2016

I will love you forever don't ask me to stop

I will not stop even if you done me wrong

cuz moving on would be hard thing to do when you're not strong,

I will not let this go not for a long shot

so don't ask me to stop

cuz I can't , I won't, and that is that

Annie March 5th, 2016

Dear @pureatheart25,

I really like the last line. There's a wonderful staccato rhythm that gives punch to the message

February 28th, 2016

Trigger warning: suicide, death, loss


How do you make it stop.

How do you make your breathing stop.

How do you stop thinking.

How do you stop breathing.

How do you stop feeling.

How do you stop thinking about a person

that gave up giving a sh-t about you.

It's true what The Script says,

When a heart breaks it doesnt break even.

I'm unfortunately the weaker one, and so the bigger piece of the pain belongs to me.

How I wish it was equal.

How I wish it was mutual.

How I wish

I never found out that I was unwelcome,

or even accepted.

I dont even know why I bothered to ask,

or bothered to stay

or bothered to come back.

He kicked me out so many times

and I kept crawling, craving, wishing, hoping, expecting

his warm treatment was turning real.

Nice people scare me now...because they can be animals when they feel like it.

Kind people are suspicious now, because eventually their dark side shows up.

Where is safety, where is home?

Where do I go?

When will the tears stop?

When will my heart stop falling apart for the wrong people?

When will I stop living?

When will this all end?

Where is peace but in death?

Annie March 5th, 2016

Dear @weepingartist, ahhhh, the questions at the beginning and end are powerful. And in the middle, a line that really grabbed me was "Nice people scare me now." Also, I especially liked the alliteration in I kept crawling, craving combined with the string of present participles.

March 24th, 2017

@Annie honestly....i think i was just lucky with all of how it got composted. i have no idea about alliteration and participles...hahaha! thank you so much

2genpoet February 28th, 2016

Zebra Blanket

The image remains

Large brown eyes,


Peering from the blanket

On a cold winters night

Needy eyes, peering

Awaiting judgement

Above her crooked little nose

I stared back and stretched to her with my arms

But could not reach

Her special beauty

Annie March 5th, 2016

@2genpoet, I found myself imagining a baby girl wrapped in a blanket, waiting to see if she'll be picked up, and when her father reaches out his arms, he can lift her up but realizes he can never "reach her special beauty."

This touched my heart.

Arielandme February 28th, 2016

Cheeney February 28th, 2016

The pouring of rain

They're with me always
Life long companions
Telling stories of those dark days
Forcing me to share confessions

Blood red scars
Running all over my skin
Reminders of the many wars
I couldn't win

Momentary relief keeps us occupied
While we wipe away our tears
Yet eventually we must decide
No longer to run from our fears

Scars tell of a great pain
But also of wise lessons
Much like the pouring of rain
They wash away the deepest of repressions

Aren't we all scarred in some way
Some on the inside, others on the outside
Let's join and together we'll say
'I will no longer hide'

Annie March 5th, 2016

@Cheeney, Incredible, how the scars tell stories of the dark days, and, by their visibility, essentially force the person to explain and confess. So many feelings and experiences distilled into a powerful poem. And I loved the strong, confident final lines!

Cheeney March 5th, 2016

@Annie Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked itsmiley

WarmCaramel26 February 29th, 2016

@slayteralmighty Wow, the poems on this thread are stunning. Simply stunning.

My own contribution:

Self Love

Maybe it's time
to realise that
I do not have
to search for love
not when it's etched
into my being--
my identity.

Maybe it's time
to not salvage
that love for anyone,
but embracing it
for me.

(Written 16th May, 2015. Can also be found on [contact info edited by forum mentor annie]

Annie March 5th, 2016

Dear @WarmCaramel26, you've compressed so much into so few words! And the final line, for me, provide a succinct but moving conclusion.

slayteralmighty OP March 18th, 2016

Thank you, but it's not all my work I just started the thread is all and others made it bloom into the beauty it is laugh@WarmCaramel26

2genpoet February 29th, 2016

7 cups

I have been wounded

I am wounded

often i feel here amplitudes of love cresting up

then down

ebbing like an ocean wave

leaving behind small sharp stones

that scrape at my scars

scars that wait

for the tide's return

MusicalMelody18 March 2nd, 2016

@2genpoet ohhh!

proactiveDime3437 March 1st, 2016

Every day, he looks at her,

With sneaky eyes and a suggestive smirk.

Every day she glances at him,

He's already looking at her, well, this is confusing.

He turns away and pretends to be busy,

She affirms to herself all the flaws she's bearing.

To him, she is perfect; as beautiful as she can ever be,

To her, he is handsome; a boy way out of her league.

She overthinks about the aimless, endless possibilities,

Whilst he is thinking about slyly moving his next piece.

