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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Chiaroscuro1 April 13th, 2019

@easyWater4109 - I like it!

AikaAmai January 26th, 2019

You and I are like a toy and a wall.

When I am wound up, I chase you blindly, not knowing that I may get damaged if we collide—

while you



I want to see you better

I want to be close to you.

But with every



I am only ensuring my own downfall.

Without warning, an impact.

for a second I think I have moved you

but its not enough.

i continue my forward march

just a little more should do it

but its never enough. am i never enough?

i cant tell if youve moved or not, so the march continues

and continues


i slow

and the windup ends.

wingsbro137 January 30th, 2019

Oh, Creature Fear

Look at the way the moon dances

on film and on your skin.

Hips swaying softly, as the earths

song plays within.

Did you move your feet in time?

Did your heart skip a beat?

Did you dance in another world,

with creatures Ill never meet?

Notice how the starlight shines,

on screen and behind your eyes.

Rhythm, a rolling river,

running from the lies.

Havent you played the sorrowed music?

Havent you been waiting for the light?

Havent you lost enough, Darling,

to the creatures shallow night?

Hope the river always runs,

in the script and beneath your feet.

It hurts but it makes you free,

dancing barefoot in the creek.

Are you asking for forgiveness?

Are there constellations in your dreams?

Are you braver, bolder, brighter,

than the creature makes you seem?

Believe in how your beauty snares,

the camera and my mind.

Look to the stars when youre lost,

youll be surprised what you may find.

Do you feel the earth turning?

Do you want to dance to the spinning song?

Do you follow your own path,

or have you been the creature all along?

bblueskies March 24th, 2019

original poem by charlotte :)

letting go

if you stare into the depth of your past

as a sea of mistakes oh-so horribly vast

youll find darkness and blood drippin

thatll make your heart retreat to rippin

if your uncontrollable tears are set free

youll drown in your minds chaotic sea

as you invite your agony to keep returnin

to the blazing river that leaves you burnin

if you allow anxiety to always hold you down

itll cut you deep, so even deeper youll drown

and dont you expect anything other than failin

as long as your hopes of happiness go unavailin

but if you stare into the depth of your past

to accept your flaws, fears, and self, at last

your anxieties will begin to appear as useless

so you dismiss all that causes you to stress

finally, you can feel at peace as you let them go

looking back now, you see nothing but a shadow

bblueskies March 24th, 2019

by charlotte b.

nocturnal chaos

12:00 am.

laying in an ocean of blankets

limbs sprawled across my bed

salty tears dried on my face

wet droplets on my pillow

dismal thoughts on the loose

through the air, before my eyes

frustration, doubt, anxiety, fear,

sadness, melancholy, despair.

my head spins with these words

dark, black, thick letters

they fill my room as my heart empties

im a victim to these words.

5:30 am.

a weak heart pulls me away,

out of the storm just in time.

i close my door behind me,

and hide the words behind me.

time for another day.

Iris7661 March 25th, 2019

Heres a poem I created awhile ago. Its not very good but I wanted to share it.


A mirror in your hand

Beautiful, intricate, perfect

Reflected is the same

You look in and see yourself

Your bright eyes, smile, smooth hair

Everything so perfect

You look everyday and find faults

Your sad eyes, flat mouth, messy hair

Your mirror starts to crack

Everyday the crack grows bigger

Your cracked eyes, mouth, hair

The crack takes over the mirror

Shattered, broken, fractured

A mirror cracked beyond repair

When you look in you are not whole

JustSomeKSGirl March 25th, 2019
JustSomeKSGirl March 25th, 2019


She wakes up empty,

Yet, full of so much guilt.

Longing for a life of joy,

And praying for a heart thats filled.

Almost seven years shes waited,

For the blessing of two pink lines.

Still, she keeps on waiting,

As she feels the sadness welling up inside.

The tears roll swiftly down her cheeks,

Landing on the floor.

She reaches for her husband,

Wishing she could give him more.

Yearning for a family,

That doesnt seem to come.

Yet, she keeps on praying,

To the Lord above.

But, the pleading goes unanswered,

And she hangs her head in dismay.

Her broken body crumbles to the floor,

Never thinking life would be this way.

