Everytime she says I need a break from you
I prepare myself to loose her
Cuz if it weren't for me to *** her off, traumatize her , to get her worried
She would have had a life with a little less stress and a little more calm
I am clingy towards her
I don't let go Maybe it's my fault
Being clingy is genuinly annoying and I know
but I just really hope it isn't too late to say I'm sorry
She says the samethings again and again
No matter how hard I try I just tend to break
like a glass window after the touch of a hammer
but she isn't the hammer here but I am the glass
She is the artist whose tried to make this peice of glass by painting on it
But somewhere in the ends of my body and soul devoid of heart
I know and I know
That she will return
this feeling doesn't stay for long tho
as time passes by the desperation to speak to her increases
Time is relative she used to say
Very moving and from the heart. Quite a tear jerker.