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User Profile: ListeningRoses56
ListeningRoses56 November 13th

How do explain how I love you?

How do I explain why the sun shines? 

How do I explain the intoxication of wines? 

My love for you is the calling of my soul.
It is the essence of my being.

It is the sight of my seeing. 

I love you because you are you. 

I love you because I am me. 




This resonates closely to something I've heard "I love you, just because. There's no 'why' to it and I'm glad, because the 'whys' and 'reasons' can change or lose its value over time or through different circumstances, so my love for you transcends all reasonings and meaning, and the passage of time; it is there and it always will be, just because." 🌞

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User Profile: ListeningRoses56
ListeningRoses56 OP November 13th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou that was the exact thought behind it. 

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User Profile: azurePond
azurePond November 13th

@ListeningRoses56  The line “I love you because you are you” is so simple yet so powerful – it’s like you’ve captured the purest form of love. It’s so raw and genuine. Truly lovely!

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User Profile: ListeningRoses56
ListeningRoses56 OP November 13th

@azurePond thank you ❤

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User Profile: BlueDarkAurora
BlueDarkAurora November 13th

@ListeningRoses56 This is so pretty<3 

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User Profile: ListeningRoses56
ListeningRoses56 OP November 14th

@BlueDarkAurora thank you! Glad you liked it. 

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User Profile: BastionKnight
BastionKnight November 13th


That was a very sweet poem with an appealing sentiment. I liked the rhyming scheme you chose, and found the whole piece very pleasant. Hope you show us all more of your writing in the future. 

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User Profile: ListeningRoses56
ListeningRoses56 OP November 14th

@BastionKnight thank you for the encouragement 

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