Surrounded by her tears,

And a pile of shattered dreams,

She lies there hoping the day will dawn,

When shell see a heartbeat on the screen.

The love she has is endless,

For the child she hopes comes soon.

Yet, she wakes up empty,

Her head, her heart, her womb.

(C) MARCH 2019 - CT

Lily5 June 22nd, 2019

i have tried to say the name of what you took from me.

there are terms, i know, legal ones and vulgar ones and ones so caked in ideology they give even ME a headache.

but what word could really say -

you carved my body into the shape of your palms until it was something i don't recognize and

you burned my hands so bad that when i touch myself it feels like you again and

you named me flower and now i don't bloom anymore and

i know that this is just the way you like me

compassionateYard7526 June 23rd, 2019

Even a cactus needs water

Even darkness needs light

Even hate needs love

Even the strongest need help

Without water all die

Without light happiness can never be found

Without love nobody could survive

even a cactus needs water

XiphoFish July 20th, 2019

@compassionateYard7526 oh, if i had all the money in the world I would give you for for this pieam but a you moving my heart like that only true poets can do and for that there is is no money, just gratitude and a simple, humble "thank you"...many of us wished were word and soul smiths like you...that's why we are are all different so you can excell in what you art world we say "Bravo!"

compassionateYard7526 July 20th, 2019

@XiphoFish Thanks, I didn't even think it was that good but that's why I like sharing my writting sometimes because it helps me gain confidence. Really I just write because it helps me get some of the thoughts that cloud my head out and it clears up some space. But if my writting is enjoyed by others that just makes it even better.

XiphoFish July 20th, 2019

@compassionateYard7526 yes, it moves souls...some of us forgot how to express our feelings in verse or words, we take solace in our defeat in what others whisper gently to us...

Elephantintheroom5 June 29th, 2019


Show me your night,

Tell me how the trees age.

You fly so searching,


the taste of bitter.

Nothing screams of forever.

Keep your breath for me,

my eyes now see space


Remember the songs,

the sun, a river,

your wide open spaces

in layered harmonies.

Good night.

lazyKatz June 29th, 2019


What a lovely poem

Elephantintheroom5 June 29th, 2019

@lazyKatz thank you smiley

XiphoFish July 20th, 2019

@lazyKatz indeed..

Inuk July 20th, 2019

I don't know what I want to do

yet there's no place I'd rather be

wishing loved ones who were gone too soon

were still here with me.

There's no pain greater than the loss of a friend

during our time here we were friends 'till the end.

I just can't get back up on my feet

with my head held high

I just can't see you as just a memory

you will always be a part of my life.

I can laugh, I can play

with my friends any day

though good times never last

and the pain just won't go away.

I can hold a smile

only for a while

I am not that strong

I'm still just a child.

I can not let go

there's just no moving on

I have not been home for so long

all this time I've felt all alone

since you've been gone... Dad

Kadi21 January 8th, 2020

@Inuk just my story, awesome poem!

StanDaMan78 July 20th, 2019

Vibrant crystals of white snow,

Waltzing in the wake of the chilly breeze,

Fluttering back and forth, right and left,

Towards the reaching hands of a lone cherry tree

The cherry tree, a soldier in a worn, barren land,

A survivor of the most fearsome winds,

The most daunting rains, the most playful children,

But its soul lingers

At the hands of the worst of winter.

Branches lie naked, trunk sits stiff,

Roots rest hungry, leaves remain absent.


In a shower of snowflakes,

The cherry tree regains its beauty.

The snow adorns the tip

Of the slender, wooden arms

With twinkling lights

And sprinkles the gnarled fingers

With icy confetti.

The chilly wind crowned its head

With a glittery veil

And the snow blankets the lonely roots

And embraces them in a cool, friendly kiss.

At sunset

Each snowflake reflects the soothing light

Of the sun,

Basking the cherry tree in a golden glow,

Comforting the cherry tree,

And making it beautiful.

Funnyhuman November 12th, 2019


This is beautiful you're so good at poetry

ThePizza November 13th, 2019

Swirling vortex of indecision,

Sagging eyes and incoherent thought.

Everything blends together,

No one knows what it was that was sought.

