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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Ors January 19th, 2016

@Rainfall1308 Nice rhythm! But that poor bird :(

Annie January 18th, 2016

@Rainfall1308 -- I agree about Fish!

I think that intense emotions of love and loss often spill out in poetry, and strong confusion and pain can be a good source of inspiration. And it's very cool that even horrible wounds can result in beautiful poems, with art and creativity triumphing over the difficulty of human experience.

Nonetheless, I adore playful poems about fish. (As well as delightful ditties about frogs, and light limericks about grasshoppers.) More, please!

NataliaNectarine January 18th, 2016

This is...well...not exactly poetry, but I felt the need to give a huge shout-out to @Annie who shows an exceptional capacity for kindness and constructive criticism. I can only say that this thread would be a very gloomy place without her positive presence.

Thanks for encouraging and supporting this little poetic bubble!

Lyra January 18th, 2016


I am in awe of @Annie too, she is an incredible person and I am so grateful that she is here. This whole site would be gloomier without her compassionate and uplifting presence.

Annie January 18th, 2016

Dear @NataliaNectarine and @Lyra, Oh, my -- your kind words -- I'm gobsmacked and ridiculously pleased. Thank you! Y'all are wonderful.

I love this thread.

crimsonPlum47 January 18th, 2016

Everyone heard of the fairy tale
Where Ariel lost her voice
Exchanged it for something big
When the chance arose

In a way, she

Annie January 18th, 2016

Dear @crimsonPlum47, this is simply beautiful. I especially love the skill and the heartfelt emotion in the closing lines, which will stay with me a long time:

In a world beyond the ocean

I'm still drowning every day.

Hauntingly lovely language.

crimsonPlum47 January 18th, 2016


Thank you so much! heart

HatandTie January 18th, 2016

Girls like me

Can't put emotions into words

We hold on to our syllables

Until they tear up our tongues

We keep words

Written on the palms of our hands

On the inside of our eyelids

For no one to see

Girls like me are

Always too shy to speak a little louder

And project our minds

We are silent

We don't voice our opinions

Out of fear of being wrong

Girls like me

Make fists instead of wings

So we can fight instead of


Girls like me

Express thoughts in stanzas

Because sentences are never enough

Girls like me

Don't understand your feelings

Because we are always

Trying to sort out our own

We keep

Our logic locked in jars

By our bedside tables

And punch holes in the top

To let it breathe

Girls like me

Can't understand the concept of love

Because we have never been close enough

To grasp it

We chase contradictions around our heads

Count the laps

Until the number's too large to remember

Girls like me

Apologize for things that we can't control

Because it always seems to be our fault

Girls like me can't

Girls like me don't

Girls like me are

Annie January 18th, 2016

@HatandTie, Girls like you are AMAZING.

The metaphors in this poem simply knock me out. And the strong cadence in the words gives even more power to the truths you tell.

Annie January 18th, 2016


And by the way, girls like you grow up to be AWESOME women, filled with strength and compassion, having survived and triumphed over the things that happened when they were girls.

Trust me on this, I speak from experience.


HatandTie January 18th, 2016


Thanks so much!

ArwaS January 18th, 2016

nothing but the silence
peaceful and timeless
enchanting filled with compliance

Silence wraps around him
a pure blanket of stillness
come closer you will witness
a beautiful gem

Silence a rare delicate purity
one that deserves love like no other
one that doesn't deserve to suffer
their lies on its shoulder too much maturity

nothing but the silence
peaceful and timeless
enchanting filled with compliance

what is the silence
it is not a what but a he
he is more than what the silence can be

PinkDahlia22 January 18th, 2016


OMG ARWAAAAAAA this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

ArwaS January 18th, 2016

@JoyIntoDarkness awww hehehe thank you <3

Smile1ash1 January 19th, 2016

Bipolar Depression

My depression is like bipolar disorder
I have two people inside me fighting to rule
My depression rears its ugly head at the worst of times,
Says the worst things ... yet I love it?

