Sleep has become a myth,
A tale I simply talk about with kin and kith.
My eyes have become mere balls,
Sitting within the comfort of my sockets
Simply staring at darkness.
It has become a job for them to tell
The different shades of dark,
The sight of nothingness but
Something black.
Sleep has become a myth,
A tale I simply talk about with kin and kith.
My ears have become security gadgets,
Sensitive to any kind of sound,
A falling avocado could signify a thief roaming the night,
A drop of rain could be a warning to the mad man outside the gate,
A barking dog could mean the neighbor is in danger,
A *** crowing could be a cry for help to the neighbors to check on their *** otherwise they might wake up with no ***.
My ears have become sensitive to any kind of sound,
Mostly the sound of nothingness,
Mostly the sound of darkness.
Sleep has become a myth,
A tale I simply talk about with kin and kith.
My mind has become an artist,
Drawing every bit of my imagination
And turning it into a dream I would be having.
My mind has become a movie theatre,
It's constantly playing all different short films
Titled, “Dream Suggestions”
But my eyes have refused to catch sleep.
Sleep has definitely become a myth,
A tale I simply talk about with kin and kith.
@decisiveSea4539: Very sorry that you have sleep problems. I can relate to that as I have sleep problems too. I’m able to fall asleep however for no reason I wake up in the middle of the night and as a result I get less than 5 or 6 hours of sleep. This started this year and used to happen every night but lately it went away for a while but recently it’s come back again so I’m having these problems again. Also on some nights or most nights I take a long time to fall asleep despite turning all my devices off more than an hour before, have a light but nutritious dinner that fills me up and I finish eating and get to sleep early. I’m doing everything I can do to fall asleep early and stay asleep throughout the night so idk tbh why I’m not able to.
@akunknown I hope we both fight this problem🫂🫂
Me reading this with my 1% battery level and sunken eyes...INSOMNIA
Sooo relatable... You spoke for quite a few of us Cupsians, I suspect. These days if I'm in a conversation with someone & (s)he mentions sleep, I usually say something like "sleep? What is this 'sleep'? I've heard about it but I've never tried any"...
@decisiveSea4539 I'm sorry sweetie 😥 I'm lucky my doctor prescibes me sleeping meds to take every night. Trying to function with out sleep, is very difficult, I wish I knew how to help you. But again another beautifully written poem, another great expressive poem ❤