Something missing from the daily grind,

Something missing from the mind.

The gears are turning,

No time to slow—

Hurry up! Come on, lets go!

Motivation drained away

Nothing left but an empty shell.

An assembly line of chaotic thought

These things missing cannot be bought.

How to replenish? Restore? Stock up?

No one knows—

Well, maybe they do, but

Theyre trapped in their own minds

Hidden behind walls built to protect

But whose purpose changed to isolate.

Share your thoughts, speak your mind, let others hear of your pain.

The choice made instead is to lock up, shut down,

Put on a fake smile.

You dont know me, and now Ive made the choice that you never will.

Hide it all behind a mask, so others cant see your pain.

NotFrostButAPoet November 15th, 2019

This poem is very personal and dear to me.

Wear your favorite dress
Grin your warmest smile
Get rid of all your stress
And Put your hand in mine.
Share with me some pretty moments
Dear love, make the most of time.

Tell me the tales you've never voiced
Sing me the songs you once enjoyed.
Leave no precious thought unvoiced
I want your darkness to be destroyed.
Share with me those bittersweet memories
Dear Love, make the most of time.

When expressing things becomes hard
Your peaceful silence, so serene!
I'm just going to love you in my arms
Shower you with hugs and kisses evergreen.
Share with me those platonic joys
Dear love, make the most of time.

Our time is limited, the clock ticking by
Give me one reason you're leaving forever
Tell me if death is all that makes you smile
Let me convince you we deserve forever.
Share with me your darkness
Dear love, make the most of time.

How can I let you leave me in this wicked abyss?
How can I love you and leave you to die?
We cannot make the most of time,
Dear love.
We cannot make the most of time.

If death is all that makes you smile,
Dear love, sing me to slumber.
Lull me your lullaby with your smiling lips.
Kiss me goodbye when I'm asleep.
Kiss me goodbye when I'm asleep.

MissM0921 November 15th, 2019

@NotFrostButAPoet This speaks so deeply to me. I love it. Thank you for sharing!

NotFrostButAPoet November 16th, 2019

@MissM0921 Thank you for saying that :")

MissM0921 November 17th, 2019

@NotFrostButAPoet You're welcome :)

MissM0921 November 15th, 2019

I know. I know I'm writing you messages you'll never see. But I can't let you try and take the hurt from me it will just give you the control that you desire to have. I have to build me to get me back. Tears roll hot and heavy. Relentlessly pulling me into the black. I memorize your face, for if I watch you long enough, maybe you'll catch my gaze. Maybe you'll be able to read the love and worry in my expression. My love never stopped even in the chaos of our tension. I did my best to be your everything. But in doing so, I lost all of me. Because I gave it all to you, to keep safe and protect. I gave so much, that I had nothing left. People aren't toys meant to be manipulated to your liking. You were my king, I thought I was your queen. As soon as you lost control, you changed the rules. Only was it then, that I began to realize that I was being the fool. I literally ripped myself apart and put myself together to conform to what you wanted. But that wasn't me, and that's not love. Pain *is not* a necessity of love. You don't have to manipulate to try and take only the pieces you want. Are you that insecure that you could never feel my genuine love? Are you that narcissistic that you truly can't control yourself? Or is causing pain to someone else to lessen your own too great of a high? And then when you're done, discarding me like you did the rest, you'll blame me for the mess you left behind. You'll tell them I was weak. You'll tell them I was insane. You'll tell them, "It wasn't me, she's to blame". Even with the blood all over you, clearly showing the wounds you inflicted on me. It's so much easier to deny all the evidence, when someone else is left to bleed. But you see love, I still have the control. Because even as much as I want to message you, I won't let you see me fall. I need you to watch me thrive, so that way you know, you can no longer control my life. Maybe you'll see me in a new light. Maybe you'll tell me you love me. But we've been down this road before. And I am no longer a game, only being rewarded when YOU score.

dworth257 November 15th, 2019

@MissM0921 I love this !

MissM0921 November 15th, 2019

@dworth257 oh, thank you! That's kind of you.

humorousDay8793 November 16th, 2019

Here are my humble little poems ive written over the past 2 months or so. Hope somebody enjoys them 😊


The pain keeps pulling

Im faced with the fact

I cant get this ivory knife out of my back

The blood has stained, the taste is sour

This little rhyme helps pass another hour

The minutes stack......

there goes one now.....