I know when its thoughts race through my head I will win!
These thought will not seduce me
"No one will ever love you," it says
"No one wants you," it says
"You're worthless," it says
But it's not myself thinking,
It's the depression rearing is terrible head, shouting at me, trying to win a war that it
Can not and will NOT win.

Annie January 19th, 2016

Dear @Smile1ash1, I LOVE the fierce determination here! There's a marvelous energy and strength.

AlexisLeAnn January 19th, 2016

If you were to ask me what love was I'd simply say I don't know, but if you asked me what love looked like, I'd say love has two brown eyes with a sparkle that has galaxies in them and well they hold my heart. Love knew all of my favorite things and played all of my favorite sounds. Only I found out that love doesn't know a single thing about the sounds it made for me and the things that made me happy. You see, love loved me ever so dearly that even though it didn't know any of these things, love would do anything to see the crooked smile on my face. That is when I knew love loved me.

Annie January 20th, 2016

Dear @AlexisLeAnn, there is an honesty and perceptiveness here that I love. And the conversational tone really works.

January 20th, 2016

It's that moment that you did your end of the contract but they won't pay you because of a minuscule detail that THEY failed to specify in a written document.
It's that moment that the middle man is obviously making a personal attack on you because you bashed him for being a pervert on your page three years ago.
It's that moment that you'll be forced into a waiting game of patigasan ng mukha. Because you, being assertive as a woman, will be pegged to a "raging woman on PMS category."
It's that moment you realize you're an adult in the Philippines.
It's that moment that they'll make you break out of desperation to do what's not morally right in your system because you're depressed, and you need to pay your bills, debt and fees, so you bend over to their perverted system just for a mere 2,500 Pesos. A mere 10% of what you're gonna pay for a treatment that you're not even sure will help you stop being so damn depressed.
It's that moment you have to settle in convincing yourself it's a test of character that you'll do your best NOT FOR [disgusting people] like these, BUT RATHER FOR YOURSELF.
It's that moment you have to make up yourself the idea of God and do it for Him, because the real world is riddled with these sorts of people.
It's that moment that not stooping to their level feels so wrong.
It's that moment that I feel like I give up on myself for peace's sake.

I want to fight for myself. But I'll never win in Philippine Politics and the many lizards that walk this town.

[I did the edit - Annie]

emptywalls January 21st, 2016

Having depression is no easy ride

while you're out in public I hide inside

confidence beaten by the thoughts and opinions of others

until it becomes overwhelming and you start to feel smothered

ask yourself this do we do it on purpose

or is it just our minds that are out there to hurt us.

to lose friends through life without exchange of goodbyes

and know that the pain is not seen through their eyes

it destroys your desires and makes you become

that negative void person with emotions so numb

one day will come as it has for so many

these dark days will go when the mind is ready

when this chapter is over and I have had some rest

I will no longer be treated as second best

but those who have left in the hour of need

for what ever reason you did not see

the pain was real not for sympathy.

Annie January 25th, 2016

Dear @emptywalls,

This poem has a strength I admire. As I read it, I kept imagining a bold performer at a poetry slam, very cool. I also admire the technical merits, especially the interesting near-thymes.

emptywalls January 26th, 2016

@Annie im glad you liked the poem and thank you for leaving a comment i will write more soon. take care

funnyMango399 February 20th, 2016


i love this, it resonates a lot with me! thank you for sharing love!

NataliaNectarine January 21st, 2016


That night
Demons danced a hopak
Inside the inkwell
Of my darkest fears

I took my quill-saber
Piercing the surface
Of the sleepy waters
Once again

Thus the wraiths
Became rusalki
And with their blood
I am to write

Annie January 25th, 2016

Dear @NataliaNectarine, these images are wonderful!

I am touched by the "Demons in the inkwell of one's fears" and the clever spin on the metaphor of the pen being a weapon ... and the image of the writer's pen piercing the sleeping waters -- wow!