He is too nervous to speak up and

She is too shy to respond.

They are scared to admit, contemplating to confess.

This wretched innocent love,

And two hopeless romantics.

Angell March 1st, 2016

@proactiveDime3437 If only....

2genpoet March 1st, 2016


Hold, the moment never seems upon us

ever we move busy in our ways

alas we have loved too briefly

kisses marred by haste,

by circumspect

Hold, and we will come to love.

Hold, the compass needle yet wavers

it cannot steady in the rushing by.

and I am groping in confusion,

no prescient hand

to guide my path ‘til now.

Hold, so I may find my way.

Hold, for I feel so lonely,

The path uncoursed, waits for my resolve,

a moment, perhaps, I will be joined by others,

and with their coming

solitude dissolves.

Hold, for they are nigh.

Cheeney March 1st, 2016

@2genpoet This is great! Strong message and lots of emotion put into this wonderful poem.

March 1st, 2016


Girls must be girly.
Girl must have long hair.
That's how you're supposed to be
Be different, don't you Dare.

You ought to lose weight.
You dress all wrong.
So much negativity and hate
Is what we're taught all along.

You're not pretty enough.
To fit into our mould.
So this is where it gets rough.
For you believe what you're told

They created a mess
Of epic proportions.
Far from the best,
Closer to chaos and destruction.

Destruction of soul and love
Of girls still growing..
In a world so rough
Cruel and disheartening.

Fear not Darling,
You are Enough
For all the good in life
For all the love.

Be bold be you
Be what you ought to be
Be honest and true
Let haters watch on and see

That you don't fit in a mould
Shaped by their narrow mind
For you have so much more to hold
Enough for you to outshine.

Outshine the hate
The odd and the negativity
Change that state
With love and creativity.

Be bald be strange
Be inked and pierced
____ change
Stay true stay fierce.

You are one
And one alone
Stop and don't run
Set yourself on steady stone.

Fight for your identity
And your right to be
Break the chains of conformity
And be you.. Be free.

Yours Truly
The Birdy Called Duff
. ♥.

Annie March 5th, 2016

Dear @Duff26, There's so much strength here -- a paeon to Individuality and Self-actualization!

I especially liked the strong aliiteration and rhythms achieved in "Be bald be strange / Be inked and pierced." And the frequent use of strong one-syllable words creates so much forcefulness!

And the phrase "outshine the hate" -- that will stay with me.

March 5th, 2016

@Annie I appreciate the appreciation love :)

Cheeney March 1st, 2016

The darkest alleys

Accompany me to the darkest alleys
Shield me from the worst intentions
Take me to those ancient hidden valleys
That not even the bravest souls dare mention

Strenghten the words I speak
Brighten the thoughts in my mind
Lead me to what I most dearly seek
Shine light on what I desire to find

Believe in me and I'll return the favour
Work with me and together we'll succeed
In more ways than one you are my savior
Always present to help in times of need

Wash away my deepest insecurities
Show me the world from a new perspective
Emrace my abundant impurities
Remind me of my objective

Stay with me as I stumble through life
I beg you never to leave my side
Bless the goals for which I strife
Forever I'll be grateful, oh spirit guide

Annie March 5th, 2016

@Cheeney,the rhythms are GORGEOUS!

Cheeney March 5th, 2016

@Annie Thank you for your wonderful words. I just woke up and reading your comments really gives me an amazing start to this new day.

Cheeney March 1st, 2016

The unexpected

The bar was scented with contempt
As I stared my opponent in the eye
No one dared make an attempt
To stop this inevitable battle cry

Alcohol had numbed our senses
And made us feel gloomy inside
Making us draw up defenses
That we would normally hide

I prepare for what's coming
My friends are quietly observing
I need to be incredibly cunning
Because this situation is unnerving

Time seemed to slow
Or maybe it was just me
Yet before I could possibly know
I was hit with an apology

Annie March 7th, 2016

@Cheeney, The first line is marvelous! I love everything about it: the strong iambic rhythm, the assonance and near-rhyme of "scented" and "contempt," the idea that a bar is "scented" in the first place (a delicate expression for an indelicate locale, which is a nice twist), and the metaphoric illusion that emotions have a smell that can pervade a room. Wonderful!

Cheeney March 7th, 2016

@Annie Thank you so much! When I wrote the first line it was originally ''the barn was scented with contempt'' (I was gonna do another medieval poem) but I thought bar would be more fitting. If love can be in the air, contempt can be in the scentwink

Thanks again for your wonderful words.

Annie March 14th, 2016

@Cheeney, I meant to comment on something else unusual in this bar scene:

The speaker is "hit" with an apology. Ha, you blind-sided me with that one!