There are no rules, im just learning how.


A Paniced frantic manic maniacal mess

Depressed upset no mental health Acess

Broke, broken busted and flat out stressed

Fear changes Challenged totally obsessed

Wonder wander a wickedly hard test

Factual disfunctional finatical cardiac arrest


They say time heals all wounds, But i doubt it!

There's no clock loud enough when it's shouting

Can't stop the Hands of time, I know all about it!

Hold your clock up high, Can't live without it!

How many tics & tocks? I've stopped counting!

When the alarm sounds, and my heart is pounding

Better get it wound because the pressures mounting


Sometime My finger has a mind of it's own.

It's hits on the keyboard like it has a soul.

I can't slow it down when it's on a roll.

It types the message till it reaches that goal

Tapping like lightening and never slow


Percieving what we believe in is decieving and has no meaning as life's mistreating dishes out this beating leaving us bleeding but we cant see it if we close our minds and we cant think about this when we're blind, so walk away and you will find, a freind here waiting for a sign!

So take your time and organise whats on your mind and you'll find you're not really behind, so relax your eyes and realize you're fine, just the way you are. And you can reach for the stars, put cream on the scars, and healing transpires. The delusional parts only confuse our goals and corrupt our souls leaving us with a heart full of holes. Set goals now and your mind will see what closed eyes has failed to believe, don't let sight deceive keeping us on our knees; throwing logic into the breeze. Winds at your back excited, Winds of hope reignited me. Step by step confide so we can share secrets of life thinking "what could be" If we let it, if you hold back you'll regret it.

There, Now I've gone and said it!

We hold ourselves down; Dirty on the ground I've found myself tourmented and bound by invisibility. I've ignorged all possibility, so I must set myself free of a self-inflicted confined mystery that causes so much mysery.


My twisted soul keeps twisting tight

Twist to my left then I twist right

Looking for answers all day n all night

Im ready to battle, im ready to fight

Honors my sheild n wisdoms my knife

Cannot be beat down cause this is my life!


I feel so defeated!

I've always helped all who needed.

Now I need help, but get mistreated

From the BS, They keep on feeding

I stare at my wrist bleeding

Wondering why their so greedy

$220 for each meeting


"What does depression feel like?" Here was my posted reply.

Depression feels like when my wife cheated and my father, then my daughter commited suicide.

Depression feels, HalfDead inside

Depression is like a landslide

A black eye Its hard to try

A long sigh

Cant even cry

Didnt get to say goodbye

Living a lie

Wanting to ddd'die

Askin WHY

Staring at the sky

My mouth's dry

I cant rise

I cant fly

Dizzy when up to high

Can't apply

Can't deny

Depression is all these things wrapped together and tied!😲



Red peddles of nature, no limitations

Velvety smooth configurations

A symbol of love and appreciations

The thorns they protect from bad situations

Beautiful fragrances invite conversations

Except this Rose and my salutations


Appreciate the love in your heart.

Appreciate even though we've been torn apart.

Appreciate we breathe the same air.

Appreciate, and I am still here.

Appreciate the lives that we have.

Appreciate every time that you laugh.

Appreciate and allow yourself to heal.

Appreciate life is a very big deal.

Appreciate the sun in the east.

Appreciate Thanksgiving feasts.

Appreciate the bounties you have.

Appreciate, learn to appreciate.

It's never to late to appreciate

Appreciate every breath that you breathe.

Appreciate all the love you receive.

I Appreciate, I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I Appreciate, and I will always believe.

Appreciate all the things you achieve.

Appreciate, this is a precious gift that is free.

Appreciate your whole family tree.

Appreciate everything you can see.

I Appreciate you, and pray you appreciate me.

And yes.....I already know you agree!


I just feel like my low is so low i have no place to go.

Words are just words saying things i already know.

Asking for help means eating more crow.

Stuck and my moods fighting big to big toe.

The more i reach out the more i feel low.