Plus the idea of ghosts turning into something corporeal (altho I don't know what that creature is!) and using that creature's blood as ink. So MUCH packed into short poem!! Lovely assonance, too.

In addition, I love that the night writer triumphs over her demons.

I love this thread!

Annie January 23rd, 2016

Can you think of a family in literature that's so cool you'd love to be part of it?

Conversely, can you think of a fictional family so scary awful that the protagonist had to be strong to overcome it?

Lets talk about families! (It's Family Week at 7 Cups of Tea)

Please come join a discussion in the Forum (link).

misplacedhalo January 24th, 2016


There was once an earthling named Human
Human was an innocent, carefree, and loving being
Human did not fear anything nor any man
Human felt like a butterfly- what a marvelous feeling

But then something horrible went into scenery
With its cryptic grin, people found a mystery
Little did they know it was a monster
Whose intention was to destroy, corrupt, and conquer

The discreet monster went by the name Society
Everyone seemed to treat Society as a beauty
But to Human, Society was just a notoriety
Unfortunately for Human, Society was being a commodity

Human started getting these horrible moments of anxiety
Human was losing his sanity oh so silently
Society's social constructs were getting out of control
It was slowly sucking out Human's precious soul

And then Human just suddenly lost it all
Human drowned within the monster in its head
All things good suddenly went to a fall
The Human everyone knew was now everlastingly dead

Just because of rude words and bullshit expectations
Humanity would abruptly go down with no hesitation

FaithForTheWin January 25th, 2016

I really like your poem because it has a strong meaning with strong words and phrases supporting it. To be honest I can relate to "Human" in some part and I know that there are a lot of people out there that feel the same way, too.

Overall a really nice poem with a topic that explains a problem we have to deal with today

CrownTheGhostTown January 27th, 2016

So this poem is one I did for my ELA class but I ended up really loving it so I wanted to post it here! It's in memory of my uncle, who was more like a best friend to me. If anyone gets the title you get more points haha just kidding!

Swing Life Away

It was the shocking news that brought tears to my eyes.

And you made me remember what it was like to cry.


He took your life away.

Just like that!

How could he?

And everyone felt the pain, the pain that you had found since It took over your body.

I dont care what you did, you didnt deserve that death!

What about Andrea? She has no daddy now!

So the family will always think of you,

At 1:11 and 11:11 when Mimi greets your ghost

When I feel the strings of that guitar, my mind plays the familiar movie of you playing on the street

When mom tells stories of you she gets that familiar twinkle

I can still feel you Uncle Jeff

I still remember the scent of your cheap cologne and aftershave

The stories you told with such passion

Your suitcase full of music that burned up

The guitar with all the carvings

The stories, the stories

Ever since I was little

All the stories

You didnt hesitate to tell

The deepest and the darkest

It didnt matter

I will always remember you

Feeding me pie like I was a begging bird

Rocking me back and forth, back and forth

Humming Led Zeppelin

That was the beginning, I wish it could come back and so could you

I wish I was a baby

It seemed like yesterday

Lets turn back all the time to then or farther back

You could change your life, for the better!

CrownTheGhostTown January 27th, 2016

Ok so i revised my poem that I posted last night, enjoy and i would love feedback!


Swing Life Away

It was the shocking news that brought tears to my eyes.

And you made me remember what it was like to cry.


He took your life away.

I guess the angels needed a rock star

But just like that!

How could he?

You were my best friend, my uncle

Always there for me, ready to talk at the drop of a hat

You understood me

And everyone felt the immense and almost unbearable pain,

Almost the same pain that you had found since It took over your body

I dont care what you did, the choices you made

You didnt deserve that death!

What about Andrea? She has no dad now!

Nobody to walk her down the aisle!

Nobody to bawl at her wedding!

Nobody to sing at her wedding!

So the family will always think of you,

At 1:11 and 11:11 when Mimi greets your ghost

When I strum your guitar my mind plays the movie of you playing on the street

When mom tells stories of you she gets that familiar twinkle

I can still feel you Uncle Jeff

I still remember the scent of your cheap cologne and aftershave

The stories you told with such passion

You had disappeared inside the bar for a moment

When you returned

Your suitcase, your life, full of music, flames engulfing it

The guitar, the out of tune guitar, with all your life carved into it

Your lucky number

The glass cross

The thousand guitar picks in the case

The stories, the stories

Ever since I was little

All the stories

You didnt hesitate to tell

The deepest and the darkest

The drugs

The alcohol

The prodigal son

That was you

You were as free as a bird with no restraints

It didnt matter

I will always remember you

Feeding me pie, I was a little bird.

Rocking me back and forth, back and forth

Humming Led Zeppelin

That was the beginning, I wish it could come back and so could you

I wish I was a baby

It seemed like yesterday

Lets turn back all the time to then or farther back

You could change your life, for the better!

FaithForTheWin January 27th, 2016


Wow... This poem really touched me because it delievers the emotions for your uncle really well. I can really feel what you are explaining there.

I'm totally having goose bumps right now, maybe because I know what it feels like to loose somebody and write a poem (or a song in my case) about that person.

By the way, isn't swing life away a song by Rise Against?

CrownTheGhostTown January 27th, 2016


Thanks so much! And it may be a song by them, but I named it after the song by Machine Gun Kelly

Marissalove12 January 27th, 2016

The sun kisses the moon goodnight every single evening,
then rises back up in the morning to say hello once again,
but I'm having a hard time because I know that you will not be here in the morning
While the sun was saying goodnight,
we were saying goodbye,
& while the moon was saying hello,
we weren't speaking
In between this transition we both lay in our beds with only memories of each other
You wrapped in your favorite blanket that I had made you for Christmas,
I cling to the sweater you said looked better on me than it ever did on you
The sun says it's hellos once again & an all new day beginnings,
but all I can think about is our goodbye
As the day passes the moon weeps due to it's absence of the sun,
but the sun does not shed any tears
While the daylight runs out the moon sighs with relief because it is clear to her that she will meet the sun in just a few short hours
They depart again & the moon prays that the sun will come out for another day
When I told you that you are my sunshine,
it meant more to me than it ever did to you,
but I'll still hold on because the sun never stops kissing the moon no matter how many times the days & nights have flickered on & off.

Annie February 13th, 2016


So many any of the images have genuine impact. I especially like: "I cling to the sweater you said looked better on me than it ever did on you. ... When I told you that you are my sunshine, it meant more to me than it ever did to you."

The contrast of morning and night, the idea of morning kissing the night hello and goodbye, the thought of the endless flickering of days and nights -- wow.

Geodc January 28th, 2016

Suffocating heat air thick difficult to breath

Summer sun beating sweat rolling down

Distant rumbles streaks teasing a reprieve

Still air gently trees leaves whirl round

Blue sky subdued by thick grey darkening

Cracking earth dust becomes unsettled

Withered flowers a thirst deep lingering

Shades of green to brown has vetted

Droplets first vanish near instantly

Distinct the smell to warn or bless

Drinking deeply of a coming plenty

Hard falling no longer a gentle caress

Washing away misery previous the day

Sins so easily could it be to give away

Annie January 29th, 2016

Dear @Geodc, This touches my soul.

Geodc January 29th, 2016

@Annie. Glad you like.

ShyAudienceFaithValued January 28th, 2016

Your funeral.

A poem for Brenda

I walk up on stage

Paper in my hand and

I'm in everybody's gaze

Opening my mouth

To say words of praise

My sister nods so we start

Tears in my eyes

Passion in my heart

I'll remember you forever

Nan, I don't want you to part

Annie January 29th, 2016

Dear @ShyAudienceFaithValued,

Your poem is lovely. I'm deeply sorry about her death. You are amazing to be able to get up and speak to everyone about her wonderfulness and your painful loss.

You honor her so beautifully with your poetry.