Frustations high and im down below

Im doing that "dont" cause im still in control

Im tempted to cut or smash my phone

Im stuck with myself im just sitting alone

If i jumped in my car, where would i go

I have no gas and no rhymes for this flow

Im holding it down but only so so


Time to try to distact myself time for a poem

Time to stay busy while sitting alone

Time to try to find some peace in my home

Time to try not too smash down my phone

Time to just sit here just stuck in this zone

Time to type tap tap tapping and write a flow

Time is upon me now i have to go😊

LPyMP November 16th, 2019


By: Lupita (MPyLP)

I'm torn and broken,
without much worth
I'm overseen and ignored
I'm an afterthought a burden
Something so easily discarded or torn
The negativity bears on me so
it's more than I can take
I'm on the brink ready to fold
I'm giving up
just ready to sink
I feel your grasp
your gentle hold
you guide me away from that bottomless pit
you show me a world
I did not believe it really to exist
I feel so unworthy to enter this realm
But you broke all my walls
vanquished all my fears and my fails
you brought forth the Phoenix fighting in me
to be let out
to be set free
I've been reborn
stronger and new
I'm not a survivor,
a warrior true
you've shown how precious and special I am
And how worthy of love and happiness too.
But my past may still haunt me
Yet with every mistake
with every blunder
as much as I hate that broken up
beat up girl in me
With your love, your compassion
Your faith...
I am reborn...I am free

LPyMP November 16th, 2019


just wanted say thank you for this post. I just posted something and it was very ....liberating. Haven't written in a while and I feel so at peace bc I let out some of what I've been feeling and I think I may send my poem to my husband bc it is about him tbh. Bc he has been my biggest supporter. But thank you for making such a beautiful beautiful post.

Lovelyboness November 25th, 2019

Pretending to be happy is getting to hard for me
I don't know why it's so hard for anyone to see
Is it because Im too good at hiding behind fake laughs and a smile
Or because I'm too good at pretending to love my life style
I'm always wondering how do I make this life worthwhile?
It's so hard to put into words the way I feel
I constantly see myself as a third wheel
My nights always consist of fear and doubt
I don't know how to control my feelings and I always want to shout
I want to cry and punch something
I cry out for help but there's not a soul that is listening
I am ugly and gross
Repulsive at most
I hate myself down to my fingers and toes
Why can't i be glowing, and glistening
Why can't I be happy and skinny and witty
Why can't I be the girl who is always grinning, and looking pretty
I could have it worse so why am I sad?
Its not fair to have it so good
And be hurting so bad
It's a weird feeling, indescribable almost
But I will try to explain it
I could be surrounded by friends & family, walking through the city
And all I will feel
Is alone, and a disturbing self pity
Is there anyone out there who can help me understand
Stay by my side
And hold onto my hand
Tell me everything is going to be okay
Remind me that if I hold on and keep fighting, I will be untroubled one day
One day I will work through my trouble,
But right now life is one big unsolvable puzzle
But with every puzzle there is a solution
A conclusion to the delusion
A resolution that doesn't involve my own execution
I will stay here and keep fighting
I will hold on to my hope
Because whether I believe it or not
My life is worth it, and I will learn how to cope
If I want to see that light at the end of the tunnel
I have to keep going
Move like a river, that never stops flowing.

Lovelyboness November 25th, 2019

Im just wondering how you are
You should know that Its different here
Now that youve gone away so far
The morning coffee doesnt have the same smell
When I have good news
There is no one to tell
I miss your cheerful smile
And your comforting words
It feels like its been forever, but it has only been a little while
Some things that I have noticed
Are that the birds seem to chirp louder on the mornings that I dont want to open my eyes
And the sun seems to shine brighter in my window
When Im hurting and full of cries
You should know that I know its you
Telling me to get out of bed
Telling me I will be okay
That only good things lie ahead
When Im cold
I feel your warmth and arms around me
I could never forget your hold
You always made me feel so strong, so comforted and so bold
I wish you could tell me how you felt in your last few moments here
Were you scared, were you confused, did you cry one last tear?
Or did you feel as safe as you made me feel
Did you know what was happening, and why?
If angels are real, are you really in the sky, and with the wings god is supposed to give you, can you now fly?
Is everything the same as we all like to believe
Or is there a different truth that we just have to wait until we die to recieve?
Now you know that I feel your love even though youre gone
But can you still feel mine?
Do you know how many times I listen to your voicemails, do you know my favorite one?
Do you know that I drink coffee every day now
Only because you used too in the early morning sun?
Do you know that I listen to Pink Floyd on repeat,
Because it was your favorite band, and each beat makes me feel closer to your own heartbeat
Do you know how different the air is, how different the grass smells, how different the phone rings, how different, everything is different
How I used to feel happy when I saw others laughing with their fathers
But now I feel angry and jealous, because they have something I have no longer.
My only wishes are that you are happy, free of any and all pain, and that you see how hard Im trying to make you proud.
I will continue to look up at the sky, and know that it is you behind that one special cloud
The one that always stands out more than any other
And I hope you feel all the love from everyone, especially me, my mother, and my brother

Lovelyboness November 25th, 2019

I eat like shit
And I blacken my lungs with smoke
But I can't throw a fit
Because it's me who took that first toke
I drink until the room is dizzy
And until my dress gets loose
And my hair gets frizzy
Party every night
Because that's the good life, right?
Take a shot
Drink a forty
Smoke some pot
Then fuck a guy named Morty
Black out
Wake up full of unsurety
My life is a cycle of abuse and neglect
But what I've failed to realize
Is something I'd never expect
Ive done this to myself
I've put my health on a shelf
I have only me to blame
Every breath I've taken
I've treated like a game
A game I am surely going to loose
If I don't quit smoking pot and drinking booze

Lovelyboness November 25th, 2019

I'm not thick
I'm not pleasantly plump
I will never be a stick
But my ass will always be bigger than a camels hump
I step on the scale
And it goes out of control
Spinning and spinning and now I'm starting to turn pale
Now I look in the mirror and my hands start to tremble
I can't fight back the tears
Because I wish my body were just a rental
To have a new body would change my world
I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom every time eat
And have everyone know that I just hurled
I could wear a dress and let my legs show
I could get ready in 5 minutes
And I wouldn't be the one getting yelled at every morning "why are you always so slow?"
Because I would no longer have to cover my rolls
Or put pounds of makeup on over my moles
Everyone tells me I am beautiful, there is nothing wrong!
"You have body dysmorphia"
"Just keep hanging on!"
Don't tell me that what I see isn't true
And that my eyes deceive me
I know what I see, and you should be saying "moo"
Because I'm clearly a cow
And if you asked me how I got here
I simply wouldn't know how

Dovakoda November 25th, 2019

Here's a link to my book.... I've been writing a long time... There was a time where I was open to critisizm but that time has long passed... Please be gentle...

SecretHouse9 November 26th, 2019


I wander out of phase

out of time

with the seasons

its too quick and easy

the likes and notifications

flare up

against my increasingly blurry vision

Enough of this fools gold

the dopamine hits

the relentless scrolling

which details, like treatises

of alliances and allegiances

stories told and untold

hanging in the air

like a breath, frozen.

Iris7661 December 3rd, 2019

My Forest

I have a secret locked away,

hidden tight and far back

away from all eyes but my own,

my little forest beneath the brush

its easy once you know the way,

just go beneath the bridge

and though a mound of broken rock,

you wont have to look for too long

rows upon rows of perfect trees,

they stand tall above us

each one lined up with the other,

it looks prettier like that

leafs cover the once barren ground,

gold brown and cherry red

and burgundy are everywhere,

theres no yellow or green

I planted every tree thats here,

roots only inches deep

are now sprawled out to depths unknown,

the ground doesnt mind

you look a little bit frightened,

did I say something wrong

or was it something wrong I did?

its the forest

this wasnt a good idea,

it looks pretty to me

but not to others I suppose,

I'm sorry

I guess the leaves were all too red

and the rows too perfect

and the roots in the ground too deep,

I guess

just go out the way you came in,

I'll close the entrance tight

and you wont have to come again,


I'm sorry you didnt like it,

if you need to find me

I'll be planting another row

If you're wondering what it's about, I recently relapsed so I decided to write a poem about it. Hope you enjoyed!

dworth257 January 10th, 2020

@Iris7661 i love this.